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The 28ª BIEMH will be inaugurated officially by the President of the Basque Country of the Basque Government, Iñigo Urkullu, the Monday 2 June to the 11:00 hours

BIEMH 2014: More innovation, more companies and more product

Editorial Intermpresas27/05/2014

With a total of 1314 signatures expositoras of 27 countries, 12% more than in the last edition, international marks leaders, new sectors, near of 800 machines of big provision, 300 novelties and formative conferences, the 28ª Biennial Spanish of Machine-Tool will be a big fair, with big solutions, to do big businesses.

Encouraged by the recovery that is experiencing the national market, the companies of machines-tool will burst into with strength the days 2 to 7 June in Bilbao Exhibition Centre, offering the last in technology of processes of manufacture to the professionals of more than 50 countries that will visit the contest. BIEMH Has increased all his parameters in comparison with the previous edition and his celebration this year will mark a turning point in the sector.

The big appointment of the manufacture

The 28ª BIEMH will gather in the pavilions 1, 2, 3 and 5 of Bilbao Exhibition Centre all the products and services related with the machines-tool. This year, the surface expositiva will deliver between the companies of machines-tool by start (22%), accessories for machine tools (16%), tools for machines-tool (16%), machines-tool by deformation (10%), other machines and equipment (8%), CAD/CAM metrology and control of quality (8%), hydraulics components, tyres and electronic (8%), services to the workshop and to the company (5%), manipulation and robotic (5%) and welding and oxycutting (2%).

The industry of the machines-tool plays a paper determinant in the productive sectors more notable of the economy. Like this, the ratios by sector customer of the display units of BIEMH indicate that 44% offer solutions for the manufacture of machinery and goods of team, 40% for the mechanisation and transformation of pieces, 39% for the sector of automotive sector, 25% for the one of aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing, 17% for the siderurgy, structures and heavy general industry, 10% for the field of power, oil & gas, 8% for the rail and 4% for the manufacture of tools.


57% of signatures expositoras foreign

57% of the signatures expositoras of BIEMH 2014 are foreign. Access to wide international circuits and take advantage of the change of coyuntura in the Spanish internal demand, from a very positioned forum, is one of the arguments that have promoted to companies of 27 countries to confirm his presence in the sample.

Marks very recognised of Germany, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, South Korea, Denmark, Slovakia, Spain, United States, Finland, France, Holland, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan and Turkey have renewed his bet by the contest. These signatures use BIEMH like shop window of his best products in front of the national professionals, but also of other markets like the European or sudamericano. The presence of international buyers, coordinated through the program of delegations of Bilbao Exhibition Centre and with the support of the Basque Government, is a very valued appearance.

Ratios By sector customer


Quality, competitiveness and technological innovation

The BIEMH has purchased a special leadership like the most complete shop window to access to the national companies leaders and gather with his representatives to the highest level. The sector of machines-tool has developed the last advances in automatisms of the systems of manufacture, what has carried to the Spanish companies to be in avant-garde, competing with the most advanced countries and having as main customers markets so leading like the German, the Italian or the French, among others. Spain is the third producer and exporter of machines-tool of the European Union and the ninth of the world. This positioning has attained thanks to the firm commitment of the manufacturers of machines-tool, accessories, components and tools with the technological innovation, to which devotes 5% of the turnover, and the internationalisation. The exporting propensity of the sector in his group surpasses 80%, thanks to a skilled product, technologically innovative and with a big value added.

Delegations of buyers of more than 20 countries

The Biennial Spanish of Machine-Tool constitutes the best door of access to the national offer, based in special machines, of big capacity and to the letter, and to 80% of his productive centres, at the same time that allows to know, in an only space, other products stood out of the European and international market and treat, in direct, commercial operations with his main representatives.

Attracted by this opportunity, thousands of professional visitors related with the sectors of automotive sector, aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing, rail, renewable energies and of goods of team, among others, will approach to Bilbao Exhibition Centre from geographic points very diverse. Many of them have inscribed already in the contest, whereas others will access directly to the sample from the next 2 June.

In the section of visits organised earns a special leadership the program of foreign commercial delegations. For this edition are confirmed groups of buyers - in his majority managers, owners of companies and directors of purchase- of 24 countries, between them representatives of companies and associations of Argentina, China, United States, France, Morocco, Mexico, Russia and Turkey, among others.

This program carries out thanks to the work coordinated of the network of Offices of the Group SPRI, agency of business development of the Basque Government, and the own agents of Bilbao Exhibition Centre abroad, with the collaboration of the Cameras of Spanish Trade abroad.

New sectors and technical days

This year, like novelty, BIEMH will devote a special area to two sectors, the additive manufacture and the composites, in which companies and technology centres will show for the first time his offer, experiences and products more competitive and of greater development. Equipment of additive manufacture and of automation of processes with compound materials, and destined pieces to sectors like the ones of automotive sector and aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing will conform the new space, that will be situated in the pavilion 5 of the enclosure ferial, with zone of exhibition and room of conferences.

The additive manufacture will be the angular piece of the factory of the digital era of the developed countries. This technology consists in generating components of diverse materials from a model 3D, depositing the material in dust layer to layer without need to mechanise neither manufacture moulds or toolings. Sectors like the biomédico, the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing, the automotive sector or the one of moulds and matricería are entering it of increasing way, by his functionality and high value added.

By his part, the composites are material composed that offer to the industry an increasingly wide fan of materials and solutions, with resistant structures, light and of high provision. The investigation in the development of these materials in fields like the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing, the automotive sector, the medicine or the engineering is in full peak.

‘The Vision of the Additive Factory' will be the title of the technical days devoted to this field, and in them will analyse separated like the technology, the evolution and the perspectives of future, the opportunities of business and cases of success in different sectors and the value of the impressesion 3D. By his part, ‘The future of the manufacture of compound materials' will open step through three panels: market and main sectors demandantes; compound materials: processes of manufacture; and automation of manufacture of composites.

Besides, the program will influence a day centred in three main areas of the ‘Photonic ‘ applied to the Machines-Tool': applications laser, sensado and metrology and image and artificial vision. The announcements on ‘hygiene in Operations of Maintenance', ‘MQL-Ecolubric', ‘Coatings Tribológicos', ‘Financials of R&D in the sector of machines-tool' and the ‘Workshop EMC2-Factory Conference' will complete the program.

11º prize to the design

Like recognition to the companies expositoras and putting in value the technological improvements that incorporate to his products, during the celebration of BIEMH will deliver the ‘11º National Prize of Design and Innovation in Machines-Tool and Technologies of Manufacture'.

The prize, that is only in Europe by his monographic character, will distinguish two modalities, with his respective special quotations, a headed to the machines-tool and another to the one of accessories, components and tools. This year, the finalists are Fronius, Gurutzpe Etxetar Group, Ibarmia and Ona Spark-erosion in the first category, and Fagor Automation, Macsa Go, Nicolás Correa and Zayer in the second.

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BIEMH - Bilbao Exhibition Centre

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