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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Desarrollo y escalado de dispositivos electroluminiscentes flexibles para su aplicación en el sector juguetero
The manufacturers will be able to enter in his articles devices of high technology

Development and escalado of devices electroluminiscentes flexible for his application in the sector juguetero

Aiju (Technological Institute of the Toy)


‘Printed Electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers' Is a factor added to the toys, devices that can contribute to facilitate the design of articles, reduce the electrical and electronic scraps and support to the manufacturers with the fill of the Managerial RoHS, the European rule IN 62115 of electrical products (put that these devices require a lower voltage) and the IN 71 of hygiene of the toy, in generic terms.

The sector of the toy is a sector that is seeing widely affected by the import of products from the Asian countries. His designs are apparently plagiados and the rules of existent trade do not contribute irrefutable solution to the acquisition of articles that do not fulfil the rule of standardisation established. Consistently, the competition based exclusively in the reduction of costs is not viable in the current moment. The available tool at present by the European companies to keep his quota of market is, invariably, the sustento of his competitiveness by means of the investigation and development of new technologies that contribute value added to the final products with applications for the sector juguetero. This can achieve by means of the introduction of devices ‘Printed Electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers' in his products. Like factors added, the devices can contribute to facilitate the design of articles, reduce the electrical and electronic scraps and support to the manufacturers with the fill of the Managerial RoHS, the European rule IN 62115 of electrical products (put that these devices require a lower voltage) and the IN 71 of hygiene of the toy, in generic terms.

The insertion of these devices of flexible electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers in toys and articles of puericultura or childish will...

The insertion of these devices of flexible electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers in toys and articles of puericultura or childish will contribute attractor trucks elder and dynamism to the products.

Is thus, that the aim that pretends obtain for the development and escalado of devices electroluminiscentes flexible for his application in the sector juguetero is to carry out investigation in electronic impresa on substrata plastic flexible, specifically devices electroluminiscentes (THE), connections and circuits required for his operation, to attain the effective integration of the same in the sector juguetero, what will allow the integration of electronic and interactive functionalities in objects and products of a flexible way and totally different to the realizar up to now.

The insertion of these devices of flexible electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers in toys and articles of puericultura or childish will contribute attractor trucks elder and dynamism to the products, improving his interaction with the users and increasing the affectivity of the boy to the product. Like example, these devices could require by part of the boy an action (when lighting and in function of the drawing of the lithography), allow the imitation of the roles adults (light a fire of a kitchen, light a house of toy) between many others.

In economic terms, the manufacturers will be able to enter in his articles devices of high technology improving his competitiveness and sustainability to half term. The industries of the graphic and electronic arts involved in the project will benefit of the developments of the project on substrata flexible opening new sectors of application in front of the conventional electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers.

Like result will obtain one or several toys prototypes demostradores of the technology from which the SMEs involved will be able to establish the base for his future exploitation innovando in applications for the sector juguetero and of the electronic impresa offering to the market a value added that will allow to the sector juguetero Spanish an appreciable increase of competitiveness to international level.

Development and results

The activities realizar summary to continuation:

In the first place determined which functionalities and characteristic of the toys or other articles of childish use were the most ideal for the replacement or introduction of the traditional electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers in the same by the technology of Printed Electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers, determining the concrete specifications and the possible prototypes to develop in the project. For this end, have analysed the different normative and valid legislation that affects to the toys. In function of this first study, have defined the specifications of the devices and finally have proposed several parts of demostradores in toys to develop along the project chosen because of the imitation of roles and the dynamism of the own demostrador.

Second have studied and developed the devices electroluminiscentes ‘THE' and electronic circuits on substrata flexible by means of technicians of impressesion, allowing the use of equipment of low cost like the silk-screening, flexography, huecograbado, offset, ink-jet between others.

The devices electroluminiscentes are lamps electroluminiscentes that base in systems multicapas, that is to say, in a group of layers deposited one on the another in shape of sándwich. Each layer has a concrete function to develop and the basic structure of these devices is the indicated in the figure 1.



  • Cook of toy. When it plants the cazuela in the vitrocerámica, the device connects , in addition to this, the include the device also in the screen of the microwaves-oven, simulates his operation. The included devices can purchase the colours that better imitate to his conventional use. Relation causes-effect helps to the imitation of roles adults.
'Ride-on' (With or without battery)

'Ride-on' (With or without battery).

  • Trucks of toy (Lighthouses, visors); when the boy seats in the correct position lights the signpost of controls and when it displaces light the lighthouses and/or intermittent. In addition to this, include adhesive electroluminiscentes like half decorative and like other functions (reflective, light…). Help to the boy to see the relation causes-effect and improves the  psicomotricidad.
It appears 1: it Structures device electroluminiscente
It appears 1: it Structures device electroluminiscente

Unlike other technologies like the fluorescent for example, the devices electroluminiscentes can develop on any type of sustrato, so much flexible like rigid. In the present project said development will realizar on substrata flexible polymeric, material used mostly in the sector juguetero.

The development of the systems electroluminiscentes has realizar by means of the technician of impressesion of Silk-screening. It is technician bases in the deposition of pastas by means of a screen that finds entelada with fabric of polyester or metallic threads. In the figure 2 shows an example of the fundamental process of this technician. The screens that use to deposit the pattern of each layer have a concrete design that provides the base of the operation of the devices electroluminiscentes.

It appears 2: Diagram of the technician of Silk-screening
It appears 2: Diagram of the technician of Silk-screening

This process facilitates the incorporation of the electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers impresa ‘Printed Electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers' in those products in which the cost is a factor limitante. Therefore, the incorporation of the Printed Electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers will allow us include devices and flexible circuits in a big fan of products to a relatively low cost and avoiding the modification and the change of would scheme it in companies that work with technicians of impressesion

Is thus, that to carry out such developments, previously have established the specifications of design that have to fulfil the devices to develop in the project in base to the plastic materials used in the manufacture of toy and the specifications in hygiene, as well as the geometrical form, the colour and the intensity of lighting. Besides it has defined and studied the escalado of the devices and the electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers of control developed in laboratory. This development of a system of production has like aim the carry to the market this technology. It pretends scalar the hybridisation of rigid components on sustrato flexible polymeric based in the welding to low temperature and his back encapsulation. In concrete has worked in:

  • The development of the electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers of control of the devices ‘THE' with the aim to diminish the size of all the system, without losing luminosity and efficiency of said devices.
  • The development of circuits printed matter and the hybridisation of these.
  • The development of the electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers of control and the encapsulation.

In these moments of the project are evaluating the toys where will integrate the devices developed. Afterwards they will be tested all his components to validate his fulfillment with the legislation of applicable hygiene and to confirm the achievement of the purpose of interaction with the final user pursued.

Next activities

During 2014 has foreseen the beginning of the process of impressesion in series of the different devices to build for the development of the toy by means of the technician of silk-screening and ink-jet printing, and his back validation according to the legislation and managerial of hygiene of the toy.


The activities developed in the present work have been possible thanks to the financials contributed by by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness inside the program Innpacto 2012. This project led by autoadhesivos Z and R SA and participated by Aiju, Cetemmsa and Semai, has a length of 3 years.

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