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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at SolidWorks World 2013: El año en el que todo voló por los aires
Orlando, Florida, (EE UU), went the headquarters of the décimoquinta edition of SolidWorks World between the 20 and 23 February 2013

SolidWorks World 2013: The year in which all flew by the airs

Joan Sánchez Sabé20/02/2013
SolidWorks World Alternating, from does a few editions, between the West and the East of the EE UU. In this occasion corresponded him to Orlando, in the sunny Florida, be the location for the evento, as it already occurred in 2009. Although the number of participants was not so high as in the previous edition, the figure keeps on being impressesive: 4.500 people assisted to it it décimoquinta edition of the evento, that is more than consolidated and that shows the liveliness of the mark and of the community that follows it which, clearly, feels community.

SolidWorks Mechanical Conceptual is the novelty entered in this edition. The rest, evolves without revolutions

Every year SolidWorks World offers us news of some new product. In occasions the announcements turn into tangible products to the cape of little time and, in other occasions, need of a period of upper incubation to the planned. In this edition discover that to finals of this year will be available a new application, designated SolidWorks Mechanical Conceptual, and that has like aim offer a tool to do mechanical designs to conceptual level, that is to say, without going in in details. To some extent, pretend to be the tool used by all those that, up to now, basically worked with outlines, done with a tool that was not thought to do outlines, or that, simply, used a pencil and a leaf of paper. They open a market, because it supposes that 30% of the time of a project devotes to create concepts and for this SolidWorks does not have specific tools.

For resumir the product in four words, will use the four employees by his presenters to define it: conceptual, social, instintivo and connected. Conceptual means to ignore the details, concentrate in the essential. Social and connected wants to say colaborativo and prepared for the interlocución between all the involved, from the one who commissions the product until those who have to build his distinct parts, going through the one who designs it. Instintivo, frankly, am not exactly sure of what wants to say, although I imagine that it appeals to the conception of the tool so that it was very easy to use.

Design without limits: the aim of all the users of SolidWorks, presented by Bertrand Sicot
Design without limits: the aim of all the users of SolidWorks, presented by Bertrand Sicot.
On the other hand, it seems that this product is the excuse to enter the technology of Dassault Systèmes (basically, the core of Catia V6, although accompanied of all another group of technologies for which has adopted the denomination Platform 3DExperience). Also it seems that the product will have, or will be able to have, a leg in the cloud. Of this form, seems that it closes a circle that opened in 2010 with the announcement that “SolidWorks went to the cloud” [1], and that has had several reinterpretaciones and changes of steering in front of a reaction a so much criticism by part of the market.

According to reiterations of Fielder Hiss, vice-president of marketing and gestión of product, SolidWorks goes to be followed working (at least during the next years) based in the same technology with which was conceived. On the other hand, one of the products announced in the past edition, SolidWorks Live Buildings, progresses, although it will launch to the market something later of the foreseen originally.

Experience 3D: 3DExperience wants to position as 'the' platform

During the first general session of the evento, Bernard Charlès, president and general director of Dassault Systèmes [2], devoted a good part of his time to matizar the positioning of his company. One of his lemmas was "Dassault Systèmes provides to the companies and the people universes of Experience3D to imagine able sustainable innovations to harmonise product, nature and life". As all good lemma, has a part of marketing and a politically correct terminology. Dassault Systèmes, appointed 4ª more innovative company of the world in the area of Software and Programming, wants to turn into the referent of all what have to see with the 3D. If Google is the platform of research of the planet Tierra, Facebook is the social platform, or Wikipedia a platform of knowledge, Dassault Systèmes wants to position his 3DExperience like the platform for the three-dimensional representation of the Universe. The aim is ambitious, definitely, because it pretends no only situate in the business surroundings of design but it wants to cover to the public in general. It is thus, we believe, that the distinct products of the company go incorporating progressively more characteristic 'web 2.0', as they are the radical simplification of the interfaces of user to achieve ease of use, the incorporation of mechanisms of collaboration and communication: one some democratisation and socialisation of the technology, do it more affordable so that it was ubicua. The audience did not finish it to understand.

Bernard Charlès explains the vision of Dassault Systèmes
Bernard Charlès explains the vision of Dassault Systèmes.

Electricity and plastic: no all the world is mechanical, neither metallic

SolidWorks Incorporated to his portafolio to SolidWorks plastics, whose aim is to provide tools so much to the designer of pieces of plastic (injected), as to the moldista that will manufacture the necessary moulds for his manufactura [4].

In the meantime, shortly after the past summer, SolidWorks presented SolidWorks Electrical, that allows to design the electrical part of a machine, so much to level of pure electrical diagram (even in his simpler version: the sinóptico) like the three-dimensional model of each one of the electrical components, well was in the electrical cupboard, well are motors, detectors, cables or other components that form part of the interior of the machine [5].

