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The trade with these equipment increased 50% all over the world between 2002 and 2011

Machines envasadoras and of processing of beverages and foods: a market in peak

Richard Clemens, general director of the German Association of Manufacturers of Machinery and Installations (VDMA) for the segment of the machinery for feeding and machines envasadoras10/05/2013
The past 6 May, Richard Clemens, general director of VDMA for the segment of the machinery for feeding and machines envasadoras, took advantage of his assistance to the presentation in Madrid of the fair Drinktec, International Living room of the Industry of Beverages and Liquid Foods, to do a review general of the evolution that has followed this market all over the world along the last years and for resumir some of the tendencies that appreciate to short, half and long term in this sector.

The global demand of machinery of processes and packaging for the alimentary industry and of beverages increases from does years of form continued. The year 2009, after the explosion of the financial and economic crisis world-wide, is the only exception inside this upward trend. By the other, between 2002 and 2011 the world-wide trade of machines envasadoras and of processing of beverages and foods increased 50%, happening of 20.000 to 30.000 million euros. There is not any another segment of the mechanical engineering that present a so dynamic development like this. The VDMA estimates that a third of the 30.000 million euros of global commercial volume produces in the sector of the beverages and the liquid foods.

Richard Clemens, general director of VDMA for the segment of the machinery for feeding and machines envasadoras
Richard Clemens, general director of VDMA for the segment of the machinery for feeding and machines envasadoras.

The main exporting countries are, for many years, Germany and Italy with 23% respectively of the commercial volume registered in 2011. Very by behind they follow them United States, the Low Countries, Switzerland and China, with percentages that oscillate between the 4 and 8%. To the list of exporting countries of machinery for foods and drunk add other 40 countries more. For all they, Drinktec is without place to doubts the platform from which present to the international industry of beverages, measure with the competition and go in in contact with potential customers of all the world.

The markets of sales displace

Does scarce years, between the 55 and 60% of the world-wide trade of machinery of packaging and processing of foods and drunk produced in Europe. In 2011 this percentage had reduced to 43%. Meanwhile, and according to data of this same year, Asia has placed second by behind Europe with a percentage of 22%, to the time that increase his weight the regions of Latin America and Africa/Middle East.

This indicates an increasing trip of the markets of sales, that the VDMA foresees continue in the next years. Like this, the strongest impulses will proceed of the emergent countries and in roads of development, whose national economies grow to good rhythm and whose industry finds in a process accelerated of structuring and modernisation. The high activity investor in the markets consolidated of Western Europe and North America will remain stable. Asia, Latin America and Africa/Middle East concentrate at present more than 44% of the demand of machinery and 50% of the global consumption of beverages.

Drinktec 2009
Drinktec 2009.

This global evolution of the demand of goods of team will see reflected in the still greater internacionalidad of Drinktec 2013 and in the figure of pertinent visitors of the markets of growth more dynamic, like China, Brazil, Mexico, India, South Korea, Indonesia, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Three megatendencias that determine the market

For the visitors and display units of Drinktec the innovation is one of the key tools to be able to face up to the national and international competition. Therefore, the ideas of product on the one hand and the development of solutions by the another give the hand in Drinktec. In this context, the fair will tackle the three megatendencias that at present determine the market so much for the manufacturers of drunk as for the auxiliary industry or the service companies: the sustainability, the hygiene and the flexibility.

Sustainability and efficiency of resources

Does time that the term ‘sustainability' has left to be a mere fashionable word. The climatic change, the increasing energetic consumption and the resources limited have turned into key subjects all over the world, and no only by a question of costs: every time they are more the consumers that in his decision of purchase include criteria of sustainability. Thus, the responsible gestión of the resources by part of the companies is turning into a competitive factor determinante.

The auxiliary industry of the sector drunk offers specific solutions in this sense, with important advances in all the fields in what to the optimisation of resources refers .

The reduction of the consumption of water in the manufacture of beverages, the aprovechamiento of the heat of process and the enclosed circuits of water contribute to the positive energetic balance. The employment of efficient components improvement considerably the energetic consumption of machines and installations; in the case of a machine envasadora of beverages, can suppose until 30% of saving.

The success of the containers PET continues: in 2011 the PET was the material employed to pack 40% of the beverages that went out to the market, a tendency that keeps upward. The PET no only convinces by his reduced weight, that increases all the indicators of profitability, but also by his ecological characteristics, since for the transport of bottles PET requires much less fuel.

The fair Drinktec offers multiple proposals and solutions to guarantee a responsible and sustainable consumption of power and of resources.

Drinktec 2009
Drinktec 2009.

hygiene and quality

For the alimentary industry and of drunk is absolutely indispensable to guarantee the hygiene and the hygiene of the products not to put in danger the health of the consumers. The configuration and the safe and hygienic operation of the equipment of production are in this fundamental sense. Each component of the machine has to be designed so that it do not allow the accumulation of rests of product, dirt or microorganisms, or that allow his easy cleaning. Only in this way it can delete any microbiological risk.

The measures of control and inspection implanted along all the process of manufacture and packaging offer an additional hygiene. Likewise, the trazabilidad of product has to be guaranteeed at all times. The register and storage of the operative data and of control allow to effect a follow-up detailed of the process and increase even more the hygiene of the consumers. The solutions that Drinktec offers in this field are wide and diverse.

Variety and flexibility

The tastes in question of food and drunk are so miscellaneous like people exist. The diversity of the offer is immense, to the time that the cycle of life of many of the products is very reduced. For the manufacturers of beverages, the capacity of innovation and of reaction in front of the changes of habits of consumption is a key competitive factor that no only affects to the formulas, but also to the formats and sizes of container.

