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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Mejora de polímeros para aviación

Improvement of polymers for aviation


Live surrounded of polymers and, in the actuality, exists a tendency to modify said polymers, to obtain new applications, in place to obtain new polymers. A study of the Group of Technology of Polymers of the UPV/EHU obtains glorious results in the improvement of the mechanical properties and of the electrical conductivity of the polymer poli(ether imida), employed between other things to develop pieces of the aeroplanes, thanks to the employment of nanotubos of carbon. The study has published in the skilled magazine Composites, Part To: Applied Science and Manufacturing.

The nanotubos of carbon have some excellent mechanical properties, are very resistant, very rigid, and besides, are conductive of the electricity. “The problem that have is that they disperse , that is to say, mix with a lot of difficulty with the polymers,” signals Iñaki Eguiazabal, member of the Group of Technology of Polymers. Thus, it is fundamental to find methods that allow to reach a high degree of dispersion and of stability of the nanotubos of carbon in the polymeric matrix. “In this investigation, have given with the successful manufacturing of one of these materials”, adds.

Micrografía Electronic of transmission of the nanocompuesto (poli(ether imida)-poli(butiléntereftalato))/nanotubos of carbon with 3% of nanotubos...

Micrografía Electronic of transmission of the nanocompuesto (poli(ether imida)-poli(butiléntereftalato))/nanotubos of carbon with 3% of nanotubos. UPV/EHU.

The aim of this investigation has been to improve the mechanical properties of the poli (ether imida). The poli (ether imida) is a polymer that possesses very good mechanical and thermal sensors properties, and uses , between other things, to do inner pieces of the aeroplanes. However, like the big majority of the polymers is an insulating material from the electrical point of view. “Adding the nanotubos of carbon, achieve no only improve even more the mechanical properties of said material, but besides we do it conductive of the electricity,” explains Iñaki Eguiazabal. This can allow, between other things, his utilisation in applications of painted electrostatic.

From the starts, the activity of the GrupoTecnología of integrated Polymers in the Department of Science and Technology of Polymers and in the Institute of Polymeric Materials, Polymat, of the UPV/EHU, centred fundamentally in the study of mixes of polymers, with the aim to obtain new materials of provision optimised.

Imanol Goimez and Iñaki Eguiazabal, researchers of the Group of Technology of Polímerosde the UPV/EHU. UPV/EHU

Imanol Goimez and Iñaki Eguiazabal, researchers of the Group of Technology of Polímerosde the UPV/EHU. UPV/EHU

At present, the line of work more recent of the Group centres in the study of systems nanocompuestos constituted by thermoplastic polymers and clays laminares modified orgánicamente or nanotubos of carbon. In this line, have developed new material nanoreforzados based in technical polymers and, in the case of the systems with nanotubos of carbon, drivers of the electricity. The ternary systems based in polymeric mixes to which incorporate nanopartículas have allowed to combine the advantages offered by the mixed with the proportionate by the nanocompuestos, including the obtaining of materials supertenaces with a group optimised of properties.

The work titled 'Widelydispersed PEI-basednanocompositeswithmulti-wallcarbonnanotubesbyblendingwith to masterbatch', recently published in the skilled magazine Composites, Part To: Applied Science and Manufacturing, one of the most important of his category, and of the that are authors the Dres. Imanol González and Iñaki Eguiazabal, is an application of the synergy mentioned between the polymeric mixes and the nanocompuestos.

Better dispersion and increase of the electrical conductivity

For the case of the poli (ether imida), have resorted to to incorporate to said polymer a mix based in the poli (butiléntereftalato) with a high concentration of nanotubos dispersos.en reality, “the poli (butiléntereftalato) does not possess the glorious properties that possesses the polymer that are trying to improve, but both polymers mix very well and in this way achieves that said dispersion extend to all the mix,” comments Eguiazabal.

“Although it produces a reduction of the thermal sensors stability, achieves electrical conductivity with the addition of 1% of nanotubos of carbon,” adds. On the other hand, “the mechanical properties of the poli (ether imida) improve even more”. Finally, to all this joins the fact that the viscosity of the nanocompuestos sees notably reduced thanks to the presence of the poli (butiléntereftalato), what supposes an appreciable improvement of the procesabilidad of the materials in spite of the presence of the nanotubos that tend to increase the viscosity. Said reduction of the viscosity allows the obtaining of products with sections of small thickness or of complex geometry.



I. González, J.I. Eguiazabal. WidelydispersedPEI-basednanocompositeswithmulti-wallcarbonnanotubesbyblendingwith To masterbatch. Composites Part To: Applied Science and Manufacturing.


The Group of Technology of Polymers is integrated in the Department of Science and Technology of Polymers and in the Institute of Polymeric Materials, Polymat, of the UPV/EHU. His fundamental fields of work are the study of mixes of polymers and of nanocompuestos with clays laminares and nanotubos of carbon, with the aim to obtain new materials of provision optimised. Iñaki Eguiazabal is researcher and professor in this department. The activity of the group along the group of his path has given place to the publication of more than 150 scientific articles in international magazines of impact. The work titled 'Widelydispersed PEI-basednanocompositeswithmulti-wallcarbonnanotubesbyblendingwith to masterbatch', has been recently published in the skilled magazine Composites, Part To: AppliedScience and Manufacturing, to charge of the professors of the UPV/EHU Imanol González and Iñaki Eguiazabal.

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