The year of the objects steering wheels more or less identified

Each edition of SolidWorks World seems to have a true central subject, that usually serves of 'excuse' to show the potentials of the product. To the mechanical engineers, the greater part of users of SolidWorks, love them the vehicles. This year, we have seen a pile of vehicles, in a very wide sense, whose common characteristic was that they were thought to go by the airs. Of this form, had occasion to know to Art Thompson and Jon Wells, of the company Sage Chesire, Inc. and that they were those who designed and built all the team that allowed to Felix Baumgartner, of the instrument Network Bull Stratos, jump to the empty from more than 39 km of height, and surpass during the fall the speed of light.

Redbull Stratos: Prepared for the stratosphere
Redbull Stratos: Prepared for the stratosphere.
The second day knew to the Professor Vijay Kumar, of the University of Pennsylvania, that does to fly and collaborate to autonomous helicopters miniature with four propellers (cuatrirrotores, according to his nomenclature) to be used in operations of research and rescue, able to collaborate like the bees of a swarm, and, in case of boredom, touch musical instruments.
A cuatrirrotor that fits in the palm of the hand. The size matters. Sometimes, the important is to be small, agile and maniobrable...
A cuatrirrotor that fits in the palm of the hand. The size matters. Sometimes, the important is to be small, agile and maniobrable.
The same day followed him Elias Knubben, of the company Festo. His aim: fix in determinate designs that the nature shows us (designs biónicos, at least sometimes) and apply them to the design of products. One of his attainments: surprise us with a bird voladora, built with materials ultraligeros and accionada by battery, that flew above our heads and achieved that almost anybody remained seated in his chair.
The old dream to do mechanical birds that flew turned into reality of the hand of Festo
The old dream to do mechanical birds that flew turned into reality of the hand of Festo.
And the last day had the opportunity to know to Tom Atchinson, founder of Mavericks Civilian Space Foundation. Resumiendo: Rockets. Resumiendo A bit less: stimulate to the students by the aerospace investigation, the astronaves, vehicles of launching, astrobiology...

The four presentations of things that move by the air had an element in common, that the greater part of the assistants appreciated. In all the cases treated of users of SolidWorks, as those that were seated in front of them. And for a community that considers to himself same community, see to some of his members in the stage... It arouses them, it puts them, it stimulates them. And they appreciate it.

And after flights and more flights, only was missing us a rocket. And it arrived
And after flights and more flights, only was missing us a rocket. And it arrived.

A look to the future version: What there will be in the version 2014 of SolidWorks?

Every year, during the general session of the Wednesday of SolidWorks World, the users can throw a first glimpse to what will come in the next version of SolidWorks. It is an evento that many expect with interest (all are curious cream) and is a big way to arrive to the colophon of the week. The enumeration of this year was teatralizada, as it is habit, with three products crashes used to show all the new characteristic. The products crashes were frankly fun: a computer reconverted in sandwhichera/hamburguesera, designated SolidGrill (and that imagine using to any of our mates of work), a bicycle pro that allows to work while one exercises , call SolidWorkOut (and in which we imagine mounted to the one who directs this publication) and a belt tool holders designated DesignBelt (that we imagine in the waist of our autonombrado responsible of maintenance).

The list of characteristics was really long (some 40) and presented of a form really hilarante. Thanks to the three 'products', the assistants troncharon while they discovered the most notable novelties and that cover all the areas: pieces, groups, drawings, charts, sheet, electricity (SolidWorks Electrical), enrutado, simulation, CircuitWorks, simulation of fluids, interface of users and SolidWorks plastics.

SolidWorkOut: The bicycle multitarea that served of script to explain a good part of the characteristics that will offer the version 2014 of SolidWorks.

Summary of characteristics of SolidWorks 2014

  •     Ranurados
  •     Dimensions
Conjoint, animations and simulation
  •     automatic Disposal of screws
  •     Take advantage of the symmetry in the simulation (symmetry of results)
  •     Transparencies with independence of the order
  •     Lighting with natural sunlight and his animations
  •     Render of animations in network
  •     Dimensions of length of route
  •     Splines of fixed length
  •     Splines of different styles
  •     Replace entities in the outlines
  •     Replace model in the seen
  •     Icons of seen
  •     contextual Menu for the style of the sight
  •     Seen shaded of high quality
  •     angular Dimensions accumulated
  •     Tables of materials divided according to number of rows
  •     eDrawings with reality increased
  •     Cartelas in the corners
  •     Transitions of folded with big arches
SolidWorks Electrical and enrutado
  •     Wired up (mazos of cables)
  •     Reuse of wired up
  •     Clips in flat representations
  •     Pines of connection coloreados
CircuitWorks and Simulation
  •     thermal sensors Properties in CircuitWorks
  •     Link with the simulation of fluids of SolidWork
Interface of User
  •     Subjects
  •     Folder of history
  •     contextual Menu of flexible groups
  •     Save like copy simplified
SolidWorks plastics
  •     Analysis of residual tensions

And for the 2014

Of turn west, SolidWorks World 2014 will celebrate the next year again in San Diego, of the 26 to 29 January.


References and more information

  3. All the articles related with SolidWorks World 2013:
  4. SolidWorks plastics:
  5. SolidWorks Electrical:

Related Companies or Entities

Dassault Systèmes España, S.L. - SolidWorks

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