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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Reinier den Boer, creador de productos de Aestech

Enjoy of hot beverages in any place

Interview to Reinier give Boer, creator of products of Aestech

Editorial Interempresas13/12/2013

The Dutch company Aestech has developed an innovative container of spontaneous warming of foods semilíquidos, especially for babies, and hot beverages. On the contrary that the containers of autocalentado existent, that contain the drunk premezcladas, this container has a camera separates in which the powdered milk stores . The simple gesture of presionar covers it with a finger, sets up the exothermic reaction that heats the contents until around the 70 °C.

Aestech Is producing or distributor?

Aestech Is a skilled company in the creation of products and patents of technology of start with a wide possibility of applications. The technology of the containers autocalentables is one of the inventions patented by Aestech and is available for the granting of licences to companies of production and owners of marks in the different markets.

Treats of a Dutch company, but in addition to being present in the European market, in which countries of the world operates at present?

Aestech Is situated in Eindhoven, Holland, but have partners around all the world.

How they work the containers autocalentables?

The warming bases in an exothermic reaction between CaO and H2Or. To the presionar the button, the water of the compartment of activation mixes with the CaO and is then when it produces this reaction that heats the content of the container.

The process of warming begins in the moment in which the button of the surface is presionado

The process of warming begins in the moment in which the button of the surface is presionado.

How it works the heater of containers for babies? What characteristic would stand out?

The heater of containers for babies works of way very resembled the containers of beverages. His more remarkable characteristic is the combination of dusts: formula for babies and clean water that mix in the moment of the activation. This means that the flavour, the vitamins and the nutrients conserve in dry without any type of additional additives to the ones of the own powdered milk. Therefore, it mixes just in the moment of the activation. This also allows that the cool tea, the soup or the instantaneous coffee mix in the act. Another of his characteristic is the intuitive interaction, in such a way that only it does fault presionar a button so that it begin the process. The most important quality of this container is that it can produce by means of materials plastics of low cost.

The mix of the water with the CaO is the one who produces the exothermic reaction inside the container

The mix of the water with the CaO is the one who produces the exothermic reaction inside the container.

During how long it holds the hot milk?

After his activation, the milk continues hot during the following 15-20 minutes, allowing even to the slowest drinkers that finish his drunk while this follows hot.

Which cautions have taken to ensure that the container is totally safe and inofensivo?

The products of reaction are foods inofensivos and approved. To guarantee a good flavour and an additional hygiene adds a colorante to identify any escape of the container. This is clearly visible through the transparent glass, that shows a blue colour when it breaks the optimum flavour. In comparison with the ready containers for the autocalentamiento of coffee, to achieve an optimum temperature for the consumption of a small boy (37 °C) needs a quantity of power a lot lower.

The container of autocalentado for babies is a way inmejorables to feed to the smallest when it is out of house

The container of autocalentado for babies is a way inmejorables to feed to the smallest when it is out of house.

Can drink directly of the container if it wishes ?

The container allows that it drink directly from the bottle. For the formula of babies, however, think that the majority of users will prefer to put the hot milk in the bottle of which the baby already is accustomed to drink. The container for coffee and other beverages is designed to reach temperatures much higher, of around 62 °C and is designed specifically to drink directly of him.

It treats of a reusable container? It needs of some type of special cleaning? We could speak of a sustainable container?

The container is of an only use. The products of reaction can be driven to the chain of recycled of plastic, since these use often like material of additional filling for plastics. His environingingmental analysis shows a similar impact to the of a bottle of soda of standard plastic. However, we are evaluating the possibility to create a reusable bottle with an engine of heat that can exchange after his use.

The advantage of this only use is that the container contains a source of heat, a clean container, water purificada and a dust packed clean. If it goes back to use the container, so much in the water and the dust embalarían home and would not be so clean like offering it in a package of only use that full in an environingingment controlled.

Which types of formats and designs exist at present?

Since we are not the main producers, but we do us charge of the knowledge and the innovation, still there is a big freedom to modify the designs around the specific mark or volumes, temperatures and applications of the drink or food required. At present we are working to expand our wallet of patents with some new innovative applications in the field of the containers of autocalentado and are constantly in search of partners with which achieve new innovations for the market.

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