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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a José Ramón Lerma, responsable técnico de Biesterfeld Ibérica S.L.U y autor del Libro Manual Avanzado de Inyección de Termoplástico

“Pretend to motivate to the professionals of the sector to a cultural change, so much in the analysis of deviations of process as in the definition of the same”

Interview to José Ramón Lerma, technical manager of Biesterfeld Iberian S.L.Or and author of the Manual Book Advanced of Injection of Thermoplastic

Nerea Gorriti25/04/2014

With more than thirty years of experience in the sector of the injection of plastic occupying diverse charges in plants of production, José Ramón Lerma has published a book that has like objective be, on the one hand, a tool for the learning and, by another, a manual of help for all the personnel of a company of injection of plastics. The book, commercialised by Universal plastics / Interempresas, consists of detailed practical cases, wide information of moldeo scientific and a ‘pendrive' with 20 leaves of calculation and tools of SC Molding or Scientific Injection Molding, in addition to optimisation and definition of process, what do it only in the market. The book, esponsorizado from a start by Biesterfeld Iberian and by companies like Coscollola, Helmut Roegele, Plasmatreat, Wittmann and Zwick/Roell, has woken up the interest of numerous professional of the sector, by his complete content, practical material and by the shortage of this type of publications in the market.

José Ramón Lerma, Technical Development Representative, Biesterfeld Iberian S.L.Or
José Ramón Lerma, Technical Development Representative, Biesterfeld Iberian S.L.Or.

Why a manual book advanced of injection of thermoplastic and moldeo scientific?

During long, the technical personnel of the sector has missed a technical book on the injection of plastics. A publication focused to the practical part and that facilitate the compressesion of the complex process of injection speaking the ‘same language'.

Treats also to improve the level of knowledge. If we optimise our processes to the maximum will be more competitive, so that it will leave to be interesting to do ‘outsourcing' of manufacture and will avoid the consistent damage that generates to the sector.

The book includes a ‘pendrive' with wide information on moldeo scientific, between others

The book includes a ‘pendrive' with wide information on moldeo scientific, between others.

Which is the aim of the publication?

Is a tool, on the one hand of learning of technical personnel of the sector of the injection of plastics and by another, a tool of query and help, for example, to define processes, parameters, optimisations, analysis of deviations of process, selection of materials, comparison of materials, defects, etc.

Treats also of a tool that pretends to motivate to the professionals of the sector to a cultural change, so much in the analysis of deviations of process as in the definition of the same. Also so that it produce a transition of the empirical to the scientific so that the result are robust processes, stable and of maximum profitability using the suitable tools.

Of which form can do this cultural change that signals?

Usually the greater part  of technicians of the sector are used to to register the values of entrance in machine or inputs to define the conditions of the processes. These are for example, the temperature programmed in the unit of plastification, the pressesure of injection limit, revolutions of husillo, the speeds programmed, etc. However, the outputs of process are data or values obtained like resultant of the process of injection of thermoplastic, for example, the real temperature of the mass, the one of the liquid refrigerante, time of filled, etc.

Besides, tools such as In Mould Rheology that determine the behaviour reológico of the material that are using, tied to the binomial machine-mould used, the study of sealed of the entrances, the calculation of the number of Reynols, the definition of the window of process, etc. allow to determine the robustness of our process and know perfectly, if there are them, the ‘red lines' that are exceeding.

With all this can define , thinking in the portability of the processes, the designated Leaf of Universal Parameters that allows to move a process optimised to other machines of different characteristic keeping the original and exact conditions of the process.

Something that also does only to the book is the information on the moldeo scientific, what is?

The moldeo scientific is a methodology of application of tools and scientific methods applied in the injection of thermoplastic. Initially the term scientific injection and some of the methods used were developed in United States does some years, to the 2005-2006.

The aim was to develop concepts that helped to understand better that the injection is a very complex process with crowd of variables and establish processes more robust.

One of the most important points of this methodology consists in having of tools that allow to repeat a robust process and optimised in different occasions, well was in the same machine or in machines of different characteristic. Here it is where appear the outputs of process mentioned.

Speak us of the content of the Manual Book Advanced of Injection of Thermoplastic

In a first part consists of general information on plastics. It treats of basic information on the thermoplastic, structures, types, additives, essays in plastic, properties of the most common plastics, chemical resistances, recognitions to the flame, etc.

