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New range of polipropilenos of high clarity Sabic PP Qrystal

Saving of time and power for the transformers

Editorial Interempresas11/07/2012

11 July 2012

To satisfy the need of the transformers to obtain better products finishings and with better costs of transformation, Sabic has developed two new degrees of polipropileno of high clarity Sabic PP Qrystal. These copolymers random, own of injection, present a behaviour of optimum flow, offering to the transformers the possibility to diminish cycles of production and save power.

Sabic PP QR674K, with a fluidity (MFR) of 40 g/10 min, was developed in principle for applications more sensitive of contact with foods, because of his best properties organolépticas (low smell). Some typical applications are cover and caps, articles of the home, menaje of kitchen and containers for food or other no alimentary products.


Sabic PP QR678K, with his high MFR of 80 g/10 min, is more adapted for the production of pieces with complex forms and/or routes of the mass melted long and narrow. The proofs done by customers have showed that his discharge is roughly 15% higher that the one of a PP random standard with the same index MFR. This allows that the machines work to temperatures of transformation lower and with time of cycle 15% faster, what supposes to his time a potential reduction of the costs of production.

The company offers an extensive package of copolymers random of PP that provide solutions for a wide range of applications, with the suitable combination of good transparency with lower costs of transformation. The range Sabic PP Qrystal, launched in 2010, account now with four degrees, with values MFR that go from 25 to 80 g/10 min.

Sustainable solution

All the degrees Sabic PP Qrystal can transform to temperatures much lower that many other polipropilenos copolymers very used in the market, what involves important decreases of time of cycle and of consumption of power and turns them into the sustainable solution to reduce the footprint of carbon of the articles moldeados. They keep besides a good balance between resistance to the impact and rigidity and allow to the customers produce pieces without the most minimum merma of transparency neither aesthetic.


“When we begin to develop the range Sabic PP Qrystal, study the form to develop material that no only generated better products finished but they allowed also to our direct customers, the companies of moldeo by injection, produce them of the most profitable form possible –says Ricardo Calumby, technical engineer of marketing of PP of Sabic–. We have of important technical resources interns, but only cultivating relations on a long-term basis with our customers and listening attentively what want, will be able to use the knowledges and capacities of both parts to pipe these resources in the correct steering. I think that the launching of these new degrees shows that this cooperative process is working very well. Have the best aesthetic that can achieve inside a wide window of transformation”.

The family of degrees Sabic PP Qrystal produces so much in Europe as in Middle East and supplies all over the world.

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