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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Carne de ovino y vacuno ‘Made in England’
Soft, tender and juicy

Meat of sheep and cattle ' Made in England'

Drafting Interempresas27/06/2013

Of soft flavour and tender and substantial texture, the meat of ovino and beef English enjoys of the international recognition and has an own space inside our kitchens and restaurants. “Our meats are raw materials that fulfil standards of very high quality and can employ so much for the creation of products ‘delicatessen' as for the manufacturing of recipes simpler for the day in day out”, ensures Susana Morris, Export Marketing Executive of Eblex, the organisation of the sector of the ovino and beef of England.

United Kingdom is the first producing country of ovino of the EU

United Kingdom is the first producing country of ovino of the EU.

United Kingdom is the third producing country of meat of beef of the European Union and first producer of ovino. 70% of his territory is covered by grass, by what the livestock feeds fundamentally of pasture and forraje ensilado. According to account to Interempresas Susana Morris, Export Marketing Executive of Eblex, the country has a total of 97.000 farms of livestock bobino, with 9,9 million heads of livestock, according to the data to date of December of 2012, of which 50% is won of milk and 50% remaining livestock of meat.

In United Kingdom sacrifice 2 million heads of livestock of first quality, mainly meat of cebón of 26 months of age. The current production of meat rises to 909.000 tonnes, according to data of 2012. With regard to the most usual races, between the ones of beef stand out: Shorthorn, Hereford or Aberdeen Angus and between the ones of ovino: Swaledale, Dorset or Suffolk.

Regarding the ovino, the system of production bases in a feeding of pastures during the greater part of the life of the animals, being sacrificed to upper weights and with six months of age, because of the modern programs of genetic cárnica.

The different productive characteristics (weight, race and type of feeding) affect to the composition and sensory properties of the meat. The last productive and genetic technicians used in United Kingdom have achieved that the meat do not have the same composition of acids grasos, by what, affirms Morris, “his flavour is softer and his tenderr texture and substantial”.

British meat in the world

In 2012, United Kingdom exported a total of 185.000 tonnes of beef to all the world, of which 1.700 exported to Spain. With regard to the ovino, in 2012 exported 96.000 tonnes in total, to all the importing countries, although the quota of export to Spain still is small. However, it ensures Morris, the exports to our country are experiencing an increase sustained, thanks to all the actions of diffusion that llevar Eblex to give to know the characteristics of this meat.

With stamp of quality

Promoted by Eblex beef and sheep meat is a meat quality by which meets all standards and controls necessary to ensure its quality, flavour and tenderness. This seal is a program that offers high levels of warranty of the meat that is purchased and established the origin and quality of the meat. "For example, the meat from an animal born, raised and slaughtered in England take to beef quality seal or the seal of quality for lamb that indicates its English origin with the flag of St. George," explains Morris.

The Stamp of Quality of Eblex provides:

• The guarantee of hygiene in the feeding of the animal, welfare of the animal, suitable transport, cleaning, etc.

• The trazabilidad of the farms

• independent auditsss in each phase of the production and the manufacturing

• The guarantee of a tenderr meat and an upper alimentary quality.

Kebabs With tabulated of cuscús and meat of lamb with stamp of quality Eblex...
Kebabs With tabulated of cuscús and meat of lamb with stamp of quality Eblex. Recipe created by the chef Rubén Lamb for the recetario ‘Good provecho!'.

British meat, Spanish meat

The main difference in comparison with the Spanish meat can be found in the sheep: the English is sacrificed with greater weight than the Spanish but is not equivalent to the recental, that is sacrificed 6 months maximum, when the animal can reach about 18 kilos. Modern genetic and productive techniques make "the taste is soft and the tenderness of the meat is excellent, with the advantage that gives the larger", since, according to the Export Marketing Executive of Eblex, allows you to take advantage of a number of different and cuts can be used in all kinds of culinary applications and at all times of the year.

In 2011 Eblex collaboratively with Irta (Institute of research of the Generalitat de Catalunya), carried out a study in Zaragoza, Badajoz and Girona to assess tenderness, flavor and overall acceptability of Spanish consumers English sheep meat. To do this, we selected 476 consumers selected randomly and quotas of sex and age similar to the Spanish population. 56 Sessions for tasting samples of English and Spanish meat from 17 British producers and 12 Spaniards elected in Extremadura, Aragon and Catalonia were held. The result of the study was that, despite the differences in production systems and characteristics of animals, the acceptability of the two types of sheep by their origin was virtually the same. "Sheep and cattle meat quality does not intend to enter into competition with the Spanish meat. They are different and with high quality products that can perfectly coexist on the market,"says Morris.

