Centrotécnica - C.T. Servicio, S.A. - Injection stretch blow moulding


Injection, pulled, blown: to produce hollow containers and bottles of quality

Picture of Injection, pulled, blown
AOKI JAPON Offers the but high technology in injection-pulled-blown to produce hollow containers and bottles of very high quality, by the cost of a preforma

Containers for water, juice, edible oils, sazonadores and sauces, among others used each dia more, can produce in the machines AOKI by means of the system of direct thermal sensors conditioning, that dispenses of the process of recalentamiento; saving power, increasing production and improving, if it fits, the quality of the final container. Only technology and patented of the Japanese leader that makes possible the thermal sensors conditioning of the preforma which influences in the possibility of moldear with big recisión products of fine walls that they are simultaneously injected and moldeadas. It deletes the need of recalentar the preforma , therefore we attain a moldeo of high speed . When using the residual heat of the preforma during the process of pulled blown, the energetic cost of recalentar the preforma is zero, the time of cooling shortens and saves also in power of cooling.