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This industry stands out by the level of exigencia and quality that sues to the companies subcontractors

aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing: challenge and opportunity for the despegue of companies mecanizadoras

Esther Güell17/10/2012
The aerospace sector is one of the strategic sectors futures for the Spanish industry, habida explains of his potential elder of growth, his greater capacity of drag on the industry and his clear orientation to the export, such as it recognises the Integral Plan of Industrial Politics 2020 (PIN 2020), elaborated by the Ministry of Industry. It treats of a sector with important barriers of entrance, consequence of the need to have a sufficient critical mass that allow to participate in his developments: high costs of investment; complexity and high risks of the generally produced products in series very reduced; long cycles of development of the products; etc.

In consequence, the sector presents a business structure led by some big consortiums or industrial groups —mostly transnational, with exporting and strong vocation bonds with his respective governments—. Group that, to his time, sustenta in a network of big, small and medium enterprises subcontractors, such as it puts of self-evident in the study “The aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing and space sector Spanish: current Situation and perspectives” elaborated in the frame of the Industrial Observatory of the Sector of Manufacturers of Goods of Team, MCA-UGT (Metal, Construction and Affine of the General Union of Workers, Federation of Industry), in collaboration of the Institute of IKEI Research & Quality consultancy, elaborated to finals of the past year.

In front of this situation, in Interempresas have wanted to know by mouth of his own leading how structures this sector, what sue them the ‘big ‘' aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing corporations and what can offer the Spanish companies so much in mechanised as in machinery.

The aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector is led by some big consortiums or industrial groups that...
The aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector is led by some big consortiums or industrial groups that sustentan in a network of big, small and medium enterprises subcontractors. Photo: Airbus.

Quality, reliability and precision, the tridente indispensable…

The companies mecanizadoras need to fulfil with some standards of quality and reliability to the highest level, derived of the strict requirements sued by the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry. In this point, manufacturers and representatives of machinery live in his meats the evolution of these the exigencias along these years and work hard to satisfy them. An example of this has been the increase of the use of new materials, composites and alloys, materials of difficult mechanisation that require of machines adapted specifically for them, as it explains Roberto Hernández, general director of Intermaher - Mazak, affecting the capacity of start of shaving (pair) and the rigidity of the machine. A sector that sues, machines of 5 axles, able to mechanise negative angles, adds David Gatell, general director of DMG-Mori Seiki. On the same line it aims Mateo Cano, engineer of applications in AgieCharmilles, the one who aims like main tendency in the technology of the milling the machining centres of 5 axles of high provision HPM (High Performance Milling) for pieces where the elimination of big volume of material is paramount, or the centres of high speed HSM (High Speed milling) for pieces very technical where the finishing and the precision are keys.

It is necessary to take into account that the evolution lived by this sector affects, especially, to companies consolidated with access to pieces of value. Like this, the apparition of the fibre of carbon supposed the development of new technologies, standing out as main changes so much the introduction of new materials like the increase of pieces built in titanium, explain Oscar Villanueva, director of sales and applications for the Zone Centre, and Modesto Carry, director Zone Centre, both of Maquinser. It fits to take into account that these evolutions look for to lighten the weight of the aircraft —with the consequent saving of fuel— and that, in definite, affect to all the productive process, from the shaving until software. Of the same way, the manufacturers and distributors of machinery denote also an elder exigencia, no only in the speed of the machines, but also in his precision, opening step, besides, the most polyvalent machines, as they aim from Maqcenter. The called machining centres multitarea that aúnan works of milling and turning. Also the projects key in hand have gone winning terrain, since increasingly they develop specific solutions for the needs of manufacture, as they signal from AgieCharmilles. Although in some cases opt by the polivalencia, in others, the product and the process are so specific that require a machine designed and adapted for this, adds.

Also the automation by means of paletización and warehouses of tools of big capacity is growing and is already a real need to take out the maximum provecho to the machines giving them the maximum autonomy.

…Without forgetting the profitability for the mecanizador

The companies mecanizadoras subcontracted in the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector face the production of pieces in series really short but with the maximum quality, what translates in the need to have machines particularly reliable, that allow them take out the maximum profitability and fulfil at the same time with the marked requirements by the contractor. Which are these demands? They vary in function of the pieces and materials to mechanise, as for example they explain us from Intermaher: for aluminium needs high speed and desahogo of shaving; for titanium and materials of difficult mechanisation, pair engine and rigidity of machine. But in both cases require able machines to finish with a minimum of tied complex pieces and that allow the maximum work neglected. A key factor and tendency increasingly pronounced in this and other industries.

