
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El sector inmobiliario industrial reclama una unificación de criterios
Representatives of consulting firms with long experience in the catalan industrial market are meeting to discuss the current situation

Real estate industry calls for a unification of criteria

Esther Güell29/07/2013

In mid-July came together in Barcelona diverse professionals with long experience in the real estate industry in Catalonia. Invited by Carlos Torres, NCI, discussed around a Carlos García de Llobregat farms, Carlos Küppers, table ofNolkers Consulting, Eusebi Matas, ofMAF properties, Victor Estrada, ofEstrada & Partners, José Otero, ofActive Properties, and Roger Lozano, of the industrial Department ofAguirre Newman in Barcelona, exposing each of them their points of view on the current situation and the future of a sector with chiaroscuro. The meeting was moderated by the specialized publicationInterempresas industrial and logistics, partner in addition to the Organization of the event.

In a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere the participants could see up to what point are so close to each other and how share, in many cases, the same concerns, exceptions, clear. But the truth is that after years of uncertainty, too much perhaps, present professionals did with enough proven experience to strengthen professional ties and, why not, argue in those aspects that do not share the same point of view, with a target clear: combine criteria so that those who have fought for years to defend their value as professionals with all the possible pride.

In a cordial environment attendees were able to see up to what point are so close to each other and how, in many cases, share the same interests...
In a cordial environment attendees were able to see up to what point are so close to each other and how, in many cases, share the same interests.

We are so wrong or it is only a perception?

It broke the ice Eusebi Matas stating that, in his experience, "is the worst situation in recent years. Although movements are being produced, they are sporadic, without having actual demand." In this sense, he pointed out that currently the rental operations are which are enduring the flip, although at much lower prices of the desired. Carlos Torres pointed out however that in certain cases, the prices were too overrated, what would explain fallen more than 50% in prices. Prices, everything must be said, responding to the market's supply and demand, "a claim that was the fictional construction barge", added Carlos García.

However, and despite the bad years leading the sector, income and low demand existing downspouts, Carlos Küppers shows "optimistic" because despite the fact that it costs, small businesses like mine Yes closed operations. In this regard, he said that while the situation is not as five years - or surely it will be it--"nor are we so badly". In his opinion, the professionals that today are engaged in this sector can be considered a "privileged", betting on the daily struggle to get ahead. A glove he picked up Carlos Torres stating that "demand is not coming but there to go out to look for it". An example of opportunities are the relocations of companies, while as said José Otero, "this does reduce availability, which remains the same. Although serves to Bill", admitted. Otero, the advantage of those present at the meeting is that they could adapt their structures to the current situation "reducing expenditure", a situation which does not live most of the polygons.

Carlos Torres advocates the development of &quote;a manual of good practices among professionals&quote;

Carlos Torres advocates the development of "a manual of good practices among professionals".

Quality offer. Necessary improvements

The market has certainly been reduced, and major companies are relocating for the current economic situation. This has meant an increase in the available offer. However, not all have the necessary quality to come back to the market, such as Carlos García said. One of the causes is probably, as argued by Carlos Torres, "the tradition of SMEs that have taken place in Catalonia, small family industry occupied currently obsolete ships that do not fit with current demand". However, every crisis brings opportunity, according to the words of Carlos García that, in this situation, a positive aspect as it is "the possibility of bring ships and convince the owners on the need to put in value its antiquated ships". In this sense, José Otero admitted that "little by little the owners work with tenants, but must know how to explain it well and for that it is necessary to have a same speech from the sector". For active Properties, lack of communication between operators responsible for, what comes to reaffirm the need for meetings such as the one held.

Firstly, Eusebi Matas, who said the significant decline of the industrial market...

Firstly, Eusebi Matas, who said the significant decline of the industrial market. At his side, Carlos Küppers, who valued professionals that today are dedicated to this sector as "privileged".

All with one...

The unification of criteria is something vital for Carlos Torres, "but not only in the modus operandi, but also in terms of fees and service, develop a manual of good practices between professionals." Because if a few years sold everything, the truth is that today it is not enough, in the view of Roger Lozano: "beyond the sale, customer demand good service". A service that the customer should be assessed, something that does not occur in the majority of occasions, seen often as mere "brokers" - in view of the present in words of José Otero - "when in reality, and after the years of crisis, we have professionalized the market".

Victor Estrada added that "as professionals who we are, our work must be paid and well valued, and thus have to explain it to the owner and the lessee".

The question of honorariums opened a long debate that put on the table the differences of approach they work with different professionals.

José Otero, a consulting service for &quote;often see us as mere agents when in reality we have professionalized the market&quote;...

