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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Alejandro Arjona, presidente de Aspromec, Asociación de profesionales para la competitividad del mecanizado
“I create personally that now we will live at least some 10 or more years of bonanza”

Interview to Alejandro Arjona, president of Aspromec, Association of professionals for the competitiveness of the mechanised

Editorial Interempresas12/05/2014

The competitiveness in the mechanised raisin no only for attaining the best production at least cost but, increasingly, in tending to a clean industry and medioambientalmente responsible. Sigaus commissions in Spain of the recovery and treatment of this dangerous residue, setting up political environingingmental suitable so that the companies of this and other sectors that consume and generate oils used can fulfil with the valid rule.

Sigaus Is an integrated system of management of oils used (SIG), that commission to ensure and fund the collected and treatment of the oil used that it generates in Spain, to a large extent pertinent of diverse industrial states in which the lubricantes result fundamental. In 2013 Sigaus recovered 126.796 tonnes of industrial oils used and fulfilled with the ecological aims demanded by the rule. In Interempresas have wanted to know how tackle the companies metalmecánicas the recovery of oils and taladrinas initiating a series of interviews to sectorial associations.


Which are the main aims of the association or federation in the future more immediate?

Our aims is to create in Spain a point of reference so that companies of the mechanised can improve his competitiveness through information and contacts with companies of his surroundings.

Nowadays, in the era of the communication also want to strengthen the channel of communication. We want that the SME of the mechanised achieve contacts to achieve new customers or collaborators, contacts between tractor trucks companies and his providers the mecanizadores and inform on helps, financials, subventions, etc.

Which advantages has his associated, especially in time so complicated like the current?

All are speaking of competitiveness and to improve the competitiveness is necessary to invest in machinery, people, organisation, learning, etc.

Each one of our associated represents a different sector of what the company of the mechanised needs, from advice, going through machinery, tools, software, material, management, etc. Each one of us can contribute to the mecanizador an important improvement in competitiveness. We can transmit a message homogéneo of constant improvement.

Which is the weight of the sector of the metal in the economy of the region in which it acts his organisation? How many companies form the industrial fabric devoted to the sector of the metal in this region? To how many people employ?

According to a study of the ministry of industry, the project AVIVA —in which we collaborate actively like association— exist in Spain roughly 6.000 companies that devote to the mechanised, are companies with own product and that uses the mechanised like technology of manufacture, to the company of mechanised basic that mechanises like service. Of the companies polled his miscellaneous turnover enough: 37% bill less than 500.000 €, 23% of 500.000 to 1.000.000 € and only 15% more than 3.000.000 €. Instead, the average in Germany is of 3.000.000 of turnover.

The Spanish communities with more dedication to the mechanised are:

  • Galicia: 2,5%
  • Andalucia: 9,8%
  • Valencian Community: 7,9%
  • Community of Madrid: 13,9%
  • Aragon: 6,9%
  • Basque Country: 30,6%
  • Catalonia: 17,5%

In total will employ to some 150.000 people in this sector of the mechanised.

Like summary:

Data Project AVIVA2011
Data Project AVIVA2011.

Which is the importance of the different industries for the sector of the metal in his geographic area and for the economy in general?

Think that stand out that the car and the aerospace industry are the motors of this sector and here have it very differentiated. Andalucia and Madrid in the aerospace subject and Basque Country and Catalonia in the car. El País Basque is for example, in subject of coin the second manufacturer after Germany in Europe. Keep this industry is important and have seen as alas in these last 10 years the sector of mould manufacturing has displaced to other countries, especially to our neighbour Portugal.

After some very hard years, how would define the current situation of the sector of the metal?

The industry Is recovering , Are achieving more asked. This recovery begins in the companies that have contacts with the OEM's directly and little by little, as if they were teeth of saw, the requests go happening to the smallest providers. The park of machinery is very obsolete and this also is an opportunity. It is necessary to renew and create personally that now we will live at least some 10 or more years of bonanza. Now it is a good moment to invest, will be able to achieve good prices and terms for would scheme. Like the companies of manufacture of milling machines have adjusted his production to the crisis sucederá prompt that they will have to expand and is when the terms of delivery will begin to lengthened, thus the moment to invest is now.

