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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La industria aeroespacial en Andalucía sigue creciendo y factura un 6% más que en 2012
The global turnover of the sector reached the ones of 1.858 million euros, whereas the employment situated in the 11.290 workers

The aerospace industry in Andalucia keeps growing and invoices 6% more than in 2012

Editorial Interempresas26/06/2013
The aerospace industry in Andalucia invoiceed in 2012 a total of 1.858 million euros and created almost 500 new employments, as it collects the ‘Statistical Report of the Aerospace Sector in Andalucia 2012', elaborated by the Clúster Propeller.

A sector that keeps figures of growth in spite of the coyuntura of world-wide economic crisis, and whose data that reinforce to Andalucia like second region in this sector to national level and like one of the three aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing poles more important of Europe, beside Toulouse and Hamburg. According to the data, the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector Andalusian represents already 1,28% of the global GDP Andalusian and 17% of the industrial GDP manufacturero of the community.

In concrete, the clúster aerospace Andalusian increased 6% the sales and 4,5% the places of work, surpassing the thousand of new employments in the two last exercises. The study collects the solid path of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector Andalusian in the last decade, a period in which they have multiplied by three the volume of sales (of almost 600 millions in 2003 to more than 1.800 in 2012) and the places of work (4.100 in 2003 to ones almost 11.300 in 2012) and by six the sales in the outside, in addition to registering an increase of the productivity of 3% annual.

The sector foresees that this positive evolution intensify in the short term satisfied increase the cadence of production of the different commercial models of Airbus, fundamentally the manufacture in series of the To380 and the To400M and the entrance in production the To350, programs in which have an important participation the Andalusian companies.

Of left to right...
Of left to right: Manuel Cruz, director of the Clúster Propeller; Antonio Valverde, director of the Agency CONTRIVES; Antonio Ávila, adviser of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment of the Board of Andalucia; Juan Pedro Watches, president of the Clúster Propeller; and Antonio Gómez-Guillamón, president of the Council of Business Action of the Clúster Propeller.

The report signals that the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing pole Andalusian has attained to stand out by the levels of quality and of productive capacity of his companies, that keep a critical mass formed by more than 100 signatures, and that face new processes of concentration that make possible more solvencia and capacity to participate in international programs. It stands out the paper of the Andalusian auxiliary industry, that in 2012 increased 14% the sales, with 736,8 million euros invoiceed, and 3,8% the places of work, until reaching the 8.396 employments.

The study collects that Andalucia keeps a business critical mass formed by 120 companies (the same that in 2011), 89% situated in the axis Seville-Cádiz, but that reflects a dynamic activity and continues with the tendency initiated in the last years to develop concentrations and business alliances that reinforce the capacity of the sector to cover new packages of work.

A sector in growth

The ‘Statistical Report of the Aerospace Sector of Andalucia 2012' collects that the aerospace sector Andalusian invoiceed 1.858,5 million euros and employed to 11.290 people in 2012. This industry experienced the past exercise a growth of 6% of the sales (104,5 million euros) and of 4,5% of the employment (488 places of work). In the last decade (2003/12) the turnover grew in more than 1.263 millions and created 7.111 places of work (annual average of +11,7%).

With regard to the sales of the sector, 59% of this business corresponds to military programs, and the rest to civil programs. By activity, the greater part of the companies devote to mechanical activities and setting, that suppose 41% of the companies and 66% of the global turnover of the sector, followed of the ones of engineering and quality consultancy and services. It stands out the increasing paper of the area of engineering, that in 2012 increased in the number of signatures as well as his sales (39,5% more invoiceed that in 2011).

During the past year continued growing besides the employments of high qualification (managerial, engineers and graduates), with an increase of 4% with regard to 2011. This area represents beside the profile of operarios qualified 88% of the global of the sector in Andalucia. Likewise, the clúster Andalusian grew almost 2% in productivity (understood like turnover by employee), an ascending tendency that has kept in the last decade to an average of 5.000 euros by employee to the year.

