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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at SIAL 2012: escaparate internacional para las últimas tendencias del sector agroalimentario
The edition of this year will have around 6.000 display units and expects a near assistance to the 140.000 visitors

SIAL 2012: international shop window for the last tendencies of the sector agroalimentario

David Muñoz29/05/2012

29 May 2012

To less than five months so that the fair SIAL 2012 open his doors in Paris, Olivia Grosbois, the director of this contest of international reference in the sector agroalimentario, has landed in Madrid to inform to the skilled means of the novelties that presents this edition, as well as of the positive registers that expect so much to level expositivo as of visitors.
SIAL 2012 search consolidate like an international referent in the sector agroalimentario
SIAL 2012 search consolidate like an international referent in the sector agroalimentario.

The organisation of SIAL 2012 announces that it expects to explain for this new edition with near of 6.000 display units, of which 80% will be international, pertinent of more than 160 countries. The Spanish companies, whose presence will be will coordinate by the Spanish Institute of External Trade (ICEX), will go back to have, an edition more, a presence stood out. After reaching the 450 display units in the edition of 2010, for this month of October expects have a similar volume, that will place to Spain like the fourth country in the ranking of display units, only surpassed by Germany, Belgium and China. Stuffings, sweet and delicatesen will constitute the three main sectors represented by our signatures in the Parisian contest.

Regarding the number of visitors, the organisation expects to increase the registers of the last edition of the 2010, when they visited the fair 136.500 people, in 60% pertinent of out of France. In this appearance, Spain also occupied a place stood out (6º) in the ranking of visitors, contributing in this moment 3.900 assistants.

“From our point of view, there are three fundamental reasons to visit SIAL 2012. In the first place because it is the fair agroalimentaria more important of the world, what supposes to have a big wealth and diversity of offer. Second, it is a big shop window to discover the last market trends and know like this the most innovative. And finally, but no less important, supposes a big opportunity to find with the leaders of the distribution, of the catering and of the industry agroalimentaria”, signalled Olivia Grosbois, director of SIAL.

Profile of the visitors

Of agreement to the data of the edition of the 2010, 49% of the visitors of SIAL correspond to the segment of the distribution, englobando in this to importing/exporters, wholesale, head offices of purchase, big and average surfaces, hypermarkets, cellars, delicatesen and retail.

Olivia Grosbois, director of SIAL
Olivia Grosbois, director of SIAL.
The profile of the visitor in the edition of 2010 was led by the distribution (49%), gone on down the industry agroalimentaria (28%) and by the catering (17%)

Second, and taking advantage of the sinergias resultant to celebrate the contest jointly with the fair of the process and alimentary conditioning IPA, find to the industry agroalimentaria, that contributes 28% of the visits. And to greater distance, as third group stood out, is the segment of the catering/hospitality industry. In all the cases appreciates a high percentage of assistants that exert an important paper in the processes of purchase of the companies, that in general lines surpasses 80%.

“With the intention to improve in this next edition, from SIAL have marked us new orientations, like working in a greater segmentation of the fair that end in a greater visibility of all the sectors on exhibition; favour a greater interactuación between all the participants; improve those elements that can do more confortable the visit; and even take advantage of the possibilities that gives us a city like Paris to do still more attractor trucks attend to SIAL”, manifested Olivia Grosbois.

With regard to the mentioned segmentation, already have given to know some decisions, as that the pavilion 7 will receive for the first time the dairy products and the beverages, that in the pavilion 5To will concentrate the dry products, that in the pavilion 6 will gather to the companies related with the cool products and that the pavilion 8 will reserve to segments also appeals for the visitors as it is the one of the gourmet and the one of the wine.

Like novelty for this edition, the organisation also informs that all the pavilions go to be accessible from the main entrance, what will speed up the visits.

Bet by the innovation

“The innovation goes in the DNA of SIAL and in fact, three of each four visitors attend to our fair to know the new market trends”, said Olivia Grosbois. Thus, the contest will have a space designated SIAL Innovation in which they will show 400 products chosen by his innovative character by a jury of independent experts. To this adds the called SIAL d'Or, by which reward those alimentary innovations that have turned into commercial successes in any of the 29 national markets that participate in this initiative. And like third highlight in the bet of SIAL by the innovation it is necessary to mention the Ecotrophelia Europe, an initiative in which they participate 16 countries, included Spain, whose aim is to favour between the students of kitchen the creation of alimentary products echo-innovative.

The innovation will go back to be one of the big axles of SIAL 2012, showing the last tendencies of the sector
The innovation will go back to be one of the big axles of SIAL 2012, showing the last tendencies of the sector.

Performances adapted to each sector

As it indicated the director of SIAL, one of the main challenges to which have to face up today the companies of distribution agroalimentaria, is to the increase of competitiveness. To help them to attain it, from the Parisian fair works , between other things, to favour a greater penetration in the French market of the companies foráneas that expose in this living room. How? For example with the agreement that has reached with the chain Intermarché to enter in his more than 1.800 shops, between 10 and 15 of the products rewarded in the SIAL Innovation.