For Maquinser, the flexibility of load of pieces (palés) and tools is another factor to take into account, as well as the extra capacity to tackle families of distinct sizes and a high nominal precision when the piece consists in mechanisms. Likewise, in the productive field these companies want a high value in volume of the shaving that is able to cut the machine (CC) for metallic materials (parameter that conjuga several characteristics of as power, rigidity, high speed, etc.).

On the same line, Hermann Twiehaus, manager of Heller Iberian, comments that to the hour to mechanise hard materials, look for powerful cabezales with a high pair and a rigid machine. By against —it adds— to mechanise pieces of aluminium need big revolutions and fast travel. And it is that it argues that a lot of pieces split of geometries macizas and is necessary to mechanise a big quantity of material. But the times of mechanised are long and need optimum machines for each type of material.

From AgieCharmilles have clear, besides, that “the first that looks for a mecanizador is that his machine was able to produce his pieces according to the criteria of necessary quality and of profitable form”. For this needs polivalencia to reduce the number of phases of production, precision and stability. Besides, according to the type of application, enumerate some of the characteristic keys that define the most suitable machine: robustness and power or speed, dynamic and precision, between others. On the other hand, arguyen also the autonomy of work between the keys for rentabilizar the investment.

In the last times the sector has lived an increase of the use of new materials, composites and alloys, materials of difficult mechanisation...
In the last times the sector has lived an increase of the use of new materials, composites and alloys, materials of difficult mechanisation. Photo: cuttingesy DMP.

How sell and how buy?

If as it comments Mateo Cano, the mecanizadores already sue characteristic and technical specifications of machines, no longer look for a provider but a technological partner, have to ask us which have to be the available arguments of, precisely, these providers. Intermaher, Heller or Maqcenter coincide: reliability, service, precision, technological support…are key factors. Also offer variety of options, husillos and routes, as they aim in DMG-Mori Seiki. Although it is clear that no longer sells an isolated machine, but the customers need of the experience of the provider, as they aim from Maquinser, to tackle complete projects with guarantees: “The customer looks for a solution, since the machine fulfil with the provision of quality until the set up final. A project in hand, in definite”.

In any case, for the provider is fundamental to cover the expectations of the customer, taking into account besides that in the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry, each case is distinct, so the arguments can vary of a machine to another, as they aim in AgieCharmilles: “The first to consider is the need of the customer and determine with him cual is the technological solution more adapted to his project. Once defined the needs selects the solution that better answer to the relation of criteria and priorities to take into account.

The future happens in the 5 axles

The complexity and the need to reduce time and costs carry to the sector to work with the most polyvalent machines possible, segment where the ones of 5 axles seem to reign. A polivalencia that will come determined, among others factors, by the different configurations of cabezales and tables that the companies are able to offer as well as solutions to mechanise hard materials like the titanium or alloys with high content of nickel and chromium, as they say in Heller. Also the polivalencia of the husillos, that can work so much titanium like aluminium, add in DMG.

For Maquinser, the tendency that marked SNK in structural piece with the cinematic of table ‘tilting' are following it the rest of manufacturers for pieces of 1,5 to 10 m and for all type of materials. On the same line they define in Maqcenter, that foresee en el futuro a greater participation in the surroundings of the mechanised by means of systems of help to the programming, systems anticolisión, detection of vibrations and all that that suppose a greater interaction with the surroundings of manufacture.

In this sense, in AgieCharmilles think that the pieces directed to the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector require and justify the technology of 5 axles, to the time that detect a clear tendency to machines devoted and adapted that, splitting of standard models, modify in those necessary appearances to fulfil with the exigencias of the market. Likewise, also they aim that “in the field of the spark-erosion, the evolution of the generators has allowed that this till lately revoked technology by a lot of members of the sector for as that applications was going back to open hollow in the processes of manufacture. In this field also observes a tendency to the specialisation of the machines to adapt to the most technical applications”.

Moment of the setting of a horizontal stabilizer. Photo: Hegan
Moment of the setting of a horizontal stabilizer. Photo: Hegan.

