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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Marcado CE de productos plásticos para construcción: poderoso argumento de venta, imprescindible para la internacionalización
From Aimplas advises to the companies regarding the marked CE of all type of plastic products allocated to the construction

Marked CE of plastic products for construction: powerful available argument, indispensable for the internationalisation

Paco Gómez, Area of Business of Aimplas (Technological Institute of the plastic)


With the birth of the new regulation of the EU to facilitate the commercialisation regarding matter of construction, awards to the Spanish companies a wide periplo for those that wish to export his products to the members of the EEE. For this, Aimplas offers services of information to the companies in the processes of internationalisation (destinations, companies, competition, local information, etc).


The past 1 July 2013 went in in force the new Regulation (EU) Number 305/2011 by which establish the conditions harmonised for the commercialisation of products of the construction.

This regulation derogates to the previous managerial 89/106/CEE of the Council and, as his predecessor, orders the relative conditions to the introduction in the market of products of construction, defining also the criteria to evaluate the provision of said products as well as the conditions of utilisation of the marked CE.

The new regulation has two very clear aims. In the first place, put to disposal of the small and medium enterprises procedures simplified that they lighten the administrative load that they have to assume. Second and very important, facilitate the access to the companies to the European market of a simpler form, deleting barriers or obstacles that can exist in some countries.

The marked CE shows the fulfillment of a product with the legislation of the EU, and therefore allows his free circulation inside the European market. By means of this marked the manufacturer, importing or distributor declares, under his responsibility, the compliance with all the juridical requirements to attain said marked, ensuring like this his validity to be sold inside all the economic space European (EEE).

The EEE is formed by the 28 states members of the EU, the countries of the Aelc (Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein) as well as Turkey. It opens a very interesting fan for the Spanish companies that want to sell his products to members of the EEE.

Regarding countries out of the EEE (east countries of Europe, Africa, Asia, America...) The marked CE can be a powerful available argument, not remaining exentas the companies of the fulfillment of the rule that apply to each country, since the perception that has of the products manufactured in Europe to world-wide level is very good. It is by this that the marked CE, compulsory in the EEE, can turn into a guarantee of quality and therefore in a good baza of face to establish commercial relations with these other countries.

To corroborate the said previously can review some statistical data of sales in the outside. We will analyse the results of the exports in the years 2011, 2012 and 2013 of plastic products for construction basing us in two classifications; code Cnae (activity) and code Taric (arancelario).

Attending to the code Cnae 2223 corresponding to products of plastic for the construction, the values of the last three years are those that appear reflected in the table and following chart.

Exports in thousands of € annual to countries of out of the EEE, inside the EEE and total

Source: Icex
Source: Icex.

As it can observe , the exports have grown during the last years and have experiencing his greater increase during the past 2013 in the two geographic fields. The total sales experience an increase of roughly a 3.4 % of 2011 to 2012 and of a 8 % of 2012 to 2013. Inside the types of products can stand out the growth of the sanitary ware or hygienic products.

Export in thousands of € annual of products with code Taric 3922

Source: Icex
Source: Icex.

The increase in sales to international level of this type of products during the year 2013 was a 15 % elder that during 2012 and of a 20 % more with regard to 2011. To level of countries out of the EEE also exists a growth in almost all the regions.

Export in thousands of € annual to geographic areas out of the EEE

Source: Icex
Source: Icex.

The main areas of destination are the north of Africa, Asia and America, resulting be also the zones where greater growth has had the export during these last years.

With all the previous can conclude that the internationalisation of products of construction is a fact and continue being an opportunity. A fact thanks to the marked CE that has helped a lot to the companies to compete in the market through the quality, and an opportunity for the companies that can maximizarla with the support of technological partners.

In this sense, Aimplas (Technological Institute of the plastic), is Organism Notified by the Ministry of Industry (number 1842) according to the new Regulation (EU) Number 305/2011 for the realisation of the essays of initial type required for the marked of the following products: fixed thermoplastic deposits for storage in surface of domestic diesel of heating, queroseno and fuels diesel as IN 13341 and small installations of purification of waste water for populations of until 50 equivalent inhabitants: septic pits prefabricated and plants of purification of domestic waste water prefabricated as IN 12566-1 and-3.

From Aimplas advises to the companies regarding the marked CE of all type of plastic products allocated to the construction (sanitary ware, plates of impermeabilización, pits and debuggers, deposits…) regarding the identification of the norms harmonised applicable to the product, requests of the system of evaluation of the compliance, realisation of the essays required, exigible content to the technical documentation, labeling and statement of provision.

Besides, Aimplas offers services of information to the companies in the processes of internationalisation (destinations, companies, competition, local information, etc.).

Treats therefore of instruments that are near at hand of the manufacturers of plastic products for construction and have a clear aim: allanarles the terrain to increase his exports.

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AIMPLAS - Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico

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