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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Sabino Azcárate, director del departamento de micro y nanotecnologías de Tekniker

"The machine tool sector should provide equipment for greater precision in labour ranks higher using precision engineering ever"

Interview with Sabino Azcárate, director of the Department of micro- and nanotechnologies of Tekniker

Nerea Gorriti23/06/2009
The International Conference of the European society of engineering of precision and nanotechnology (Euspen) held in San Sebastian the past 2 days and 5 June, took the opportunity to ask Sabino Azcárate, director of the Department of micro- and nanotechnologies of Tekniker on present and future of these technologiesmore and more common in industrial processes but so unknown by the industry and society in general. Azcárate reveals news, trends and benefits, in short, the 'State of the art' of the micro- and nanotechnology in different sectors.
Sabino Azcárate, director of the Department of micro- and nanotechnologies of Tekniker
Sabino Azcárate, director of the Department of micro- and nanotechnologies of Tekniker.

What conclusions were obtained in the previous edition of the Conference? have they been very different from those obtained in this issue taking into account the current economic situation?

The first impressions of the attendees has been very positive. Both the level of scientific and technological posters and oral sessions and for the future expectations in this sector.

The Congress deals with processes of precision and micro-fabrication which, although they may be a minority, may sound something close to the industry. Is it so?

The Congress is a well established scientific-technological area in countries such as Germany, Japan and USA is engineering precision and micro-nano engineering. Not only have this precision processes but also the design of equipment requiring precision positioning below a micron. Although most of these developments are born in the scientific world then they move to the industry.

Nanowires of ZrO and sample of galvanized steel
Nanowires of ZrO and sample of galvanized steel.
"Currently available commercially many materials whose properties have been 'tuneadas' incorporating specific nanoparticles"

However, nanotechnology is still a far cry from the real world, the day of the business. Do you agree with this statement?

It is true that most of the activity related to nanotechnology still is done in laboratory settings but it is also true that every time there is a greater number of applications that are taking advantage of these developments, in particular the world of materials. Currently are commercially available many materials whose properties have been 'tuneadas' incorporating specific nanoparticles. Perhaps they are not the spectacular examples that call the attention of the mass media but they are real applications that are increasingly more present in the industry.

Corrosion. Image of Fei Company
Corrosion. Image of Fei Company.
"Having tunneling, and atomic force microscopes that do not require a large investment, it is possible to set up lines of research in nanotechnology"

There is a great lack of general knowledge about nanotechnology in industry? What can contribute it to production processes? Briefly explain why think that this talk about nanotechnology in the last few times...

The great boom of nanotechnology is result of our ability to manipulate and measure the properties of the materials to scale nanometer. Before this it was possible with large scientific equipment but at present this is possible with computers that cost a few tens of thousands of euros and this has opened the door to which many people can do it. With tunneling, and atomic force microscopes that do not require a large investment, it is possible to set up lines of research in nanotechnology.

What can you do for a sector such as machine tools?

There is no doubt that the machine tools sector will have to look more and more towards sectors where machines require a higher value-added. A way to do this is to provide greater accuracy in higher ranges of work machines each time. For this it is essential to go to the knowledge developed in recent years in the area of precision engineering that affects all the critical elements of a machine tool.
"The thermoelectric Tower, in which hundreds of heliostats (mirrors) concentrated solar energy at the top of a tower, require a system of movement coordinated according to the solar movement." "The techniques necessary to achieve this are a direct result of the knowledge developed in precision engineering"

And for the electricity and electronics? or by one fashion as the renewables?

Electronics is one of the sectors that has most contributed to the development of nanotechnology and precision engineering. The necessary equipment for the manufacture of microprocessors are the greatest exponent in needs of precision in the positioning in throughout the manufacturing process.

Another interesting example you mention is that of the renewable energy. For example, thermoelectric power stations of Tower, in which hundreds of heliostats (mirrors) concentrated solar energy at the top of a tower, require a system of coordinated according to the solar shift movement. The techniques necessary to achieve this are a direct result of the knowledge developed in precision engineering.