A future in positive

The next 20 years foresees that the aerial traffic increase a 5 and 4,1% according to the data made public by Boeing and Airbus. Likewise, the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing and space sector Spanish has grown, according to figures of Tedae, practically of way continued in the last years. These figures allow to see to the sector with some optimism of face to the future, more if we take into account the results of the clústeres situated in Spain and that agglutinate the greater part of companies related with this sector, from mecanizadoras until provider of services and auxiliary equipment. Three of them, Hegan, clúster aerospace Basque, BAIE, the clúster aerospace of Catalonia, and Propeller, the clúster aeroepacial Andalusian, give us some tracks on in which point finds in sector. In the case of the clúster of Euskadi, the evolution of the last exercise has been positive, regarding his partners refers , reaching a turnover of 1.419 million euros, of which 3,4% — 49 millions— correspond strictly to the subsector ‘space', whereas 'structures' supposes 52,1% of the total, ‘motors' 39,1% and ‘equipment and subsystems' 5,3%. However, they alert of the need to keep the investment in R&D, more now by the difficulties of financials that are living the companies.

Also in BAIE —Barcelona Aeronautics & Space Association—, clúster founded in 2000, the figures are optimistic: the turnover supposes some 2.600 million annual euros, of which 5% corresponds directly to production of aerospace material, such as it exposes Gloria García-Square, his director. Besides, in the last decade the Catalan sector increased of 57% in turnover, with his main actors presents in the programs of reference of the sector in the international field for contractors like the European Space Agency (THIS), NASA, Airbus, Eurocopter, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Loral Space, etc.

In the actuality, can find Catalan participation in the aircraft of the family Airbus To380, To320 and To400M, the new Boeing 787, the program Eurocopter or the reactor Eurofighter EF2000. A lot of Catalan companies develop well destined systems to these aircraft or destined toolings to his assembling. In BAIE group also companies experienced in processes of automation of aerospace production; essays; verification and certification; systems of calibración; companies of processed of materials and treatments of surface for the sector; engineers and aerospace consultancies; textile for aviation like interiors or parachute; and skilled companies in the manufacture of compound materials.

From Catalonia exerts besides an important paper in the manufacturing again European Program of Navigation and Positioning by Satellite (Galileo) and exists besides an own technological centre in the sector: the Centre of Aerospace Technology, CTAE, established around the middle of 2005 and that realises an important work in the stimulation of projects of conjoint R&D between company and university.

recent Projects with participation of companies of BAIE

  • Project SEAS: system of learning for astronauts and study of the muscular atrophy in conditions of microgravedad, on board of the Module of European investigation Columbus of the International Space Station (Sener, NTE-SNER; Centre of High sportive Performance CAR of Saint Cugat for the validation of parameters of physical learning and ergonomics of the system)
  • Project of Observation of the Earth of the European Space Agency SMOS (Mier Communications, UPC, Institute of Sciences of the Sea)
  • Program of Navigation and Positioning by European Satellite, Galileo (UPC, Mier Communications, Sener, Indra)
  • European Program of throwers: Ariane, the new launch Vega, and by prevailed time from out of Russia or Kazakstan, Soyuz, that has begun this last quarter of the 2011 his routine operations from the Space Port European in the French Guyana, Kurú (south America) (GTD)
  • Vehicle of Automatic Supply of the International Space Station – ATV (UPC; GTD)
  • experimental Vehicle of reentry of the European Space Agency (CIMSA)
  • pilot Plant of MELISSA: bioreactor for the recycling of products of waste of a crew (carbon dioxide, faeces, urine) and his reconversion by means of the action combined of different types of microorganisms, in useful products for a crew (water, oxygen and food). This plant, situated in the UAB, is one of the angular pieces of the Program Aurora, for the exploration tripulada of the Solar System, of the European Space Agency (UAB, NTE-SENER; CTAE)
  • Participation in the development of the Cameras of Simulation of space environingingment of the National Institute of Aerospace Technician (INTA) and of the Space Agency of Brazil (Telstar)
  • Programs of environingingmental optimisation and of consumption in aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing of the European Union SESAR and Clean Sky, IRIS (THIS) (Indra Space; Sener; AENA; Atos Origin)
  • Big Aircraft: To350SWX; To380; B787; To400M; Eurofighter; Eurocopter… (Applus; Aritex; Car Stamp; CIMNE; Composites Tie; Ficosa; GTD; Guilo Mechanised; Gutmar; Hofmann Iberian; Idom; Industrial Neotex, Devises; Mapro; Mazel; Prae Trade; Procon Systems; Promaut; Rucker Lypsa; Sener; Serra Aeronautics-Group Aernova; T-Systems)
  • Logistical and Engineering Aeroportuaria (Abertis Airports; Advanced Logistics Group – ALG; Sener; W aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing)
  • Development of software of Control of Aerial Traffic for towers of Control (Indra)
  • Runways aeroportuarias (Anortec)
  • Satellites of communications (Abertis Telecom; Indra; Mier Communications; Sener) and scientific (NTE-SENER; Sener; Starlab; IEEC; UAB; UB; UPC)
The polivalencia of machines like the ones of 5 axles allow to reduce the number of phases of production and win precision and stability...