Other two aims stood out that it has marked the fair for the channel distributor are, on the one hand, favour the entrance of the small and medium enterprises that like this wish it, in the channel of white marks; and by the another, improve the sustainable development in the sector agroalimentario, marking to SIAL like “a fair echo-citizen”. For this is creating a specific thematic route for products and responsible behaviours, announces an organic treatment for all the waste that generate the fair and will allocate to Red Cross the wall of 50 tonnes of foods that will leave to his closing the contest.

Regarding the segment catering, as it indicated Olivia Grosbois, the companies look for alternatives that allow to answer to the new ways of life/consummate. All this without neglecting the development of new products and concepts, as well as two fundamental appearances as they are the alimentary hygiene and the nutrition. In this sense the call ‘Cusine by SIAL' reinforces with a program of culinary events denser and appeals, facilitating the meeting between professionals of the catering, that will enjoy of a space of culinary demonstrations, of a new restaurant vip and of a showroom of products of catering and gourmet.

Finally, for the visitors of the alimentary industry, SIAL has the appeal to celebrate in parallel with IPA (The Global Food Factory), the international fair of the alimentary process, that develops in this occasion under the lemma of production responsible echo. In the frame of IPA there will be a Forum of Investigation and Innovation to help to the companies to be more efficient, has the Contest IPA of l'Innovation and, as another of the big novelties, goes to present a factory responsible echo to check which can be the best behaviour to economic and environingingmental level.

SIAL Celebrates jointly with IPA, the international fair of the alimentary process, what supposes an attractor trucks elder for the industry agroalimentaria
‘Cusine by SIAL' Reinforces with a program of culinary events denser and appeals
‘Cusine by SIAL' Reinforces with a program of culinary events denser and appeals.

Mayor confort

SIAL 2012 presents besides new services to improve the comfort of the assistants, as for example a simpler signaling and intuitive (resembled the one of the airports), spaces of catering for all the alimentary diets and devices reinforced for the transport and accommodation, amongst other.

Also is cream SIAL OFF, an initiative that pretends to take advantage of the extraordinary potential of Paris organising an exceptional route by special places of the city: restaurants, delicatesen, cellars, classes of kitchen, museums, etc.

SIAL Group, first world-wide network of fairs of the sector agroalimentario

SIAL was cream in 1964 in Paris and over time has extended his knowledge to all the continents, implanting also in China, Canada, Middle East and, this year, in Brazil, with the aim to offer an only platform of exchange and business for all the professionals of the sector agroalimentario. Through his six big fairs, SIAL Group gives fit to near of 9.300 display units (pertinent of 100 countries) and to around 220.000 visitors (with origin in 200 countries). As it signalled Olivia Grosbois, director of SIAL, “the market agroalimentario characterises for being very dynamic, by propiciar commercial exchanges to world-wide level, and in this sense, SIAL Group, with his strong international implantation, facilitates this commercial activity”.

Save in the case of SIAL Paris, that follows a Global ‘strategy to Global', that is to say of attraction of display units and visitors of all the world, in the case of the rest of contests of SIAL, the line followed is the one of ‘Global to Regional', adapting to the peculiarities of the markets in which they celebrate these fairs. Of this form, SIAL Brazil, that of the 25 to 28 June of this year will celebrate his first edition in Sao Paulo, centres in the market sudamericano and, between his more than 400 display units, will have a nourished Spanish representation. This first contest will develop simultaneously with Fispal Food Service, International Fair of the Feeding for the professionals of the catering.

Also this year, of the 26 to 28 November, will celebrate in Abu Dhabi, SIAL Middle East, very headed to the markets of Middle East and that, in spite of having hardly two years of life, already has figures very positive: near of 600 display units pertinent of 40 countries and around 12.000 visitors.

SIAL Canada explains like main peculiarity the alternate the cities (Toronto and Monreal) that receive this fair. With this has looked for cover of optimum form all the North American market and the different subsectores that conform the sector agroalimentario.

And finally, SIAL China, that will celebrate his 13ª edition in May of 2013, has attained an increasing recognition in the region until consolidating like “the first fair agroalimentaria of China”. Data like his 1.800 display units of 80 countries, a surface of 70.000 m2 and more than 40.000 visitors like this confirm it. For the appointment of the next year, from the organisation already his announces that the sector of the wine will go back to enjoy of a remarkable leadership as well as other flourishing markets like the one of the jams or the one of the snacking.

Of left to right...
Of left to right: Jorge Taboadela, delegated of Promosalons in Spain, Lucía Ranz, responsible of Communication and Marketing of Promosalons in Spain, and Olivia Grosbois, director of SIAL, during the presentation to the presses, in Madrid.

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