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The industry, the big consumption, the retail and the distribution will find solutions to be more competitive

Hispack 2015 connects the innovation in packaging with the needs of the sectors of demand

Editorial Interempresas16/04/2014

Hispack gives a new twist to his model ferial and alía with the companies stood out of different sectors consumers of packaging to identify the needs and big tendencies in innovation that are marking the development of new containers, packagings and Advertising in the available Place (PLV). Like this, in his next edition -that will take place of the 21 to 24 April 2015 in the Big enclosure Via of Fira of Barcelona- Hispack will range to the maximum the real requests of the demand with his offer expositiva, incidiendo especially in processes, sustainability, new materials, smart packaging, personalización or intralogística, among others fields.

“The companies buyers of packaging and PLV attend to Hispack in search of solutions linked to the packs and packaging that allow them innovar in processes and product to improve his competitiveness and sell more”, ensures the president of the committee organiser of the living room, Javier Laughed-Marsá, the one who considers, in this sense, that “the fair has to champion the innovation in packaging, attracting like display units to new companies that can resolve the challenges that pose us the sectors consumers”.

In this way, the living room where foresees that they participate 1.500 companies will cover entirely the cycle of life of the packaging, presenting innovative applications for all the industrial states, of big consumption, the retail and the distribution. It is foreseen the assistance of 35.000 professionals of feeding, pharmacy, chemical, cosmetic and perfumery, between other specialitys.

Challenges posed from the companies buyers

Precisely several companies stood out in Spain of these sectors consumers of containers and packagings like Vichy Catalan, Cellars Torres, Nestlé, White Hen, Danone, Henkel, Damm, Isdin or Puig, between others, already have involved in the definition of the big challenges that are marking tendency in packaging and to which would have to contribute answers the display units of Hispack. In this sense, the living room has constituted a group of work of ‘Guest companies' that gathers to the managers of packaging of these signatures -giving voice to the visitors of Hispack-, to share technical information and debate problematic.

Xavier Pascual, director of Hispack

Xavier Pascual, director of Hispack.

Some of these needs go through a better sustainability, accessibility and personalización of the containers and packagings; the implementation of the smart packaging, the research of containers of suitability for smart products to consume or to commercialise; systems of antifalsificación or forms of packaging edible. In this sense, Hispack 2015 foresees to grow in number of companies, incorporating skilled signatures in these “sectors of tendency”, as well as create an area ‘Premium' devoted to the containers and packagings for products of high range.

The director of Hispack, Xavier Pascual, explains: “Our commitment with the sector is to achieve agglutinate in the fair innovation, technology, knowledge, networking and business inside and out of our borders so that display units and visitors obtain the maximum profit of his participation or assistance”. According to Pascual in this Hispack “has wanted to involve and listen to the demand from the beginning to design beside the sectors of offer an effective fair, profitable and able to do live an only experience around the packaging”.

Opportunities to export

Likewise, in accordance with the strategic lines for 2015, Hispack will revalidate again his commitment with the industry of the packs and packaging to the hour to present opportunities of export in new markets. In this way, Hispack will increase efforts and resources to attract foreign buyers, putting the focus in Europe, the Mediterranean Area and Latin America.

Last edition of Hispack

Last edition of Hispack.

To increase the synergies in internacionalidad and increase his power of announcement, Hispack will coincide in dates and place with Barcelona Technologies of the Feeding (Bta.). The enclosure of Big Via of Fira of Barcelona will receive, by third consecutive edition, one of the greater fairs of packaging and technologies for the feeding of Europe, exhibiting the different phases of the alimentary product from the ingredient, until the process of manufacture, going through the packs and packaging or his arrival to the point of sale. It fits to remember that the alimentary industry is the greater sector consumer of containers and packagings.

‘Pack Experience'

Finally, Hispack 2015 will propose to the professionals of the sector live a world of experiences around the packaging, interactuando of continuous form with experts, technicians and other representatives so much of sectors of offer as of demand.

Javier Laughed-Marsá, president of the Committee Organiser of Hispack

Javier Laughed-Marsá, president of the Committee Organiser of Hispack.

Like this, the living room that organises Fira of Barcelona in collaboration with Graphispack Association will show in his spaces of activities scientific appearances, formative, cultural, technological, economic, commercial and of marketing linked to the world of the container, packaging and the PLV. They will develop technical days, conferences, meetings of businesses, cultural exhibitions, presentation of studies and will deliver the Prizes Líderpack, an international referent thanks to his connection with the WorldStar, that recognise the best packaging “made in Spain”. Likewise, Hispack will integrate in his activities the vision of the “Guest companies”, propiciando the exchange of knowledge, presenting cases of success and the requirements that has to fulfil the packaging, the materials, the machinery, the intralogística of the And+And or the processes from the point of view of the buyer.

All this under the new stamp ‘Pack Experience', that transmits the mission and the style to see and do the things of Hispack, recognised and appreciated by the companies of the Spanish industry of the packs and packaging with which exists a total identification. Hispack Forms part of his history, is his fair of reference and shares his philosophy and challenges of future.

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Hispack - Fira de Barcelona

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