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Siemens Industry Software improves the provision of his software for design

The reality surpasses the fiction by little, with Solid Edge ST4

Esther Güell15/11/2011

15 November 2011

To mediated Siemens Industry Software carried out a new technological seminar of the hand of his distributor ProCUE in which it presented the new and improved provision of Solid Edge ST4. A last version that will allow to the manufacturers improve his designs with the synchronous technology, “collaborate with more efficiency with providers and customers and validate the designs of sheet with more rapidity”, reducing besides the costs of documentation thanks to the drawing of planes of high level.
Izq. Jordi Civic, director of the unit of business Velocity Series of Siemens Industry Software. To the dcha...
Izq. Jordi Civic, director of the unit of business Velocity Series of Siemens Industry Software. To the dcha. Antonio of Vera, boss of product for Spain and Portugal.

Antonio of Vera was the attendant to realise/realize the technical presentation like boss of product for Spain and Portugal. Of Vera did realised/realized during the seminar a series of demonstrations on the usabilidad of the new version, comparing it in front of the audience with the ST3. Like this, it showed them how work with ST4, the improvements and novelties entered.

Between them stood out the possibility to include bottoms of image in 3D, textures and illuminations to the hour to realise/realize renders of the products designed.

But are many the advantages that contributes the ST4 respecto previous versions. Between them, the functions of design advanced of machinery reduce the time of commercialisation/commercialization, the functions expanded improve the collaboration with the chain of supply and the improvements in simulation optimise/optimize the design of sheet. Besides, the drawing of planes of high level contributes to the reduction of costs of engineering, whereas the optimisation/optimization in productivity improves the experience of the user.

Designs more realistic

The designers will be able to appreciate in this version a showier presentation in Solid Edge ST4 from the first moment. And in spite of that in this version follows offering a shaded fotorrealista —improved— Solid Edge offers also reflections and a floor reflected virtual with shadows projected. The visualisation/visualization of the edges of the model is subtler, what confers them a more realistic appearance. Besides, a new option of automatic improvement simplifies the control of the quality of the edges, allowing to the users specify controls of quality.

A design of axes simpler

The new functions of the synchronous technology facilitate the creation and edition faster of operations of revolution. The flow of general work of commando has simplified so that the controller of steering wheel can use to drag the twist from the most convenient axis. Like this, they exist options very practical that allow to define the finite extensions, symmetrical or turned 360º. For a precise and immediate edition, create active sections automatically, transferring the clear-cut heights in 2D wing editable active section of the model in 3D.

Antonio of Vera did realised/realized diverse demonstrations on the improvements and new functionalities of ST4 during the seminar...
Antonio of Vera did realised/realized diverse demonstrations on the improvements and new functionalities of ST4 during the seminar.

Improvement of the placing of holes in cylinders

With ST4 simplifies the placing of holes in axes. The commando ‘hole' allows to the designers drag holes dynamically around the surface of a cylinder, similar to the dynamic creation of tangentes.

Besides, the new relations 3D, similar to which find in 2D, offer more speed and flexibility in the catchment and management of the purpose of the design in models finished or mattered.

“Solid Edge help to the companies to be more competitive and differentiate of the competition”

Jordi Civic, director of the unit of business Velocity Series of Siemens Industry Software, explains us what contributes Solid Edge ST4 to the companies and his relation with the sector metalmecánico.

To start with, the new version of the software ST4, what improve can contribute to a company of the sector metalmecánico?

Are many the improvements that contributes Solid Edge ST4 to the companies. Since it did his apparition Synchronous Technology in his first version in the 2008 contributed big improvements like the big flexibility for reutilizar all the existent designs, independently of the CAD 3D with which had been created, or a greater power to create designs from zero of way faster and very intuitive.

Besides from this new version open two new doors, one for the business field and another for the educacional.

The first is the possibility to download of free way during 45 days the software to be able to testearlo in productive in the companies.

The second is the decision that have taken from Siemens to provide of way totally free to the students a licence/license of Solid Edge educacional so that they can explore, learn and form of face to improve his professional future.

Both licences/licenses can download from the page Web of Siemens Industry Software.

To the hour to think in improvements and new functionalities... Siemens Industry Works with the companies to know better his demands?