A second part offers information on properties of plastics to help to select the best plastic for each type of application. Another chapter bases in the process of injection, the key parameters, the set up optimised of the process, the correct parametrisation, etc.

Later treat the deviations of the process, defects, cases and solutions, real cases of problems of process and finally, tools of moldeo scientific for a scientific injection. Besides it consists of tables of fast query, bibliography, terminology…

Also includes a ‘pendrive' with 20 leaves of calculation with tools of SC molding and optimisation and definition of the process.

The author shows us how the book consists of a big practical part that helps to the professionals of the sector of the injection to optimise his...

The author shows us how the book consists of a big practical part that helps to the professionals of the sector of the injection to optimise his processes of production.

The book already has woken up a lot of interest and even have given courses on his content…

Himself. I presented this book to the Spanish Centre of plastics and to the Technological Centre Ascamm and seemed them very interesting. I Realizar an extract of the manual and like this was how created the course of scientific injection. We have realizar already four announcements in the CEP from webinar with students of all the Spanish geography, of Mexico, Chile, Portugal, etc. and in the case of the Technological Centre Ascamm, has been a very interesting experience, in this case face-to-face and with practices in machine, with companies leaders of the zone.

Besides, a lot of companies and students have contacted me to have more information on the book.

How long it has taken in recopilar all this information?

More than six years. There is a big part based in my experience, in the compilation of infinity of data. Besides there is crowd of practical helps, for example regarding thermal sensors resistance: what material will hold, which families of materials are the most adapted for a determinate process… Are based in thousands of leaves of data, that I same have reviewed.

Besides there are 20 practical cases based also in my experience and  tables  of query. It is everything very visual, of a hojeada sees that it is not all text, with many graphic and elements.

The real cases are practical to 100% and the part of parametrisation also is based in experience, what has supposed a lot of hours in machine and own learnings and learnings realizar by me.

For which profile of professional is thought? To who goes directed?

Fundamentally, to personnel of plant, engineers of process, engineers of quality and design, technicians of proofs of mould, personnel of shopping…

The true is that the diversity of subjects that covers the book covers the needs so much of personnel of quality, from the point of view of analysis of problems deviations defects, etc.; the personnel of engineering, design for selection of materials, what material is the suitable, advantages and problems of a material in front of another… For the person of production, to program a machine of form optimised, with a method homogéneo and profitable and, for the engineers of process, those that define parameters, to apply these tools of moldeo scientific…

Besides, the book includes a ‘pendrive'…

Yes, contains the part of moldeo scientific. There is two big menus of leaves of calculation: one is a database of parameters recommended by each family of material and afterwards is the big leaf of calculation attaches that it includes 20 leaves of calculation to convert units between scientific units and standard units. They serve also for analysis and centred of the process, as they can be analysis of the relative viscosity in the machine, study of the sealed of the entrance in machine, calculation of the turbulent flow of the system of refrigeration, calculation of the entrances and of the cutting cutting shears generated in the same or determination of the window of process. Also it includes an example of Leaf of Calculate Universal to improve the portability between machines.

From the content of the book give courses in the CEP and Ascamm
From the content of the book give courses in the CEP and Ascamm.

You is a big connoisseur of the sector… Speak us of his professional experience

Carry more than thirty years working in the sector of the injection of plastic, in productive plants in distinct sectors, as the one of the cosmetic, laboratories, and in the sector automotive sector. I began like montador of moulds, attendant, boss of plant, responsible of technical office, boss of section and even the last stages like general director.

From seven years ago, am the technical manager of Biesterfield Iberian, a distributor leader in thermoplastic in Europe. Likewise, from the year 2005 collaborate with the Technological Centre Ascamm and from 2013 with  the Spanish Centre of plastic like professor in courses of distinct type related with the injection of thermoplastic.