José Otero, a consulting service for "often see us as mere agents when in reality we have professionalized the market".

David against Goliath?

One of the moments that generated, say somehow, more tension within the friendly atmosphere they breathed, was speaking of the work of large consulting firms, whose market is often different from many of those present. However, the majority of them, not to say all, have worked and occupied senior positions in some of the most important national and international consultants so familiar gears of these corporations. Therefore, they know also that certain companies and investors opting to work with multinational when looking for a location, "although fortunately not all", supported Carlos Küppers, and certainly occupy a very particular market space, "without collapsing," protested Roger Lozano, the only attendee not representing a local consultant. While at certain times could seem like an attack on the mode of operation of these companies, a kind of small Davids against Goliath, Victor Estrada admitted that in the 1990s, the Spanish real estate market "was very immature and multinationals helped us to evolve. "Although they are not a panacea and today, customers see that the professionals like us are as good as others, and even more".

Lozano, as an interlocutor on behalf of Aguirre Newman, explained that "it is a consultant for national level whose teams, however, operate as local, seeking a closer relationship with the customer". On the other hand, he admitted that this kind of consulting firms have a typology of customers 'corporate or faithful. The name attracts, no doubt, but we do not close to any operation". In this sense, it raised again change charged on the market, which forces them to develop "a more proactive work" to look for customers.

Victor Estrada claimed greater recognition &quote;as professionals who we are, our work must be paid and well valued&quote;
Victor Estrada claimed greater recognition "as professionals who we are, our work must be paid and well valued".

Q for quality

In recent times has been demonstrating the need for a real and detailed analysis of the quality of ships, estates and business spaces. One of the initiatives that seem to be taking more momentum in implementing a quality system, Q, which determine what state are these properties. But, this will help your marketing? Although a priori should look like that you so, those present showed their reluctance, knowing of bureaucracy that it may involve. For this reason, José Otero explained that this initiative "will be transferred to the possible tenant in terms of savings that you, but I am afraid more red tape that complicate us life". And it is that experience shows how often the regulations, necessary and whose objective is to ensure a minimum of quality and safety, often collide with the daily work of professionals in the real estate sector. Said it Eusebi Matas, recalling regulations regarding fire safety: 'in this field if there was a great change, much tightening regulations and complicating too much the adequacy of existing ships', in reference to the need to install sprinklers & systems fire with sufficient pressure and flow, "that often is does not match the capacity of the polygon itself".

Firstly, Carlos García, who pointed out that &quote;while there is increase in the offer available...

Firstly, Carlos García, who pointed out that "while there is increase in the offer available, not all has the quality needed to come back to the market". At his side, Roger Lozano, aware that nowadays not sold everything and that the consulting work is, "beyond the sale, offer a good service."

ICT, other pending claims

Precisely the ICT technologies should play an important role in promoting the commercialization of polygons. But for this purpose it is necessary, as claimed José Otero, "that the polygons disponan of the facilities," that is, optical fiber on ships, as they come demanding companies occupying and whose needs are not covered adequately.

Keep the spirit of optimism

In conclusion, all attendees left evidence that there are new opportunities of business near Barcelona and that, while industrial park have high value developments, there are also obsolete ships to which it will be very difficult to give out. Without leaving the spirit of optimism, without which very probably already do not continue in this sector, they found however that the activity has suffered a major decline and its short-term recovery is not expected.

Thus, Carlos Torres did finish his speech pointing that "since we use demand required more that never combine criteria of mode of work and fees for transferred precisely to this demand", in reference to reporting, data collection, market studies, etc. that often are 'lost' because the signing of any operation is not reached. "You have to give back the job done," he added. In this sense, José Otero admitted that "it is hard that they valued work and further information which we provide".

"Faced with this situation, Victor Estrada proposed to"demand the implementation of standards and European market practices in Spain"in order to equalize the opportunities and conditions of work of consultants". It would be a unique opportunity to go to the market and recover the empty space left by some multinationals that have reduced their equipment to the industrial market ' understanding that the here present are more partners than competitors '.

In general, the feeling among the participants to the meeting was of relative optimism in terms of a next recovery of demand, quality, for large surface, "so there will be fight for it, know how to attract her". Why were convinced that "local" consultants, as they autodefinieron, play with some advantage thanks to its flexibility of adaptation, without any rigid structures, to compete in a "market that will be very dynamic and very professional".

Unity of criteria, professionalism and recognition of a job well done were some of the conclusions of submitting them to the table...
Unity of criteria, professionalism and recognition of a job well done were some of the conclusions of submitting them to the table.

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