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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at TÜV SÜD genera 1.400 nuevos puestos de trabajo en 2013 en todo el mundo

TÜV SÜD Generates 1.400 new places of work in 2013 all over the world


20 May 2014

TÜV SÜD is growing and growing and keeps on being a machine of employment. This is one of the main messages that the directors of the company exposed in the presses conference of annual results that took place in Munich, Germany, the past 12 May. The managerial board presented the figures of the fiscal year 2013 to the means and contributed a forecast of the strategy of the group TÜV SÜD and of the key areas of the future.

Representatives of TÜV SÜD in the celebrated presses conference in Munich, Germany
Representatives of TÜV SÜD in the celebrated presses conference in Munich, Germany.

The provider of technical services TÜV SÜD created 1400 employments in the world in the 2013. It has hired around 1.000 employees almost every year from 2005 thanks to a strong sustainable growth. In the 2013 the international company increased his income in a 6,5 %, of 1,82 billion of euros in 2012 to 1,94 billion of euros in 2013.

All the regions and segments of business have contributed to increase the income. To be more concrete, the income in 2013 increased to 790 million euros in the segment of industry (+ 8,9 %), 501 million euros in the segment of certification (+7.4 %) and 647 million euros in the segment of mobility (+3.4 %). The acquisitions also play his paper in the increase of income. In 2013 TÜV SÜD purchased nueve companies and invested a lot in the existent business. The total number of investments in the future and in acquisitions added 120 billion of euros, a milestone in the history of the company. The acquisitions have allowed to TÜV SÜD extend his wallet of services in projects of infrastructures and construction. The two motors of the growth have been the continuous development of new services and the acquisitions.

“The new opportunities of the industry 4.0 go accompanied of new risks that include the espionage and industrial sabotage”, commented the president of the Managerial Board of TÜV SÜD the Dr Axel Stepken. TÜV SÜD Supports to the companies in the management of these challenges when offering a wide wallet of services, for example, the company extended his services of hygiene YOU when founding TÜV SÜD Sec IT GmBH at the beginning of this year.

The goods of consumption no always guarantee the hygiene that expect the consumers. The products that do not fulfil with the legal requirements in the country of destination have to withdraw. The past year, 2364 dangerous products withdrew of the market via Rapex, the European system of fast alert. The increase in the global trade and the turns in the global production and the chains of supply have caused an increase continued of the global demand of certification and essay of products of consumption, sanitary ware products and industrial products. To be able to cover this demand, TÜV SÜD will follow expanding his global network of laboratories of essay. Recently, it opened a new centre of essays of electrical and electronic products in Bangalore, the Indian.

Protect to the people and warn accidents is the mission of TÜV SÜD in the road. At present the sector of the transport is confronting to new challenges. With his global commitment with the hygiene vial, TÜV SÜD also is answering to an increasing internationalisation of the industry of the automotive sector. “From the point of view of TÜV SÜD, have the duty to support to the car companies in new countries industrialised from the beginning, providing our technological knowledge and long experience. To end of accounts, our commitment can contribute to save lives all over the world”, recalcó Schneider.

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