AsorCAD Engineering, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
AsorCAD Engineering, S.L.
Comte de Montemolín, 8
08150 Parets del Vallès (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑935707782  
🖷:  +34‑935707778

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

AsorCAD Engineering, S.L.

Experts in digitalizado 3D and reverse engineering.

The size does not matter: a coin, a monoplaza or a castle.
With his experience beside the rest of areas of business, presents like an integral engineering.

They carry years working, innovando and reinventing day in day out.

Areas of business:

Digitalizado 3D and reverse engineering without limitation of precision neither size.

Design of product and toolings (CAD/CAM) 3D (conceptual Design, formal and functional)

Industrialisation, impressesion 3D, prototypes, mechanised CNC, etc.

Official distributors of scanner 3D, 4D, and software of Reverse
engineering and verification.

Digitalizan And/or transform his clouds of points or files of meshes poligonales, in files of surfaces or solids.

From AsorCADEngineering can help them with his files digitalizados, transforming them in files of geometry CAD to facilitate the back handle and manipulation.

They can generate him models of solid/surfaces with or without parametric tree in function of his needs and system CAD employee.