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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Faro presenta las funciones del software CAM2 Measure 10.3 en un webinario gratuito

Lighthouse presents the functions of the software CAM2 Measure 10.3 in a webinario free


20 May 2014

Lighthouse Technologies, Inc., provider of portable solutions of measurement 3D and capture of images, organises a webinario free in which it will present the new functions of the software Lighthouse CAM2 Measure 10.3. The webinario, moderated by the prestigious expert Manuel Trejo, is foreseen for the Monday 26 May to the 12:00 hours. In the same, will analyse in deep detail the new software of integral metrology everything in one of Lighthouse CAM2 Measure 10.3. The aim is that all person interested can discover the functions of this in the measurement with and without contact.

CAM2 Measure 10.3 represent all a revolution and offers a new dimension in clouds of points of the known software of metrology of Lighthouse. His innumerable advantages, as well as his additional functions of CAM2 Measure of the tactile measurement, turn it into the perfect combination for the inspection with and without contact in an only software, being applicable in all the equipment of hardware of Lighthouse.

Like this, this new software can use , for example, with the main equipment metrológicos of the company, like the Lighthouse ScanArm, for the analyses of CAD to piece, and is optimised for tasks like the inspection of free and complex forms, and even of soft or flexible materials difficult to inspect with a tactile system.

His new functions, like the analysis of transversal sections, the register of clouds of points, the scoreboards of deviation and the improvement of Live Colour Sca between others, contribute to optimise the experience of the user in the compilation of data and the analysis of clouds of points. These new options simplify and accelerate the process of measurement, guiding to the operarios in his activities of poll and scanned.

Software CAM2 Measure 10.3.
Software CAM2 Measure 10.3.

The planned diary for this webinario is the following:

  • Presentation of the software.
  • New functions of the software:
  1. extraction equipment equipment equipment
  2. Capture of clouds of points
  3. Management of clouds of points
  4. Alignment of clouds of points to CAD
  5. Analysis of clouds of point
  • Main profits.
  • Questions and answers.

The registration to this webinario is free. For more information and registrations, is possible to put in contact with the free number 00800 – 3276 7253 or visiting the web page.

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