
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Genebre presenta nueva imagen corporativa

Genebre presents new corporate image


on April 7, 2006

With reason of his presence in Spagua 2006, Genebre presented his new corporate image. The company is present in the market from does more 25 years offering a complete range of industrial valves, hidrosanitarias, grifería domesticates and for communities (hospitals, hotels, gymnasiums, campings, etc.), as well as sanitary ware installations for handicapped persons.

Genebre, coinciding with his 25 years of history, has decided to adapt the corporate image to the values of the company, as they are the design and quality of product, the capacity of service and the solvencia professional of all the organisation. And it has wanted that it was presented to the sector and to the market in the fair Smagua 2006.

Genebre Has considered necessary to initiate a politics of creation of image of mark, when converting the new identity in the core of communication of all the activity of the company, from some tools of gestión of image as they are a new system of corporate identification: symbol, tipografías, denominations annexes, colours, disposals and some norms of use and of applications in product and in other supports of internal and external communication.


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