This requires to his time an extremely flexible technology and adaptable. If they add new ingredients, the process of manufacture changes, for example because it is necessary to work with different temperatures or with another system of dosage. Like this, when it treats of new products, is indispensable that can modify quickly the parameters of production. The automatic gestión of formulas and recipes, without going more far, guarantees some highly automated processes and a control advanced of the production.

In the industry envasadora the flexibility is an indispensable requirement to be able to face up to the demands of the market in what to variety of formats refers . Drinktec Knows it and has configured a specific offer in this field.

Evolution of the world-wide market of the beverages: challenges and tendencies

The market of the beverages registers an extremely dynamic growth. In 2011 the world-wide cost in beverages reached the 803.000 million euros, and according to data of the institute of investigation of market Euromonitor this figure will increase at a rate of 10% annual during the next five years. The demographic evolution suffices to explain this increase: the world-wide population grows, and with this the national economies, especially in the emergent countries. The income increase and, with them, the costs of consumption. To this fits to add that in a lot of countries the per capita half consumption of beverages does not arrive neither to 50% of the half consumption in mature markets. This means that the commercial value and the commercial volume in the sector drunk will follow increasing, with distinct taxles of growth in function of the region and of the segment of product.

Key section: drunk without alcohol

The global trade of beverages without alcohol has grown in the last years to a rhythm of 4% annual until situating , in 2011, in the 467.000 million litres sold. Euromonitor Foresees that until 2016 the volume of sales increase 24% more.

The water bottled is the product that presents a greater available quota inside the total, and the forecasts indicate that it will continue being the one who more grow.

Drinktec 2009
Drinktec 2009.

The drunk carbonatadas will register a lower growth, among others reasons because of the strong competition that pose the beverages to base of tea, the fruit juices or the Asian specialitys, all they with taxles of growth of two digits.

One of the criteria of fundamental purchase for the consumers of beverages no alcoholic of all type are the profits for the health. Thus, the employment of processes of able production to conserve all the flavour and the vitamins are key to manufacture products of high quality. The aseptic packaging in cold offers in this context an ideal solution to produce rich natural beverages in vitamins.

The beverages to base of tea have experienced also a radical peak, being the technical possibilities also determinantes in the quality of these products. In the manufacture of smart teas to drink (RTD) the use of clarificadoras is fundamental, since they are these those that guarantee that the tea arrive to the consumer without turbidez any.

Regarding the date of caducity of the product are testing diverse innovative technicians, like the electrical fields pressesed (PEF) to lengthen the useful life of the smoothies. In Drinktec will be able to see some of his first applications.

Key section: beer

The beer is the alcoholic drink more popular and more consumed of the world. Between 2002 and 2011 the world-wide consumption of beer increased 30% until the 120.000 million litres (without explaining the trade on-trade in restaurants, hotels, etc.), a figure that until 2016 is foreseen that it increase still 12% more. This growth will follow proceeding exclusively of the increase of the consumption in Asia, Latin America, east Europe and Africa/Middle East. Western Europe and North America are saturated markets in which the per capita consumption already is very high.

The greater challenges to which confronts the industry cervecera find in the surroundings of market and demand a high degree of creativity so much in what to flavours as in what to variety or even to sources of power refers . In the saturated markets, the cerveceras try to attract new customers by means of the innovation of product, offering soft beers with flavours to the feminine public, for example.

Drinktec 2009
Drinktec 2009.

The big quantity of familiar and traditional companies existent in this sector resupply the local markets with quality, specialisation and individuality. The numerous Craft Breweries of the United States are an example of this. And to be able to face up to this increasing demand of specialitys cerveceras is indispensable to have of units of production of technology advanced smaller.

The big producers of international beer, by his part, confront to the challenge to manufacture beers of the greater quality with the lower variable costs possible.

But there is something that concerns so much to small as to big: the profitable employment of the raw materials and the reduction of the energetic consumption. In this context, the recovery of the heat or the staggered systems of treatment of waters —that guarantee an optimum and economic driving of the waste water— are two of the most employed methods to take advantage of the potentials of saving and protect the natural resources. In Drinktec will be able to see numerous proposals and solutions in this field.

Key section: dairy beverages

In the year 2011 consumed 127 million tonnes of dairy beverages, 30% more than in 2002. The milk is the food whose consumption more related is with the economic development, the increase of the income and the change of alimentary habits of a country. It is not of extrañar therefore that it was Asia the continent that has shot the world-wide consumption and that meanwhile hoard more than a third of the world-wide sales.

In the dairy sector, as in any another, the hygiene of product and the quality are indisolublemente tied. Because of his biochemical composition, the milk is one of the most perishable foods that exist, by what during the production and the packaging is indispensable to have implanted strict measures and integral controls of quality and hygienic hygiene.

There are few foods that offer so many possibilities like the milk to create new products (and healthy) by means of technicians of specific processing. Some of the tendencies more in cattail of the last years are the beverages to base of milk and fruit juices, for example, or the addition of vitamins, antioxidant and bacteria probióticas.

In addition to a big variety, the consumer of today demands products more durable that conserve at all times his nutrients and vitamins. To produce this milk ESL (Extend Shelf Life) exist diverse technical, like the microfiltración or the injection of steam. In Drinktec present the last technical advances for the production and the safe packaging, flexible and profitable of this type of products.

Drinktec 2009
Drinktec 2009.

In summary

The sector drunk is one of the most innovative of the world, with thousands of new products and proposals every year. To materialise ideas of product with the most creative technology and flexible possible is necessary a constant dialogue between customer and engineer. The fair drinktec is in this sense the platform of communication and contacts bigger and notable of the world, by what all that that have something that see with the manufacture, filled, packaging and commercialisation of beverages has an appointment forced with her.

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