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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at De la robótica y el láser a la máquina-herramienta autoportable, por IK4-Tekniker
Pavilion number 1, stand C06 / D05

Of the robotics and the laser to the machine-tool autoportable, by IK4-Tekniker

Editorial Interempresas12/05/2014
The technological centre IK4-Tekniker, situated in Eibar (Basque Country) is specialised in the development and technology transfer to the industrial fabric to improve the competitiveness of the companies and that these attain to differentiate in a stage of global competition. His more than 30 years of experience in investigation in technology applied has allowed him reach a high degree of specialisation in four areas: engineering of precision and mecatrónica, engineering of surfaces, engineering of production and automation and technologies of manufacture) what allows him put his technology of avant-garde to the service of new challenges. At present IK4-Tekniker offers solutions to industrial states like the one of machine-tool and goods of team, a relation that show sobradamente in the BIEMH.

IK4-Tekniker occupies a stand in the BIEMH, specifically in the pavilion number 1, stand C06 and D05, allocated to the start, metrology and CAD/CAM/FALLS, where the visitors will be able to can know at first hand the activity of the centre in the sector of the machine-tool through the following demostradores:

  1. Metrology: Verification and volumetric compensation of MH and MMC
  2. industrial Robotics
  3. Robotic of service
  4. Machine tool car-portable
  5. Additive Manufacture
IK4-Tekniker provides the support to the machine-tool from an integral approach
IK4-Tekniker provides the support to the machine-tool from an integral approach.

Metrology advanced for big machines

The centre shows the technology advanced that employs in his Service of Verification and Volumetric Compensation for industrial companies. Conscious that so much the machines-tool like the machines of measurement by coordinates (MCC) show inevitably intrinsic detours to result of the inaccurate manufacture of the components of the machine, of the wear of the functional pieces (holguras), of the error of reading of the rules, as well as of the elastic deformations of the structure, etc., IK4-Tekniker offers this service of verification and compensation of machines of measurement and of machine tool by means of technologies laser tracker and LaserTracer in reply to the demand of requests of the market to verify pieces of greater dimensions, tolerances of manufacture narrower, and machines of greater provision. Also it gives answer to the current rule ISO 10360-2, ISO-230-2.

In BIEMH the visitors can know the Service of Verification and Volumetric Compensation for industrial companies of the centre...
In BIEMH the visitors can know the Service of Verification and Volumetric Compensation for industrial companies of the centre.

Industrial robotics and collaboration person-robot

The industrial robotics has contributed reliability, reduction of costs and precision to the production in crowd of industries. On the other hand, the progressive complexity of the processes of production has entered a new challenge for the robotic developers: the interaction between humans and robots. This is one of the main fortresses of the robot bi-manipulador that the centre shows in BIEMH. With two arms and a torso, the robot answers to the practical requirements of production and, besides, contributes solutions that allow the flexible automation in different applications for sectors like the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing or the one of the appliances. In the fair, the robot will do a demonstration of setting and desmontaje of an integrated group in a battery Redox.

A robot-guide to present his stand

The robots are going out of the factories. No longer it is rare to find robots in hospitals, museums and even in our own homes, where help us with the domestic tasks. Conscious of this increasing market, IK4-Tekniker has left in hands of his last robotic development of service, the robot guides, the visit guided to the visitors by the stand of the centre. The autonomous navigation endows to this robot guides of the capacity to displace by complex surroundings, occupied by people, without being guided externamente. Therefore, it is able to sail surroundings no especially adapted to his characteristics, a priori unknown, continuously cambiantes and with an important human presence. Besides, the robot is designed for interactuar with the people by means of the fusion of diverse sources of sensory information, but his systems are especially thought to guarantee the hygiene. This is a critical appearance in the robotics of service, since the robots have to move in surroundings in which there are people and interactuar with them of safe form.

IK4-Tekniker has left in hands of his last robotic development of service, the robot guides...
IK4-Tekniker has left in hands of his last robotic development of service, the robot guides, the visit guided to the visitors by the stand of the centre.

MH autoportable For the mechanised of big pieces

The needs of the big companies of engineering and infrastructures have pushed in the last years to the signatures of machine western tool to manufacture machines of every time greater size to be able to mechanise pieces of big dimensions. The machine tool autoportable that IK4-Tekniker has developed in the breast of the European project MiRoR beside universities, companies and technology centres of all Europe and that presents in the Biennial, supposes a new concept that consists in a change of paradigm: finish with the dogma “big machines around and for big pieces” in favour of new machines-tool of small size that can be transported until the surroundings of the piece in service and that they can position with freedom on the same to realizar the work of mechanised with equivalent quality to the one of the big machines. These machines, intelligent and of small size, that are carried until the piece and are free to move and work on her, receive conventionally the name of machines portables and are the base of the new focus ‘small machines on big pieces'.

‘Laser cladding': Manufacture pieces adding material

The mechanised of a metallic piece can do of two ways: deleting material or adding it until conforming the piece with the characteristics that wish . To this second road belongs the technology of the Laser cladding, that IK4-Tekniker presents in BIEMH. It treats of a system of additive manufacture (by añadidura of material) by means of a do of laser and a continuous addition of metallic material in shape of dust that solidifies of immediate form. The system, that carries long time being employed in the repair of pieces of big size, as well as to improve the mechanical properties and of corrosion of metallic pieces.

The technology of the Laser cladding...
The technology of the Laser cladding, that IK4-Tekniker presents is a system of additive manufacture by means of a do of laser and a continuous addition of metallic material in shape of dust that solidifies .

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