Manufacture scale 'nano' is now science fiction or there are industrial applications in progress?

As I mentioned before the nano world intended not only to make things or entities of nano size but exploit the properties of matter at the level nano. For example, the hard drives that we all have in our computers would not be possible without the nanotechnology that is present in their reading heads and the materials of the disc. With this broader vision of nanotechnology there are increasingly more products on the market. Since solar creams that take advantage of the nanoparticles to glass self-cleaning nanostructured surfaces.

With regard to micro-manufacturing, advantages are known as savings of raw materials or portability. What other advantages does it offer?

One of the great advantages of micro-manufacturing is that it allows to manufacture devices at low cost to many different sectors. From sensors for use in automobiles to appliances for rapid diagnosis of diseases. A simplified form can be said that micro-fabrication pursues the miniaturization of the device, which is currently possible as a result of the accumulated technological development in recent years.
"A prototype of SEM has been submitted, and have been the first images with resolutions picométricas." A nanometer is 1,000 picometres. "Thus it is possible to obtain images that shows the movement of the atoms of material"
Brands of tool in cutting of a cable. Fei Company image
Brands of tool in cutting of a cable. Fei Company image.
Some of the speakers at first level involved in the Congress are Toshiba and Carl Zeiss what developments of being carried out in the field of the optics and electronics and mechanics?

It should be noted the presentation made by the enterprise Fei Company, a major supplier of electron microscopy, SEM. Currently the resolution of these teams is of about one nanometer. In other words, cannot be seen smaller things of a nanometer. Well, it has presented a prototype of SEM, and they have been the first images with resolutions picométricas. A nanometer is 100 picometres. In this way, it is possible to obtain images that shows the movement of material atoms.

How is the economic crisis affecting the resources for further research on nanotechnology, the microtechnology and processes of precision?

Probably the economic crisis also affects resources for research because it it is necessary to reorient the budgetary efforts. However, while far not noticed substantial reductions, we are still waiting to meet the real priorities in this chapter.

A toothbrush and a human hair. Fei Company image
A toothbrush and a human hair. Fei Company image.
"One of the biggest obstacles could be that companies are proactive in scientific and technological development." "In addition, administrations tend to be distributed among many rather than concentrate on a few powerful"

On the contrary, what are the main obstacles in the research and technological application?

Perhaps one of the biggest obstacles could be that companies are proactive in scientific and technological development. It should also be mentioned that administrations tend to be distributed among many rather than concentrate on a few powerful.
Semiconductor device. Image of Fei Company
Semiconductor device. Image of Fei Company.

It is the ninth edition of this Congress, with what objectives Euspen is created and is the profile of Congressman?

Euspen was created in 1999 as a European initiative to bring together the most relevant scientific and business community in the fields of engineering precision and micro nanoengineering. At present it brings together a group of about 2000 members in more than 30 countries.

Since its foundation it holds an annual Conference that allows the presentation and exchange of knowledge on the latest scientific-technological and business.

Plenary session of the Conference
Plenary session of the Conference.

What has been the number of visitors to the Conference and where will be the next appointment?

2009 Edition held in San Sebastian has counted with the presence of more than 360 participants from Europe, Asia and America. The 2008 Edition was held in Zurich (Switzerland) and the next year will be held in Delft (the Netherlands).

A remarkable feature of the annual Conference is also marks a fair at the same time in which this edition has counted with the presence of 39 companies represented in 32 booths.

Finally, for what San Sebastian? What is the impression that are international members of this location?

Tekniker is a member of Euspen since its foundation in 1999 and currently forms part of its Board of Directors. It is a prominent member recognized internationally for his developments in the field of precision engineering and micro-fabrication. In recognition of this achievement in 2007 are proposed the Organization of this Conference which was accepted with great satisfaction.

We have received the congratulations of Euspen society both attendees. They have been pleasantly surprised and have appreciated the hospitality of the people of the Basque country and also the professionalism of the different groups involved in the organization. Proof of this is that they are expecting to return to organize again in San Sebastian.

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