Centrotécnica - C.T. Servicio, S.A. - Plastic mills / granulators


Trituración Of quality, economic, effective and profitable

Picture of Trituración Of quality, economic, effective and profitable
The new series of trituradores Goliath Plus of Moditec, distributed in Spain by C.T.Service – Centrotécnica, keep the advantages known of the slow speed as it is the trituración of thermoplastic without friction neither warming of the material that is not degraded; work without hardly noise, without dust and with ínfimos mechanical wears thanks to a speed of cut reduced (25 rpm) and a high resultant pair; also they present important innovations; as it is the reversibilidad of the components of the camera of trituración to duplicate his, already of in case long, useful life; so much in you comb like contrapeines and blades. Besides, the employment of a granulometry of cut of trapezoidal type (tpz) in different sizes (these trituradores do not require of rejilla or sieve), the electrical picture of control with system antibloqueo ABS, with screen of control LCD and programmable logical module, the system Masher or third axis in hopper and the new system of detection of metals in camera of cut IMD (both systems patented and exclusive of Moditec). Also they offer different transparent hoppers in PC, usual of Moditec, being able to opt by a hopper in steel insonorizada, with straight fall, endowed of one always useful window of inspection in PC on the camera of cutting. They offer 3 types of standard granulometry : tpz 5, tpz 6 and tpz 8 for the obtaining of the triturado more suitable. The only conception of the teeth of cut, trapezoidal and at the same time helicoidal, offers a quality of triturado optimum, maximum performance and the qualities of this before reviewed technology.

This concept, patented and exclusive of Moditec, has designed to avoid important damages in case that it fall a metallic piece in the camera of cutting of the triturador; and at the same time, avoid that metallic particles happen to the lines of feeding of material of the machines, in installations automated of recycled; with the high costs that this involves. In fact, in what the system detects a metallic part (by contact between two zones of the camera of cutting) the rotor of the triturador Goliath Plus for immediately : the time of reaction is of 40 thousandth of second. The operario will see immediately the signal of alarm and the reason of the stop in the screen LCD of the electrical picture of the triturador.