The industry in Andalucia continued equally his bet for diversifying the wallet of customers and products, a factor that allows to reduce risks and give stability, representing the sales of products that do not come from of Airbus 28% of the total (525 million euros). In this section it is necessary to mention the growth of the products Airbus Spain during 2012, with an increase of 16,8% with regard to the previous year, whereas the turnover of other products and services practically kept to the same level. This data comes motivated by the every time greater load of work and intensity in the chain of production of the civil programs of Airbus, like the To350, with forecast of new growths for the next years.

The exports of the clúster aerospace Andalusian rose in 2012 to more than 1.150 million euros, surpassing for the first time the barrier of the 1.000 millions, what supposes 62% of the total turnover and 8,1% of the total of exports of the region, according to the data of the Andalusian Agency of External Promotion Extenda, with which the Clúster Propeller collaborates in the internationalisation of the sector through commercial missions and the organisation of meetings of business like ADM 2012 or the World-wide Meeting of Providers of the To400M.

Tractor trucks and auxiliaries

To the equal that comes sucediendo in the last years, the data of the auxiliary industry go back to be very favourable in 2012, consolidating his fortress in spite of the coyuntura economic. The increase of the turnover was elder in the auxiliary fabric, with a growth of 14%, until the 736,8 million euros, in front of 1,3% of increase of the tractor trucks signatures, that invoiceed 1.121,7 million euros. The growth of the employment was more homogéneo between both, with 3,8% between the auxiliaries, until reaching the 8.396 employments, whereas the tractor trucks grew 6,7% and employ to 2.894 people.

This supposes that the auxiliary industry has contributed to 90% of the increase of the turnover and to 63% of the employment in this Andalusian sector the past exercise, with an annual average of 15% of increase of the sales in the last three years. In the last decade, the turnover in the auxiliary industry has grown more than 850% (of 85 millions in 2003 to 737 in 2012) and the employment in 500% (of 1.663 in 2003 to 8.396 in 2012).

Regarding the data of the last year, the report collects the growth of the number of employees in the areas of quality and of R&D in 2012, with increases of 47% and 33% respectively. These two areas together with the one of engineering have happened to represent 29% of the global in the auxiliary industry in the year 2011 to 31% in 2012. By his part, the personnel of production, with a weight of 46% with regard to the total, follows with a growth sustained of 8,7%.

The productivity also has grown in the auxiliary companies of the clúster Andalusian, with an increase of 10%, although the signatures of engineering and quality consultancy were those that greater increase experienced with 24,6% with regard to the year 2011.

Besides, stands out the effort of the auxiliary signatures in investment in R&D, that almost has duplicated in the last exercise (with a global of 56,9 million euros) and that has reached 7,7% of the sales. In this evolution has had an important paper the activity of the Centre Advanced of Aerospace Technologies (Catec) —that boosts the R&D in the auxiliary fabric—, the announcements of the program Innterconecta, promoted by the Board of Andalucia, and the developments associated to the new program To350 of Airbus.

Of left to right...
Of left to right: Manuel Cruz, director of the Clúster Propeller; Antonio Valverde, director of the Agency CONTRIVES; Antonio Ávila, adviser of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment of the Board of Andalucia; Juan Pedro Watches, president of the Clúster Propeller; and Antonio Gómez-Guillamón, president of the Council of Business Action of the Clúster Propeller.

Propeller, the Clúster aerospace Andalusian

The Clúster aerospace Andalusian Propeller is a grouping constituted in 2004 with the aim to boost the development of the aerospace sector in Andalucia and the growth the companies that compose it, as well as act of catalyst to give an impulse to the R&D in the clúster aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing Andalusian.

His activity centres in the development of performances that improve the knowledge, the participation and collaboration in the so much national field like international between the companies and entities of the clúster (tractor trucks, auxiliary industry, technology centres, Universities, Administration, business organisations and unions). Likewise, it collaborates in the transfer of results of investigation and relative technology to the sector and organises formative activities, technical days and seminars for the scientific qualification-technical of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing professionals. Besides, it develops activities of support to the internationalisation of the companies and agents of the sector.

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