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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Grabysur se traslada a Aerópolis para obtener mayor músculo industrial

Grabysur has worked in the main programs of military aviation of Airbus: CN235, C295, C101, C212, To330MRTT and To400M

Grabysur Moves to Aerópolis to obtain greater industrial muscle

Editorial Interempresas24/04/2014
After quintuplicar his turnover in the last polish, the Andalusian signature will tackle an investment of more than one million euros in new installations, equipment and skilled personnel. Like this, Grabysur foresees to duplicate his sales in hardly two years thanks to his position of European leadership in panels of nocturnal vision for military aircraft and to new lines of business so much in military aviation like civilian. It treats of the only Spanish manufacturer of these panels, what has it aupado to the condition of Tier One, or contractor of first level of Airbus Defense & Space for this technology.

The Andalusian signature Grabysur, reference in Europe in panels of nocturnal vision for military aircraft, and only Spanish manufacturer of this technology, will move to Aerópolis, the Aerospace Technological Park of Andalucia, before final of year, with the aim to win industrial muscle and reinforce his capacity of production, after the exponential growth of requests that has had in the last five years, in which it has quintuplicado his volume of business, until surpassing the million of euros.

The transfer to some new installations to Aerópolis will be accompanied of an important investment in equipment and personal, upper in his group to the million of euros, with which Grabysur wants to increase his capacity to assume greater loads of work, so much in this line of business, as in other new that the company pretends to open in the next years, always from a philosophy of business based in the specialisation in technologies and capacities sued by the market and without hardly competitors.

That is just the case of the activity that at present represents almost 100% of the turnover of the company, the design and manufacture of panels lit, in 85% of the cases for nocturnal vision, that ship in aeroplanes and military helicopters mainly, but also in nautics military equipment and terrestrial. Grabysur Is in fact the only Spanish manufacturer specialised in these panels of nocturnal vision and so only has four competitors in Europe, with which delivers this market.

This specialisation in panels of nocturnal vision has aupado to Grabysur to the condition of Tier One, or contractor of first level of Airbus Defence & Space for this technology. In fact, 40% of his sales are direct sellings to the tractor trucks, and roughly another 45% are sales to big subcontractors of her. In the wallet of customers of the company, in addition to Airbus Defence & Space, appear companies and entities like Indra, General Dynamics, Navantia, Elimcon, MDU, Navair, Sintersa, the Spanish Air Force, Tecnobit, or the ancient Cassidian (today integrated also inside Airbus Defence & Space). Grabysur Has worked and works in the main programs of military aviation of Airbus: CN235, C295, C101, C212, To330MRTT and the new aeroplane of transport To400M.

Hardly five companies in Europe have of the specialisation and necessary capacity for the production of panels of nocturnal vision for military...
Hardly five companies in Europe have of the specialisation and necessary capacity for the production of panels of nocturnal vision for military aircraft.

The aim that Grabysur has marked before 2016 is to duplicate his turnover, taking advantage of the greater industrial capacity that will award him the transfer to Aerópolis, as well as the start of new lines of business so much in military aviation as in civil aviation, with which pretends to diversify his current positioning of market, centred in panels.

Specifically, the plans of the company go through to take advantage of the know how and expertise accumulated in nocturnal vision to start with to work in other equipment, like the indicators of cabin. For this, Grabysur has realizar in the last years a decided bet by the R&D, and keeps different lines of open collaboration with the University of Seville (through the Association of Investigation and Industrial Cooperation of Andalucia –AICIA), of which wait derive resulted so much to half as to very short term.

The founder and CEO of the company, Fernando Besa, defines the transfer to Aerópolis like the “symbol of the quantitative and qualitative jump that pretend to give in the current moment, once consolidated our experience in technology of nocturnal vision and recognised our capacities by a manufacturer like Airbus, to the that never have failed neither in qualities neither in terms of delivery”. A quantitative and qualitative jump, this yes, “without renouncing to our signals of identity, before well, deepening in them: microespecialización and bet by the engineering and the R&D to offer capacities very difficult to find in the market”.

Grabysur Is the only Spanish manufacturer of these panels, what awards him the condition of Tier One
Grabysur Is the only Spanish manufacturer of these panels, what awards him the condition of Tier One.

Enlargement of installations, technology and staff

The current installations of Grabysur, of 300 m2, find in the Polygon The Pine and include technology, equipment and machinery of technology advanced for the manufacture of panels of nocturnal vision, between them a Laboratory of Radioespectrometría, that is only in Spain. With this infrastructure, and a team of ten people in engineering, quality and production, more the four with functions of steering and administration, the Andalusian signature develops a production that fulfils all the strict requests of the norm SAE-ACE-7788 and ONE THOUSAND-STD-3009, regarding hardness, finishing, depth of recorded, termination of painting, etc., demanded by the industry.

The ship that will occupy Grabysur in Aerópolis has a surface of 1.500 m2, and in her the company foresees to realizar an important investment in equipment and in personnel, until almost bend the current staff. Specifically, the creation of employment that has foreseen to realizar of here to 2016 is of 12 people, mainly in places of engineering, production and control of production. The start of the transfer will begin after the summer, and the aim of Grabysur is to have displaced all the production to the new headquarters before final of year.

Grabysur Will invest more than one million euros in new installations, equipment and skilled personnel
Grabysur Will invest more than one million euros in new installations, equipment and skilled personnel.
“In addition to robustecer our industrial muscle, think that this operation goes to be also important from the point of view of image and of positioning of frame, and especially to follow improve ours R&D, in a moment in that we expect big results of east”, says Fernando Besa, that is safe that “this is the moment for the Andalusian aerospace industry and have to take advantage of it”.

“Treats of a sector in growth all over the world, that will move a big volume of business in the short term, only in the military market are speaking of 85,7 trillion dollars until 2016 and have to take advantage of the presence of a tractor trucks like Airbus in Andalucia to generate new opportunities of business and conquer new markets from the specialisation and the R&D”, ensures the CEO of Grabysur, that bets especially by the differentiation.

“That is our approach of course, do things, that others are not able to do, and from this perspective the requirement has to be daily and increasing, because today we have an only technology in Spain but at all guarantees you that tomorrow they arise new competitors, therefore, our idea of business is to follow developing only capacities or very little offered in the market, diversifying our lines of activity, but always from the specialisation”, concludes.

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