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Dynamos Offers a lot of advantages: the flexibility of software, the compacidad and the cleaning in the operation and profits in terms of hygiene and environingingment.

The motorreductores of Nord help to improve the quality of the appetizerss

Editorial Interempresas30/12/2013

TMCI Padovan Has supplied to a known Italian producer of drunk aromatizadas an awarded machine Dynamos, provista of motorreductores of Nord. The machine is allocated to the final treatment of the resultant dregs of the filtered tangential of basic wines for vermut and of the clarificaciones with carbon decolorante.

The customer looked for an innovative solution to replace a filter of empty traditional. Because of the big volume processed, was necessary a reliable machine with a low consumption of enegería, able to work an average of 8 to 10 hours every day of the year. After identifying the filter Dynamos like a possible solution to the problem, the customer asked to TMCI Padovan that realizar a proof in the plant of production.

Provisto Of motorreductores Nord, Dynamos offers a lot of advantages, that were conclusive for the final election. In the first place, the flexibility of software, that allows to adjust the parameters of operation to attain the final products. Second, the compacidad and the cleaning in the operation: the filtered tangential in enclosed space allows a better hygiene and reduces the total size. In addition to being an advantage of costs, the operation without adyuvantes is also a profit in terms of hygiene and environingingment. On the other hand, during the filtered the consumptions of power reduce . The temperature of collected does not require attention and, when being Dynamos an enclosed system, the oxidation of the product is practically invalid.

Likewise, the reduction of the adyuvantes of filtered and, therefore, of the resultant waste of the operations was one of the points that carried to substitute by Dynamos the technology of filtered traditional used previously.

TMCI Padovan Group Is the technological partner of reference of the industry of the wine and of the alimentary industry and of beverages in general...
TMCI Padovan Group Is the technological partner of reference of the industry of the wine and of the alimentary industry and of beverages in general.

A tangential filter newspaper awarded

The Dynamos of TMCI Padovan is the first dynamic tangential filter rotatory endowed of an innovative system calibrated of impulse of realimentación (back-presses), a new machine that, from now on, goes to be the most valid alternative without adyuvantes to the filtered of the dregs of musts and wines, that is to say, liquids that have a high level of solids in suspension. The principle used is the one of the filtered tangential applied in the (filters of) disks. This process of low consumption of power avoids jams and allows an easy cleaning. It contemplates cycles of filtered long (until 72 hours without interruptions) and high performances (25 to 50 l/m2/h without faeces), without reduction of the red colour and with low absorption of oxygen. The available models, compact and easy to use, are inside the margins of 2 to 40 m2 and multiples.

Recently, Dynamos received the prestigious Prize to the Innovation during Simei 2011, the international event more important in the industry vinícola, thank you also to technical components of last generation that allowed to mount an only system. Like the equipment of Nord, widely used in the filters Dynamos. In fact, in the smallest machine there is 4 motorreductores of parallel axles SK3282AF of Nord with converter of frequency SK205And integrated and an engine of 2,2 kW. The biggest machine has double number of accionamientos: like the motorreductores Nord do to turn the disks of filtered, his number varies in function of the number of axles of disk (1 to 16) in the machine. Finally, the machines have one or two deposits for the product; in each deposit there is four motorreductores, therefore, is necessary to duplicate the motorreductores when the deposits are two.

Dynamos Bases in the principle of the filtered tangential applied in the disks
Dynamos Bases in the principle of the filtered tangential applied in the disks.

The motorreductores with converter of vectorial frequency without integrated sensor - a converter that does not require any sensor of speed - and the converters SK205And guarantee a constant rotation in the time, what results in a good quality of the process. The accionamientos adjust the speed of the system by means of the communication with the PLC of control through the bus of field. The filters Dynamos also are provistos of an engine of 4 poles of 3 kW with a converter of frequency SK205And of Nord for the bomb of circulation.

The frequency converters SK 200And are available in models to install near of the engine or integrated with the engine, with the same wide functional range that the converters centralised to install in cupboard of the series SK 500And. In addition to offering a big capacity of overload of 200%, the frequency converters decentralised allow that the users plant the accionamiento with high precision. The notable positions (incremental or continuous axles) or in absolute values (rotary presses tables/fixed positions repetibles) can control of binary form by means of entrances of the SK 200And and store in the team. As alternative, can establish through a system of bus of field. The positions can detect through transductores (encoders) incremental of position (in the basic supply of the converters includes a function of reference), or is possible to establish directly the proportionate values by a transductor (encoder) of absolute position CANopen. The configuration is easy, fast and concise - is sufficient to establish only some parameters for the set up and adjust.

Winning characteristics

Many of the characteristics of the products of Nord contributed to the success of the application. In particular, the high precision of rotation (that it is directly related with the quality of the final product), the function of saving of power that allows to use only a fraction of the nominal power when the filter does not require it all, the simplicity of setting thanks to some compact equipment, the local storage of all the data of programming in EEPROM extraíble and the possibility to reach standard of hygiene as IN 61508: SIL 3, are fundamental.

On the other hand, the possibility to communicate with the PLC through the bus of field specified by the customer through an only node for several equipment, allows to interconnect the motorreductores with the bus of field based in CANopen always present in the frequency converters, what results in a saving of costs. Another saving of additional cost is the reduction of size of the electrical cupboard, now the converters are decentralised on of the motors.

Finally, is to signal the construction entirely modulate of the groups, the very simple solutions for the direccionamiento of nodes, the complete group of indicators LED of integrated state in the motorreductores and the diagnostics that can read through RS232, so much in the converters as in the nodes distributed through the programario free to interconnect a computer to a tool of type oscilloscope.

In the area of the wine, TMCI Padovan is a world-wide specialist in machines for the filtered, clarificación, pastaurisation...

In the area of the wine, TMCI Padovan is a world-wide specialist in machines for the filtered, clarificación, pastaurisation, evaporation and refrigeration.

Nord Backed to the customer in the phases of selection and set up of the machines, and ensures to the customer a supply and precise service. “We select to Nord especially because of the quality, the robustness and the typology of his equipment, that consider that it is adapted for a prolonged industrial use”, says Narciso Gatti, manager of shopping and operations deTMCI Padovan. "Our company already uses products Nord, especially for filters of empty, machines of processing of vegetal oil and pastaurizadores of tunnel. Nord Is a provider of TMCI Padovan for many years. The first contact established does some 11 years, after an investigation that realizar internally”.

Before the motorreductores of Nord with integrated converter, in the filters Dynamos used motors with transmission by belt. “The new technology has allowed us obtain a series of advantages, such as a greater saving of power, a greater reliability, a design of the most simplified machine and a greater hygiene for the operarios”, says Gatti. "In the future, probably also we will use solutions Nord in others of our products. In particular, we will substitute the current transmissions based in motors and pulleys with toothed belts and in plants for the industry”.

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