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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Los Encuentros del Mecanizado llegan a Barcelona

The meetings of the machining arrive in Barcelona


May 6, 2010

On 20, the Auditorium from the Parc Tecnològic del Vallès, located in Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona), will be the scene of the fourth edition of the Meetings of the machining, the Forum addressed to SMEs in the sector organized by wnt IbéricaCarinox, Intermaher, Tecnocim and Toolox.
In these meetings will be the intervention of Antoni Soy, Secretary of industry and enterprise of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Antoni Marsal, President of Unió Patronal Metal. lúrgica. Several companies will also provide its vision to improve the competitiveness of the sector with the following presentations: 'The multifunction machine as a competitive advantage', of the director of Intermaher Roberto Hernando; 'The digital workshop, challenges and opportunities', Héctor Soler, director of Tecnocim; 'Aid to the r & d', by María Delgado Álvarez of the Department of coordination and stimulation of CDTI; and 'The correct selection of the material to be more competitive' by Håkan Engström, key account manager EMEA of Toolox-SSAB.

After the coffee break, talks will continue with the intervention of Antonio Morales, responsible for Industrial distribution of BP, who will speak of the ' breakdown of costs: improvement of productivity through the right choice of the cutting fluid '; 'The solitude of the steering of the SME before decision making', of José Antonio Vadillo, director of the Group Vadillo advisers; ' RoboAscamm, automatic robotic cell for industrial processes - 7 in 1', by Jordi Ribatallada, head of the unit's equipment, automation and Mechatronics of the Ascamm private foundation; 'Promoting the culture of innovation in the SMEs of the machining', by Candy Gordillo, responsible for the commercial management of WNT Ibérica; and ' Indra, global company: global approach to outsourcing ' by Francisco Javier Salorio del Moral, director of Compras-Subcontratación of Indra.

A debate among the attendants on the theme 'The competitiveness of the SMEs in machining today', will be held at the end of the parliaments, chaired by our colleague of Interempresas Ángel Hernández.

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