Data project AVIVA2011
Data project AVIVA2011.

How it values the attitude of the financial entities in this moment?

The financial entities are very accurate, and is what have to be. They have had to do big restructurings with the money of the taxpayer through the ‘bail out' supported by government. A financial entity can not loan money cheerfully, only can do it if the project is economically feasible and is something that in the past did not do some financial entities. And for profitable projects exists financials. But it is something normal, loans money if it knows that the lender can give it back. As each crisis has a psychological component, will have to expect that the time give us back this confidence.

There is a worrisome subject that is the future of the production in Europe. After some years of deslocalizaciones to east Europe and Asia, with some Asian countries of very low cost, there is a future for the production in Europe?

Sure, to keep our state of the welfare have to work hard to achieve it. We do not forget that Europe represents 7% of the world-wide population, 25% of the economy and 50% of the social cost to world-wide level. But to achieve this need to invest in improving our competitiveness. An example: the greater manufacturer of keys allen, that by the way is a very simple product, is a German company. Thanks to a very automated process, will have achieved to be more competitive that for example an Asian manufacturer.

A difference between rich and poor countries is the learning. If have people very formed to all the levels from executives, owners of companies, designers, fresadores, etc., know to collaborate between all in the company and pursue a common aim, am sure that Europe can be competitive. A data, Switzerland is the greater per capita buyer of milling machines in the world. And Switzerland says that it manufactures chocolates and frank Swiss.

It detects a greater interest of the industry by the technology advanced? We have believed us the speech that only with technology will be able to compete?

Does some years spoke of milling machines of 5 axles and few bought one for expecting to see what does the neighbour, preferred to invest in a fresadora of 3 axles that is something that know. The new scares.

Each day Is purchasing more technology, but the customer has to learn also of his providers and see to his provider like a partner. I have seen a lot of cases in which the provider by fear to lose the sale offers a product with the minimum provision. When the customer learns the new technology darse that it has bought something half, is here where all have to collaborate between customer and provider to elevate the technological level of the companies. The providers need of demanding customers to improve his products. We learn to see to the provider like somebody that can help me to improve my processes.

Which degree of environingingmental commitment thinks that have our companies nowadays?

The awareness to business level is already very high. In fact it is evident that increasingly and more companies adopt models of environingingmental management and feel like necessary the obtaining of certifications that like this show it, in addition to having specific personnel specialist in the environingingmental management. However still it remains work for doing in the small company mainly and, specifically, in individual awareness employee to employee.

How it values the exert of the companies of his sector in relation to notable environingingmental subjects, like the management of the oils and taladrinas used? They are prepared to fulfil the rule in this field?

The company of the mechanised regarding the management of oils used can not say that it do not walk very represented, no occurs me a mark of lubricantes that was not represented by any of the systems of management of oils used operating in Spain.  In what to the subjects of oils and taladrinas used the main companies trading companies of oils of the country have established or have associated to systems of management of oils used that guarantee the correct management of the same.

Which thinks that is the main advantage that contributes to the sector the existence of an integrated system of management of oils used?

Tranquility and efficiency. Of this way the employer has consciousness that the management of his oils used is guaranteeed of a professional form and can despreocuparse of the administrative task of to who contact or where carry his oils used. With the system integrated the employer has guarantee of the trazabilidad of his oils used and of his correct management..

Index card of the association

  • Year of creation: 29 March 2010
  • geographic Area in which it acts: all Spain
  • Organs of government:
  • Number of associated: 9 (Alloy, Castol, Interempresas, Intermaher, Kromi, Tebis, Toolox, WNT, Zoller)
  • Objective: Improvement of the competitiveness in the companies of the mechanised

Related Companies or Entities

Aspromec - Asociación de profesionales para la competitividad del mecanizado

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