Chuletas Of lamb with ‘garlic' of lemon and almonds. Recipe of Rubén Lamb for the recetario ‘Good provecho!'
Chuletas Of lamb with ‘garlic' of lemon and almonds. Recipe of Rubén Lamb for the recetario ‘Good provecho!'.

The sector ovino measures his footprint of carbon

Eblex has created a new on-line tool with which can measure the results of the diverse practices implanted in the farms to reduce the footprint of carbon and improve the profitability of the exploitations of livestock ovino. The aim is to detect of which way increase the efficiency in the reduction of the environingingmental impact of the companies of the sector ovino.

The program contains big quantity of data that show how the diverse factors affect to the production of carbon of the different companies. The producers can enter notable values for his business, including the use of fertilizantes, the piensos by lamb and the daily gain of alive weight, to see where finds his footprint of carbon. Besides, they can manage the values to see, for example, the form in that his footprint of carbon would see affected with a greater gain of alive weight to the day or reducing the use of fertilizantes.

The recipes of Eblex

On the occasion of his participation in the Salón del Gourmet of Madrid, Eblex published the cookbook 'Buen provecho!', thanks to the initiative of chef Rubén Cordero, who was also responsible for the show cooking during the fair. Different chefs from renowned joined the project voluntarily and contributed your recipes with meat of sheep and cattle with seal of quality. "The aim was to combine the quality of these raw materials with creativity and professionalism of these chefs to demonstrate multiple high quality culinary applications that are possible with our meats and the objective was fulfilled more than," says Morris.

"Our meats are raw materials that meet high quality standards and which can be used for the creation of products considered 'deli', but its versatility makes having application to all types of gourmet varieties, both recipes 'gourmet' as simpler preparations for every day," says the Export Marketing Executive of Eblex.

Of the British farms to the Spanish restaurant

Since in the inner market the foods circulate freely between the countries of the EU, the trazabilidad only can be effective if they fulfil the common requirements in all the States member. The General Law of Foods of the EU went in in force in 2002 and establishes the trazabilidad compulsory for all the companies of piensos and foods. It requires that all the operators of foods and piensos apply special tracking systems. They have to be able to identify the origin and the destination of his products to provide quickly this information to the competent authorities.

The EU has published a guide (available in the website of the European Commission) that asks to the operators document the name and steering of the provider and of the customer in each case, as well as the nature of the product and the date of delivery. Also it encourages to the operators to keep the information on the volume or the quantity of a product, the number of batch if it has it, and a more detailed description of the product, as for example if it is raw or processed.

Shoulder of lamb fill up of apples and piñones
Shoulder of lamb fill up of apples and piñones.

The cool meat imposes

The crisis of the meat of horse has pushed to the consumers to buy fewer products precooked products and to purchase more cool meat to cook. In the month of April, the figures of Kantar Worldpanel showed that the volume of sales of meat of cool lamb increased 26,3% and the sector of the cool meat of beef increased in 10% in comparison with the same period of the previous year. Inside the category of meat, the meat hammered showed 10% of increase, the meat for roasted until 7%, the filetes a five percent and the meat to cook experienced an increase of 25%.

By the contrary, the directly involved products in the scandal of the meat of horse decrecieron until 43%, especially the hamburgers of beef and 18% the ready foods refrigerated.

For the Export Marketing Executive of Eblex is necessary a clearer labeling of the products cárnicos to help to the consumer to choose and show a greater transparency, as well as for salvaguardar on a long-term basis the confidence of the consumers in the meat of lamb and beef. “The sector grazier adheres to strict norms on the production and is not of receipt that later are infringidas along the chain of supply”.

The consumer wants to know the origin and components of the product that is purchasing. Although it accepts of general form that products cárnicos cheaper contain lower proportion of meat of beef of quality when arriving to the market, “his content has to be clearly labelled in the container”, sustains.

Susana Morris, Export Marketing Executive of Eblex

Susana Morris, Export Marketing Executive of Eblex.

On Eblex

The organisation of the sector of the ovino and beef in England Eblex is one of the divisions of the Council of Agricultural Development and Horticultural (AHDB) and funds through the payment of the contribution of the AHDB on the livestock ovino and beef sacrificed in England or exported from the country. The Department of Export of Eblex identifies the opportunities of commercial development in the markets of export and promotes them through the provision of information of the market, advice, actions of marketing and the guide for exporters.

Eblex Also helps to facilitate the external trade making possible the access to the markets that do not belong to the EU and besides guarantees that they fulfil the protocols and appropriate certifications to allow said commercial activity. The aim of Eblex is to improve the profitability and sustainability of the sector cárnico English, helping to the efficiency of the chain of supply and add value to the industry of the meat of lamb and beef.

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#1 - Arnau
07/05/2020 12:24:23
Que diferencia los corderos de España de los del norte d'Europa? Ya que los de España son sacrificados con menor peso

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