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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at De nada sirve ir al funeral sin que te vea la viuda

No point in going to the funeral unless you see the widow

on February 17, 2011


Perhaps appears to be the title of this somewhat aggressive article or at least puzzling. Nothing further from the truth. This humble author is unveiling a concern which is continually me around by the head. Let's see if I'm able to convey the message.

We recently attended the last Meeting of the machining, which on this occasion was held in Valencia. I have to admit, in the first place, that was the best meeting I have ever known (by the way I have attended all), and I think that the best not only by the highest level of the speakers but even more so by the very high participation to the public Assistant gave us.

In my professional life I have seen to our Organization as a facilitator company, i.e., that provides solutions to companies and their people. As a result of the crisis we are experiencing, industrial organizations who come to our shelter us are largely asking that we help them get more customers, more business and ultimately ask us to help them survive. According to this latent need which is detected in the metal and the machining industry in particular, was born the idea to collaborate, through Aspromec (Association of professionals for the competitiveness of the machining), in the meetings of the machining with a well-marked philosophy reporting continuously: innovation, cooperation, contacts and new markets. These four attributes I would like to transfer them to you my thinking when I say that 'it is no use going to the funeral unless you see the widow'.

Yes, gentlemen, it is strictly true. Let me explain. In the above mentioned meeting attended as company tractor, phenomenally represented by its head of engineering of the plant of engines, which could not be otherwise, Ford. In his presentation - among the many interesting things that we reported - explained that they have necessarily had to "go looking for life" internally to resolve situations of maintenance, good adaptation, of improves, because they were not external solutions in the Valencian industrial.

This claim, made by Vicente Sánchez, born my reflection in orientation to the values of the meetings.

Valencia mecanizadores gentlemen: thank God you have in your region a huge company tractor of exciting projection of future (remember that it is a world factory in many components of your group). I am also aware that there are the same needs of other companies in other regions you tractor units and that we have heard in Valencia will be extrapolated to anywhere else.

It is not enough information in the sector and have contacts if not we develop strategies that result in a profitable business for all parties

Listening what is suing the potential cliente-tractor is critical in a competitive market and with the sword of Damocles in the neck permanently. If we manage to meet their demands and we are able to develop actions such as the attributes of the meetings (innovation, cooperation, contacts and new markets), sure that with the Union on cooperation of different companies could develop common innovative strategies with our clientthat help you turn to be more competitive in a market so global. I'm continually seeing that we escape many businesses hands because we are not able to listen to the tractor, sit down and to cooperate to provide innovative products and final solutions and facilities to the ones that we subcontract.

This is my thinking. It is not enough to attend an event, information of the sector, having certain contacts if we are not able to develop strategies that result in a profitable business for all parties. It is not enough to call a meeting if not see us, if we are not able to join us and if we have no clear vision. In this case, we have not met the goal. They must count on professionals who are able to bring together the interests of the parties and guide us to a common goal that we can survive with profitability. Therefore, I invite you to cooperate, to sit on a common strategy in order to give solutions to companies that outsourced to us. This is what the market is demanding. WE HAVE TO DO.

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