Of course, from Siemens agglutinate the requests of improvement of the users already was through his queries or suggestions directly or through his distributor and, precisely in the last versions, more than 90% of the improvements produce by this reason.

The users of previous versions can migrate easily his staff to ST4?

Sure enough the compatibility between all the new versions of Solid Edge and the previous is total, and in this sense ST4 is not an exception.

The users have functional to 100% his staff from the first moment and can improve them with some new functionalities of ST4 like the new textures that have included for some materials.

To which sectors directs mainly Solid Edge?

Solid Edge is a destined software to the industrial design of products, obviously the sector where is more widespread is in the one of design of machinery, but have users practically in the whole of sectors where a software like Solid Edge has felt.

Which are the most opened to incorporate new tools of design?

More than sectors more open would speak of companies more opened to incorporate new tools.

All those companies that want to be in the first line of exit are investing in the measure that his possibilities allows them, and here are we to help them to be more competitive and have an advantage with regard to his competition thanks to Solid Edge.

By against, which are the more reacios, more traditional, less up to date? That is to say, in which sectors has SolidEdge still field for visiting?

As I already have commented are not sectors if no companies less updated of different sectors.

With the current economic crisis that shakes us, unfortunately no all the directors can or dare to invest to go out forward. Our work from Siemens is to convince them so that they take a step forward and bet by us and by Solid Edge.

Only the companies that are better ready will survive to this crisis and definitely be more competitive that the rest is indispensable to achieve it.

Use SolidEdge always is profitable or exist some products in which the cost of amortización does not compensate the advantages for being ‘too much for so little'?

Of course whenever we are a company that have to design our own products will be more profitable with a tool like Solid Edge ST4.

At present the necessary investment to purchase a software like Solid Edge is very small if we compare it with the economic efforts that it was necessary to do does so only a decade.

If we can reduce the times of design and therefore of launching to the market of our products in a 30-40% or even more in as which customers of course is always profitable.

Jordi Civic, during the presentation of the new version of Solid Edge in the hotel Masia Bach of Sant Esteve Sesrovires (Barcelona)...
Jordi Civic, during the presentation of the new version of Solid Edge in the hotel Masia Bach of Sant Esteve Sesrovires (Barcelona).

ST4, all a world...

ST4 offers a lot of more improvements that could resumirse in:

  • Relation of trips 3D: useful to create and keep spaces between the faces, like slots, guides or castings. They avoid to have to plan the steps of the design. The clear-cut trips during the creation of profiles and2D will transfer to the model 3D.
  • Horizontal and vertical relations 3D: these relations of the model in 3D can use to create and conserve the horizontal and vertical conditions between the faces, or range key points. Also it serves to ‘centre/center' the faces.
  • Improve in the commando ‘relate': these commandos, that find in ‘piece', ‘sheet' and ‘conjoint' are specific that now are in the bar of tools. Besides, each type of relation has of a ‘quickbar' exclusive that facilitates the application of relations.
  • Visualisation/Visualization and processing of the key points: the charts that appear beside the cursor now are black, with the soft edge so that they stand out more. Also they are visible at all times during the selection. ST4 includes also new relations of group that help to the designers to build groups with more rapidity.
  •  Improve in the controller of the steering wheel: during the movement of pieces or subsets, the new functions of the controller of steering wheel offer options to create automatically relations of groups in the recently created pieces during an operation to copy/move or copy/turn.
  • Central flat relation: simplifies the centred/centered of pieces when keeping his position centred/centered to measure that edit , move or encourage adjacent pieces. Can define the method of centred/centered of the pieces using key points, expensive, axes of edge or planes.
  • Value of rank of trip: allows to establish a limit of trip in the relations of coincidence of the group, and control the distance of separation.
  • New operations of group: an improvement that will allow to the designers apply redondeos and chamfers to several pieces of simultaneous form in the level of group.
  • Reinforcements and networks of synchronous reinforcements: the commando ‘network of reinforcements' allows to add synchronous operations in Solid Edge. Based in outlines, the editions apply directly to the operation 3D.
  • Performance of edition: for a faster edition of skilled synchronous pieces or complex that contain numerous concentric cylinders, a lot of heights blocked or have numerous coplanar axes.
  • Systems of subjection improved: can atornillar several together pieces more quickly and of easy way thanks to these systems improved of subjection.
Some of the designs realised/realized with Solid Edge
Some of the designs realised/realized with Solid Edge.
  •  Seen explosionadas: with help of the lines of flow defined by the user can describe seen explosionadas with more precision and freedom, what allows a better back documentation in 2D.
  • XpresRoute: Includes curves of key points to improve the definition of paths 3D and provide an active update.
  • Shaded fotorrealista: to assign material, scenes and lights more realistic, attaining better results ‘to the first'. Perfecto for presentations to customers.
  • Service of news: Solid Edge facilitates the access the group of available news in the page web, an important source of technical support for all the products and that allows to the users formulate questions, request and offer help. Now it can access to this service from the menu of start without need of Webkey and has integrated translator.
  • Design of groups with pieces of catalogue free: to end to help to the designers to speed up the design of group, now are available pieces of catalogues free of third with technologies of chains. This on-line catalogue contains cientos of pieces supplied by manufacturers of all the world provides components OEM like valves, universal boards and actuators in native format of Solid Edge.
  • Design multiCAD with JT: the designers that use data CAD of several sources can take advantage of the archives JT created automatically, stored in the software Teamcenter or Teamcenter Express.
  • Design multiCAD with neutral archives: when the designers need reutilizar data of a neutral archive or one that appears in format Parasolid, suffices with dragging and soltar from the library of pieces to add the model to a group of Solid Edge.
  • Control of numbers of element of Teamcenter Express: during the design of groups, the users can define the numbers of element of the components to identify the pieces in 3D or in the plane. With ST4, these numbers can use to control the numbers of elements in Teamcenter.
  • Control improved of the researches in Teamcenter Express: ST4 includes more options to manage the big quantities of data given back in reply to the applications of researches.
  • Direct reading of more formats CAD: ST4 has realised/realized improvements to help to the designers to read archives of AutoCAD 2D as well as data 3D of Solidworks and Autodesk Inventor.
  • Visualisation/Visualization and sending of pieces and groups with archives 3D in PDF: Solid Edge allows to create and distribute archives 3D of pieces and groups in format PDF.
  • Intermediate surfaces: the designers will be able to create and use intermediate surfaces of models of sheet during a soimulación of piece or conunto. The intermediate surfaces can merge ‘' or join with solid models, giving place to a combination of elements of plate 2D and solid 3D of fast resolution.
  • Restrictions of hit of edges and expensive: when defining the conditions of outline between pieces, the edges of the surfaces can hit to faces of other surfaces or solids, facilitating the simulation of situations more real.
  • Elements of beam for analysis of pictures: Solid Edge Simulation includes now a new type of element for the analysis of components of type square. The creation of studies is simple because the users only need to identify the pieces that need to analyse/analyze.
  • Options of mallado for personalised/personalized refinement: in ST4 include several improvements in the mallado that produce results faster with the same precision.
  • Improve of the virtual information: for the postprocesamiento, the numerical format of the bar of colour/color improves the legibilidad of the results. The automatic ‘option' shows the optimum format for each number by means of the adjust of decimals
  •  Temperature of reference of the materials: allows to determine the extension and the trips been due to the expansion or contraction by the load of temperature.
  • New levels of ease of use: ST4 includes improvements to facilitate the use of the simulation in general. With an only click can edit a study from the browser.
  • Titles of seen flatly improved: ST4 allows to define titles of seen flatly personalised/personalized that include the properties of the model.
  • Seen flatly improved: the lines of division that use in the seen of partial court now can show like lines curves and adjust in the model.
  • Visualisation/Visualization of tables improved: the automatic tables can customise/customize still more. The too long text can tighten ‘' and if the space is very limited, can even turn the text. The values can substitute and formatear to show them in bold, cursiva or underlined.
  • Pictures of text improved: now can add notes very personalised/personalized using pictures of text. Can number each line with a number or viñeta, include characters, etc. Solid Edge offers options of visualisation/visualization apilada, bent or linear.
  • Apilamiento Automatic of references: can document the number of element of a battery of complete subjections with an only click. They create and apilan references and the number of element do coincide with the lists of pieces.
  • Visualisation/Visualization and copied of heights improved: ST4 allows to create a salient in the lines of height to show better the values in the narrow faces. A new tool of copied of heights allows to duplicate attributes (tolerances, prefices, etc.).

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