The polivalencia of machines like the ones of 5 axles allow to reduce the number of phases of production and win precision and stability. Photo: Brian Stegner.

Regarding the companies associated to Hegan, from the clúster affirm that, in spite of the growth of the use of the composites in the manufacture of aircraft, the metallic materials still save a big importance in this sector, “considering us specialists in these processes of start of shaving”. Between the 38 companies associated to the clúster, 16 of them realise activity in the field of the mechanised: Aciturri, Aerrnova, Aeromec, Aibe, Aratz, Astorka, Burdinberri, Burulan, DMP, Electrohilo, Industries Galindo, ITP, Metraltec, Novalti, Nuter and Siegel. According to the subsector in which they specialise each one of them, would find us that they realise processes so diverse like special alloys, geometries complicated, projects of big precision, etc. The rest of companies associated to Hegan operate in all the chain of supply, from the areas of engineering, design, aviónica, manufacture of structures, of complete subsystems for motors and space, of system and UAS, until essays, maintenance, automation or logistical.

Fits to stand out that the Basque aerospace industry has two big capacities: the design and manufacture of big structures instrumented (sections, wings, stabilisers…) and the design and manufacture of complete subsystems for the engine (turbine of low pressesure). They add to these two significant capacities, a long list that comprise the conceptual design and of detail, the integration of subsets and kits, the manufacture of components and pieces, toolings and lines of final assembling, the mechanised and the smelting, the treatments and the boilerworks, the maintenance… all this for any one of the subsectores of Aeroestructuras Motors, systems and Equipment and Space. José Judge, director manager of Hegan, adds that “maybe the big fortress of the sector associated to Hegan was the one to be an industry ‘multicliente' and ‘multiproducto' able to give products and services to different customers and in different programs; and be organisations centred in the technology and the quality: all the members fulfil with the international norms of the sector: certificates in IN9100 from 2005 and in NADCAP from 2007”.

In figures

The turnover of the associated of Hegan in 2011, in the total of his plants, reached the record figure of 1.419 million euros, what supposes an increase of 13% on the previous year.

Regarding the installed plants in Euskadi, the turnover has increased also, in 6,4% specifically, until reaching the 705 million euros.

Likewise, the exports have increased 6%, with an upper figure to the 825 million euros.

Regarding the aerospace sector Andalusian, the figures that contributes Propeller, composed by 120 companies (the majority centred enlas provinces of Seville and Cádiz) with performances so much in the regional field like national and international, show the good moment of the zone in this sector: in 2011 they reached an aggregated turnover of 1.754 million euros. This has been thank you, fundamentally, to the developments of the programs To400M and To350, whose evolution foresees new increases for the next years given the high participation of the Andalusian signatures in both projects. Likewise, they stand out of special way the companies that compose the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing auxiliary industry Andalusian, with a growth of 16,5% (645 million euros) and the effort investor realised, with an increase of 8,2%. It fits to take into account that the companies grouped in the clúster engloban in different subsectores and areas of activity: mechanics and tooling, services, engineering and quality consultancy, setting, essays, compound materials, electronic electrical/material and general aviation.
The good moment of the Andalusian sector shows it the presence of the companies of the clúster in the main aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing programs international, fundamentally of the European manufacturer EADS through Airbus, Airbus Military and Eurocopter, without leaving to work for other big world-wide manufacturers like Embraer, Cassidian, Boeing, Bombardier, Sikorsky, Dassault, Agusta Westland, etc. But perhaps the project of greater importance in the actuality is the aeroplane of military transport To400M, whose line of final assembling (FAL) finds in Seville, beside the factory of Airbus Military, and that constitute the first installations of this type that exist in the community. In fact, this centre has converted to Andalucia in the third aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing pole more important of Europe, so only by behind Toulouse (France) and Hamburg (Germany).

Stand out also the installations of Centre Advanced of Aerospace Technologies (Catec), with experience in investigation and technology of avant-garde in fields like the new aerospace materials, the automation and robotic in industrial processes, the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing simulation, the aviónica or the systems no tripulados. Or the Centre of Simulators of Flight and Learning of Crews of Airbus Military, situated beside the FAL. And in the next months will set up in Jaén the Centre of Experimental Flights ATLAS for systems and aeroplanes no tripulados (UAS) of light and average size, that will be also an only installation in his gender in Europe.

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