More information and purchase of books:

Tel. 93 680 20 27

Comments on article / news piece

#26 - Milton Sanchez REynolds
26/03/2022 21:23:22
Muy buena informacion, cual el precio del libro?? y como adquirirlo??
#25 - Laurencio Jardon Gaona
31/01/2021 5:21:00
Hola precio del libreo en moneda mexicana, y como adquirirlo, enviar información a este correo:
#24 - julio cesar chan
08/01/2019 0:49:25
Aun esta a la venta el libro, y cual es el costo del mismo favor de manar información al correo:
#23 - miguel vega
22/04/2017 4:24:02
BUenas noches me gustaria comprar el libro cuanto cuesta el libro en moneda mexicana y como puedo adquirirlo mi correo
#22 - Redacción
29/12/2016 9:54:19
Para realizar pedidos, envíe un email a
#21 - Ulises leonel
28/12/2016 21:22:56
Donde puedo conseguir el libro?
#20 - David Rodriguez
12/10/2016 16:10:31
La ediccion de este impreso ya esta al alcance de los lectores en Reynosa Tams. México o aún no me interesaría poder adquirir un ejemplar de este impreso. Cc:
01/02/2016 23:02:23
Estoy ínteresado de manera urgente en adquirir este libro, me encuentro en Cartagena- Colombia y es mi objetivo tenerlo pronto y saber cuanto cuesta. Mi correo es, creo estar frente a una de las publicaciones más interesantes en el tema de Inyección de plásticos.
#18 - Gerardo Diaz
28/09/2015 20:51:31
Como puedo comprar el libro en mexico y el costo del mismo,mi correo
#17 - Luis Vera
13/06/2015 10:20:24
Tengo mucho interés en el libro. Donde puedo adquirirlo ? Dejo mi correo. Gracias.
#16 - Javier Moldauer
30/05/2015 14:48:28
Estoy interesado en comprar el libro, como puedo hacerlo. Envió mi correo
#15 - Interempresas
21/05/2015 17:18:09
Hola Jose Acosta. Envía por favor un email a y te daremos la información necesaria.
#14 - Jose Acosta
21/05/2015 16:34:35
Muy Interesante tu Informacion que proporcionas, donde podemos comprar tu libro.
#13 - Aitor Vázquez
14/03/2015 23:36:36
Maier, Gernika, he tenido la oportunidad de compartir algun trabajo contigo, incluso mesa (no olvides que tenemos pendiente una comida), la ultima vez en Navarra, y aunque en aquella ocasion, no obtuvimos el resultado esperado, reforce la idea, que ya tenia, de que, ademas de un experto en este oficio del plastico, eres buena gente, me alegro de haberte conocido y te felicito por tu exito personal tanto laboral como literario, sinceramente, ZORIONAK.
#12 - Mateo Gallego Cabrera
23/10/2014 21:49:26
Como ex-compañero tuyo en ALRE Magneti Marelli te felicito por tu libro. Un gran trabajo José Ramón Un abrazo de un amigo
#11 - jorge arellano
22/10/2014 6:37:25
Hola buenas tardes estoy interesado en adquierir el libro de Jose Ramon Lerma como puedo comprarlo, gracias mi correo
11/08/2014 0:42:34
#9 - walter mercado B
27/07/2014 14:37:19
Estoy interesado en adquirir el libro, como puedo hacer? mi correo es
#8 - Ing. Juan Bustos Nuño
27/06/2014 22:46:16
Deseo adquirir su libro. mi correo
#7 - Juan Bustos
22/06/2014 13:25:11
Donde Puedo adquirir este libro mi Correo
#6 -
01/06/2014 2:32:32
necesito comprar el libro mande me información de como puedo comprar el libro gracias
#5 - Jose R Lerma
27/05/2014 18:51:19
muchas gracias Angel por tu comentario un saludo Jose R.
#4 - Angel Garcia
27/05/2014 10:13:25
Hola, queria felicitar al autor, es un libro muy completo y creo que imprescindible. Ralice el primer webinar que se hizo y my contento con la experiencia y por recibir formacion por parte de Jose Ramon. Un saludo
#3 - Jose R Lerma
21/05/2014 0:03:08
Hola Marcos Bernal Puedes contactar bien con Interempresas libros@interempresas o bien a mi email Mirariamos el coste del envio a Mexico y el tema de impuestos entre paises En su dia ya enviamos un libro a ZANINI MEXICO A la espera de tus noticias Saludos
#2 - Marcos Bernal
18/05/2014 2:02:13
como puedo comprar el libro en mexico y a que costo
#1 - Damián Hernández
13/05/2014 20:57:04
Desde el Grupo Wittmann, y más concretamente la división de inyección Wittmann Battenfeld, felicita al autor del libro José Ramón Lerma, y por supuesto recomienda esta obra, ya que se trata de una magnifica herramienta para cualquier persona introducida en este sector, una gran ayuda, imprescindible para conocer y dominar las técnicas de inyección de plásticos.

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