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A complete complementary program with a new event components, the conference Save Food, Innovationparc Packaging and Metal Packaging Square

Big demand of the display units to participate in Interpack 2014

Editorial Interempresas24/03/2014

Interpack underlines also in 2014 his paper like the most important fair of international field of the sector of the packagings and the industry of affine processes. When it produced the official closing of the registration, to finals of February of 2013, already were reserved all the available surfaces of the enclosure ferial of Düsseldorf, with his 19 pavilions, as in the previous edition of 2011, so that they could not satisfy all the requests of the display units. By this reason, between the 8 and on 14 May 2014, expects again the presence of some 2.700 display units of the areas of feeding and drunk, sweet and products panificados, pharmacy and cosmetic, goods of consumption no alimentary, industrial products and affine services. The present companies in Düsseldorf proceed of some 60 countries and occupy a net surface, approximate, of 174.000 m2.

New parallel event 'components for processing and packaging'

Interpack Offers to the visitors, in addition to the complete offer of the display units, also innovative special subjects. With 'components for processing and packaging', in 2014 adds an additional event for the industry provider of the sector of containers. The companies that offer technology of accionamiento, control and sensors, products for the industrial processing of images, technician of manipulation, industrial software and communication, as well as systems of complete automation for machines of packaging expose in the Düsseldorfer Stadthalle, in the Congress Center Süd (CCD Süd). Besides, it offers to the manufacturers of pieces, components, accessories and peripherals for machines, as well as to the ones of auxiliary means for packagings. In total, participate some 75 companies. Simultaneously to the event celebrates a forum of daily conferences. The visitors can find the current program in:

Image of Messe Duesseldorf

Image of Messe Duesseldorf.

Componentsse Celebrates during the three first days of interpack, of the 8 to 10 May in the inmediaciones of the main fair, in the Stadthalle, in the Congress Center Süd (CCD Süd). The visitors and display units of Interpack have direct access to 'components for processing and packaging'. Exactly the same occurs in reverse sense.

Conference Save Food

Already the day 7 May 2014, the previous to the opening of Interpack, begins the conference Save Food in the Congress Center Süd (CCD Süd), that during two days will offer important subjects for non-profit organisations, as also for the economy and will treat the question of the losses and the waste of foods in front of a wide audience. In this way, after 2011, Interpack will go back to be an only international platform for the exchange of impressesions and knowledges between all the participants interested in this urgent problem. The initiative Save Food, a cooperation of the Organisation of the United Nations for the Feeding and the Agriculture (FAO) and Messe Düsseldorf, that explains also with the support of the Program of the United Nations for the Environingingment (UNEP), presented publicly in 2011 in Interpack with a conference of big success. In the event of 2014 will present , among others, the results of the new studies of the FAO realizar in the countries in roads of development and emergent on the subject of the losses of foods in the same. Besides, the companies of all the chain of creation of value of foods present the 'better practical' (Best Practices).

Image of Messe Duesseldorf

Image of Messe Duesseldorf.

The congress supports the basic aims of the initiative, that are to connect to the actors of the economy, the politics and the investigation to stimulate a constructive dialogue. En última instancia, the aim has to be elaborate solutions to reduce the losses and the waste of foods along the chain of value of the foods. “The alimentary industry, of containers and logistical has an especially important paper in the initiative Save Food. To end of accounts, are the products developed by these companies those that offer concrete approaches to attain solutions. Save Food Has to act like a catalyst for, splitting of these approaches, do even more by means of the contact with other companies and organisations”, explains the director Jablonowski, the one who has put the initiative under way.

Innovationparc Packaging On the subject Save Food

By this reason, the special exhibition Innovationparc Packaging (IPP), already established in Interpack, in 2014 will have like lemma Save Food. The more than 20 members of Save Food participants, companies and associations of all the sectors of the chain of value, present his solutions to avoid the losses and the waste of foods. In this way, the special exhibition presents practical approaches of the fields of the processing of foods, design of packagings, means of packaging and construction of machinery, with which can face the problem of form very concrete. Besides, an exhibition puts of self-evident the dimensions of the problem of the international losses of foods along the chain of value of the foods. From principles of 2012, the initiative Save Food is opened to companies and private people, that no only can participate financially like sponsors, but also contributing contents. Beside the companies of the industry of packagings, already have added almost all the main associations of the sector.

Image of Messe Duesseldorf

Image of Messe Duesseldorf.

IPP Occupies a surface of 2.500 m² in the external terrains covered by a big carp, between the pavilions 2 and 3. In an integrated stage develops a program of conferences during all the period of the fair. Besides there is a zone of catering whose offer was designed in collaboration with Tristam Stuart. Stuart is the manager of the project Feeding the 5000 that has created a reputation thanks to having organised diverse public and free caterings, with big style, for several thousands of people. In them they use foods that would have refused . The visitors can find the program of conferences of the Innovationparc, as well as a plane of the stands in:

Metal Packaging Square 2014

In Interpack 2014 will celebrate also Metal Packaging Square, in the pavilion 11. This special subject presented also, for the first time, in Interpack 2011 and with his concept of stand characterised by the metal, constituted a new meeting point of the international sector of metallic packagings and of the industry notable provider. The special subject favoured by the German association of metallic packagings, Verband Metallverpackungen and. V. (VMV) and the European representation of the manufacturers of ambalajes metallic, Empac, will continue in Interpack 2014 following the concept applied successfully. Under the participation of the association of manufacturers of steel for packagings, Apeal, by first time, are presents like display units producing of hojalata like ThyssenKrupp Rasselstein or ArcelorMittal. Besides, Metal Packaging Square 2014 offers, beside the offers of some 40 display units, a platform of information with forum, bar-lounge and points of meeting.

On-line services complete the visit to the fair

The web of Interpack, was totally renewed visualmente and restructured before the fair. In her, the visitors will be able to inform before his trip on the half useful auxiliaries for an efficient planning of the days of the fair, through the database of display units, with the possibility to create personalised planes of the pavilions or a function of establishment of contacts (matchmaking) with the display units, as well as informations on the novelties of the companies participants. Also it exists mobile access to the services of Interpack in Besides, the visitors have of an application iPhone and Android. This offers, between other things, a database of display units and events updated, planes of the pavilions optimised gráficamente and details of the display units included data of contact, informations of products, form for concertar appointments, as well as a possibility to save notes on the display units respective. Besides, the visitors can record his planning of the fair from a computer in the application, by means of the possibility of synchronisation and to the reverse. In this way they are available all the individual editions, as for example, a personalised indication of the favourites in the plane of the pavilion or notes on companies in both platforms – with independence of where created . The web page of Interpack offers besides possibilities of reservation of hotels or councils on cultural offers of the city to schedule the stay in Düsseldorf.


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