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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Siemens mira al futuro con la voluntad de afrontar los grandes retos de la sociedad
The company closes the exercise in Spain with a turnover of 1.060 million euros

Siemens looks to the future with the will to face the big challenges of the society

David Muñoz13/12/2013

Like one of the big referents in the industrial world, always is interesting to listen the vision of the market that has Siemens. If that review to the situation of the sector comes in addition to mouth of a professional with the clarity of ideas that treasures his president in Spain, Rosa García, better that better. We assist to the presses conference that gave in Madrid, the past 11 December, the maximum manager of Siemens in Spain, to try comprise how this subsidiary has achieved to close the exercise with a growth of 5,8% in his turnover in spite of the hard economic situation that crosses the country.

From his constitution in 1847 like provider of a new type of able telegraph to facilitate the communications to big distance and, with this, speed up the international trade, the company Siemens has looked for, with his work, offer innovative solutions to the real needs of our society. “Always it has interested us the real economy”, signalled Rosa García, president of Siemens in Spain, to way of introduction.

In this sense and with the globalisation like general frame, the main areas of business of Siemens come to satisfy at present four big social challenges. In the first place, the energetic challenge, providing alternative to the traditional resources fossils that allow to win in efficiency and in sustainability, and facilitating also the access to the power to all those citizens that up to now could not enjoy of her by geographic or economic barriers.

Rosa García, president of Siemens in Spain
Rosa García, president of Siemens in Spain.

Like second big area of business Siemens aims to the health. As it remembered Rosa García, the medical advances are comporting an increase of the hope of life and a progressive aging of the population. Illnesses that before supposed a safe death, now can cut across through the prevention and of advanced treatments. But so that this aging produce with a good quality of life is necessary to advance to an increasingly efficient health and sustainable. Siemens works in this contributing technological solutions that allow to improve the hospitable organisation, detect the illnesses of premature form and do the surgical interventions of a more reliable form and economic.

Another big challenge to the that took our society centres in how face up to the every time greater concentration of population that gives in the cities. At present, 55% of the world-wide population lives in the urbes and in hardly five years expects that this percentage rise until 70%. Therefore, the exodus of the rural surroundings to the urban is imparable in all the parts of the world and this supposes the aggravation of problems like the increase of the atmospheric pollution, the management of the rubbishes/waste, the congestion of the traffic, a greater energetic consumption, etc. Siemens has proposed encarar also these problematic marking as third big area of work what the signature calls “Infrastructures and cities”.

And like fourth main line of work, but no thus less important, the company founded by the German Ernst Werner M. von Siemens, keeps his firm bet by the Industry, manifesting his will to keep on being a leading actor in what Rosa García designates “Fourth Industrial Revolution”. The digitalisation is a process that has entered with strength in all the fields of the life and the industrial processes are not extraneous to this. Siemens wants to follow contributing innovative solutions that allow to the traditional industrial regions, Europe and North America, keep on being competitive in front of the pujantes industries of the emergent countries of Asia and, in a future no very far, of Africa.

Organisational change

Rosa García also took advantage of the presses conference to give to know the reasons that have carried to the company to realizar an important change in his form to work some markets, between them the Spanish. Until it does not do a lot, Siemens included Spain in a clúster in which they also were integrated other European countries, but from does some months has a structure devoted to 100% to the Spanish market. Why it has taken this decision? As it explained the president of Siemens in Spain, the company, through an internal study, darse that 85% of his turnover proceeded of 30 countries (when it is present in more than 190) and that, therefore, these markets required to be attended of an individual and direct form, with a much nearer contact with the customers that allow to know which are his true needs and can answer like this with solutions adjusted to the same.

The growth of the urban population supposes a big challenge in matter of infrastructures, to the that Siemens wants to face up...

The growth of the urban population supposes a big challenge in matter of infrastructures, to the that Siemens wants to face up.

Siemens configures as well as a big multinational with more than 360.000 employees delivered by all the world, but with a vocation to attend the main markets of a local form. A strategy that, of course, has the beneplácito of the new president of Siemens, Joe Kaeser (the one who substituted in the charge, the past month of August, to Peter Löscher) and that sees accompanied by another of the big pillars of the Group, the innovation, as they show the near of 4.300 million euros that has allocated to the R&D during the last exercise (+5% of growth interanual) and the 60.000 patents that launches every year (30 patent/day).

The crisis like opportunity

As it signalled Rosa García, Siemens has seen in the crisis an opportunity to advance in several lines of work. Firstly increasing his penetration in the market, being key for this his strategy to want to accompany to the Spanish companies in his exits to the outside. Of the hand of big, and no so big, customers, Siemens is today with his solutions in the development of projects of big calado international. This is, definitely, one of the keys to understand how, in spite of the economic crisis that suffers our country, the Spanish subsidiary has achieved to increase his turnover during the last exercise 5,8%, until reaching the 1.060 million turnover. And if the analysis carries to the terrain of the requests, the growth has been still greater, of 11,2%, for a total volume of 1.084 million euros (these data include the purchase of Dimetronics in May of 2013, integrated in S. Rail Automatitation).

But the excellence, as it affirmed the president of Siemens in Spain, do it the people and thus the company keeps like one of his firmer wills keep to his staff with a high level of motivation. This self-evident in a study that signals to Siemens like the thirteenth better company in which work in Spain, being the first in the industrial field. “Without the people only would be technology”, manifested Rosa García, the one who besides defined to his workers like "people that carry the image of Siemens tatuada in his leather".

Good part of this motivation also has his origin in the work that comes developing the Group to optimise the efficiency of his processes, simplifying them in all that that was possible. All this with the intention to improve also the relation with the customers.

Siemens contributes efficient energetic solutions and sustainable

Siemens contributes efficient energetic solutions and sustainable.

Precisely this relation with the customers constitutes another of the central axles of Siemens. The aim, as it indicated Rosa García, “is not to have satisfied customers, but have what we call customers fans, that is to say customers that are able to recommend us even to his own competition”.

The maximum manager of Siemens in Spain also stood out the implication of the company in measures that influence in his image and reputation. “The social networks – said- do that the companies can be today photographed by all that that do. Siemens wants to be transparent in this sense, opening the doors of our company and taking initiatives as it can be this presses conference”.

Vision of future

Like conclusion to his intervention Rosa García reaffirmed the intention of Siemens of “not growing to any price but through a profitable growth”, selecting well the projects in which the company considers that it can contribute a value added and refusing the rest. “We think on a long-term basis”, it indicated.

For this from Siemens also trusts a slow but progressive recovery of the market in Spain, which Rosa García illustrated gráficamente through the confrontation of the image that projected the past year (a triple storm in the sea, with the waters embravecidas) with the one of this year (a sea in calm, after the storm, with a ship waiting for that it begin to blow the wind). This wind, as it affirms from Siemens Spain, will not take in arriving habida account of the last data macroeconómicos and of the will showed by the Administration to direct the few investments that can realizar to projects that really guarantee a good return: rail transport of commodities, new infrastructures in ports, openings of hospitals, renewal of medical equipment…

Siemens follows contributing advanced solutions in matter of medical diagnostic

Siemens follows contributing advanced solutions in matter of medical diagnostic.

The projects that still remain for executing in High Speed, the liberalisation of the rail transport in Spain (with a presumable growth in the demand of new trains) or the possible adjudication to Spain of the project of High Speed in Turkey, do of the railway industry one of the sectors with better perspectives for the future, as it concluded Rosa García.

Related Companies or Entities

Siemens, S.A. - Smart Infrastructure

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