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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Cada año la UE elimina residuos reciclables por valor de 5.250 M €
The equivalent figure to 148 million tonnes of broadcasts of CO2

Every year the EU deletes recyclable waste by value of 5.250 M €



As it signals in the Communication of the European Commission ‘A Europe that use effectively the resources', every year the EU deletes recyclable waste, like paper, glass, plastics, aluminium and steel, by value of 5.250 million euros. If they recycled this waste would avoid the equivalent to 148 million tonnes of broadcasts of CO2 to the year. Besides it warns that a better management of the municipal waste could avoid the broadcast of 92 million tonnes of gases of effect invernadero in the year 2020, in comparison with 1995, and that if the countries recycled 70% of his waste would create , at least, 500.000 new employments in Europe.

Is a fact that in the last years the recyclable waste have turned into essential to satisfy the increasing demand of raw materials derivative of the process of industrialisation of Middle East and Asia and the surgimiento of the half class in these regions.

China began to matter recyclable waste, like paper, plastic or scrap, of EE UU, Europe and other developed countries from his entrance in the World-wide Organisation of the Trade, around the year 2000. In the concrete case of Spain and of the paper recovered, this fact produced in the year 2005, like consequence of the increase of the tax of collected of the waste paper and, therefore, of a greater availability of this material in the market.


The market of the export to Asia it is a natural flow, since to Europe arrive packagings of cardboard protecting the goods of consumption that matter of this continent. Said packaging, goes back to need in the origin, in Asia; from here the demand that this market exerts on occident. According to the report of Forestry Trends, the industry recicladora China avoids that 65 million annual tonnes of paper recovered are deleted in dump in EE UU, Japan and Europe.

It is necessary to take into account that the sending of these materials to China realizar using systems of reverse and green logistics, that take advantage of the maritime containers of return. Of this way avoids that a high number of containers of transport return empty of Europe to China. Besides, the transport by sea reduces the volume of broadcasts by kilometre and tonne transported in more than 65%, in comparison with the road transport.

If it left to send this material to these international markets, the excedente European of paper recovered that in 2013 was of 8,8 million tonnes, would have like alternatives the energetic valorisation or the elimination in dump, what would increase of considerable form the European broadcasts of CO2.

The transformation

In this context, the global demand of raw materials has supposed the transformation of the European industry of the recovery and the recycled of waste. The technological change and the opening to other markets, happening to operate only in the domestic market to compete in an international market that every time tends more to unify , has allowed the development and the growth of the sector in the last decade, in spite of the impact that the financial crisis has had on this industry.

Therefore, the existence of an open and subject market to the autorregulación of the economies of free market of recyclable materials promotes the taxles of recycled, guarantees the survival of the systems of recovery and recycled and supposes an incentive to recycle even more of face to the future, what translates in a greater volume of paper recovered and therefore recycled. In terms of CO2, the 486.000 tonnes of paper recovered that they exported in 2012 to China for his recycled supposed a saving of 438.000 tonnes of broadcasts of CO2 in dump to the year in Spain.

Like this, the free trade of recyclable materials does not increase the broadcasts of CO2, since the global environingingmental profits of the recycled surpass to the broadcasts associated to the necessary transport, what guarantees the maximum aprovechamiento of the waste like new resources, indispensable pillar for the implantation of real of the concept of circular economy.

Related Companies or Entities

Asociación Española de Recicladores Recuperadores de Papel y Cartón

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