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In the fair will be able to see a new eye of insect and the first cameras USB 3.0 between other novelties

The innovative strength concentrates in the Vision 2012

Editorial Interempresas14/09/2012
Vision, the skilled international fair more important in the sector of processing of images, celebrates in 2012 his weddings of silver. Besides, it is the first time that this big exhibition of products and provision takes place in the pavilion 1, the most attractor trucks and bigger of Messe Stuttgart. They expect roughly 360 display units that, under the lemma ‘One Vision', will gather in a same space with a surface of more than 21.000 square metres gross, where of the 6 to 8 November will present his novelties and products crashes in matter of components of processing of images as, for example, cameras, sensors of images, sensors of vision, digitalizadores of video, Lightings, lasers, optical, software, as well as systems of processing of images, solutions of application and services.
With 100...
With 100.000 images by second and a resolution of 3 megapíxeles, the system of camera of high speed of Q-MIZE of AOS Technologies marks the guidelines.

This evento promises to be extremely thrilling, since the sector of processing of images characterises by his considerable strength of innovation. According to the ideal of an eye of insect, for example, the expositor Xapt has developed his eye-sect X16. It treats of a clúster adaptable of sensor of images with a three-dimensional appearance and a resolution of scene extremely high. “We are in front of a technology of sensors entirely new that allows the optical inspection in a lot of sectors in which usually it results impossible carry it cape by not having sufficient space or on economic grounds”, comments the general director Marco Brinker. This ‘compound eye' presents for the first time with reason of the Vision 2012. The enormous win of innovation of the sector of processing of images receive a deserved reward also in the 25ª Vision with the delivery of the 20º Vision Award. A selection of innovations between which find a new eye of insect, the generation of sensors CMOS with obturador global, systems of processing of images smaller of the world or the first cameras USB 3.0.

The following generation of sensors of images CMOS with function of obturador global

The technology CMOS goes implanting increasingly like central piece of a lot of systems of camera, especially, when they require high speeds of taking of images and high resolutions. The sensors with function of obturador global and microlentes consider here like pioneering technology, since they read the image of sensor of an alone time, in place to do it basing in lines, as it was usual up to now. The objects in movement can attract with a lot of more nitidez. The display units in the Vision 2012 show us several examples, as it is the case of ON Semiconductor Belgium that with his new family of sensors CMOS, offers a resolution of until 25 megapíxeles. Also Viimagic presents in the Visoin 2012 his new generation of sensors of images CMOS with full resolution HDTV and obturador global, as well as an excitation simplified of the sensor. “These sensors result adapted to fulfil with the maximum exigencias in the industrial automation, hygiene and control of traffic, medical and technical technology of measurement. In summary, in all those situations in which it requires the best quality of image under the most difficult conditions of light”, affirms Rainer Schweer, CEO of Viimagic. The team of the CSEM (Centre Suisse d'Electronique et of Microtechnique) of Switzerland has developed a sensor of optical lines ultra fast. This sensor is able to detect simultaneously and in an alone operation of exhibition white lines, red, green and blue with until 200.000 images by second.

PCO Will celebrate in the Vision 2012 the première of the first models of cameras with interface CameraLink-HS
PCO Will celebrate in the Vision 2012 the première of the first models of cameras with interface CameraLink-HS.

It achieves resolve the contradiction: more precision with greater speed

Many of the manufacturers of cameras already have aimed to the technology CMOS and follow perfecting his products constantly. The systems of cameras have to be able to detect and analyse the failures of reliable form and with the maximum detail even to extreme speeds, for example, in the processes of production. In this sense, Teledyne Dalsa presents in the Vision 2012 the following generation of cameras of high performance Falcon2 with technology CMOS of until 12 megapíxeles, including the obturadores global. OptoMotive Enters in the market the progressive family of intelligent cameras of high speed Velociraptor EVO with sensors CMOSIS whose surface can be of until an inch. Like the user can program the FPGA, these cameras can prepare perfectly to measure. FastecImaging Has included in his presentation in the Vision 2012 the new series of portable cameras of high speed TS3 100 that provides some 500 images of maximum nitidez by second, with a high resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels.

What occurs with the drops of diesel during the injection? How it expands a wave of pressesure after the explosion? Approaches of this type can analyse with the cameras of high speed of VKT. In this sense has optimised , for example, the Fastcam SAX of Photron. This camera takes 12.500 images by second with a quality of 1.024 x 1.024 pixels. An extreme sensitivity to the light ensures the high quality of the images in this process.

Nevertheless, with 100.000 images by second and a resolution of 3 megapíxeles, the system of camera of high speed of Q-MIZE of AOS Technologies marks the guidelines. This novelty of the fair results very appropriate to attract images in adverse conditions like high accelerations, violent hits or vibrations. “This camera shows what at present is possible from the technical punto”, comments Stephan Trost, general director of AOS, “and besides is perfectly prepared for the future exigencias”.

Matrix Vision Collaborates in the development of the standard USB3 Vision and will present in the Vision 2012 his own family of cameras...
Matrix Vision Collaborates in the development of the standard USB3 Vision and will present in the Vision 2012 his own family of cameras ultracompactas USB 3.0 CMOS.

Fast motorways for big volumes of data

The tendency to some increasingly small pixels and some greater surfaces of the sensor of images, requires indispensablemente some taxles of images of spectacular growth to transmit big volumes of data of images from the camera to the computer. The Vision 2012 centres his attention in the two new standards of high speed CoaXPresses and CameraLink HS, as well as in the 10 GigabitEthernet-Vision (GigE-Vision), the Dual-GigE-Vision and finally in the USB 3.0. Nevertheless, achieve an interface of optimum data depends a lot of the application in question. Photonfocus, for example, presents in the fair some solutions of camera of high speed CMOS with technology of double tax. They are based in GigE-Vision, but with the double of bandwidth for the transmission of data. The standard interface GigE contributes besides the advantage that they can configure systems of several cameras without any problem. The two standard youngsters of interfaces of high speed CoaXPresses, as well as CameraLink-HS still need to consolidate. In the Vision 2012 will be present the display units with the first cameras.

In this sense, Mikrotron, for example, has instrumented his camera of high speed of 4 megapíxeles again development with the powerful interface of data in real time CoaXPresses, able to realise until 2,4 GByte/s (downlink) with a length of wire until 40 metres. Rauscher Will present in the Vision 2012 a camera of lines of and2v with interface CoaXPresses. In the Vision 2012, PCO will celebrate the première of the first models of camera with interface CameraLink-HS. “We prefer CameraLink HS (protocol X) because they can use games of chips of the standard 10 GigE very spread, but with a protocol considerably more effective that the one of 10 GigE, allowing reach taxles of data of until 1245 MByte/s by each wire. Besides it is possible to transmit the signals of trigger in real time and thanks to the cables of fibre of glass, allow distances of until 10 kilometres”, explains Gerhard Holst, director of investigation of PCO.

Basler Presents in the Vision 2012 a wide range of cameras of surface ace with interface USB 3.0, compatible with the standard USB3 Vision...
Basler Presents in the Vision 2012 a wide range of cameras of surface ace with interface USB 3.0, compatible with the standard USB3 Vision. In comparison, they are even more compact that the current models ace.

The first systems of cameras with USB 3.0

For the cameras of the range of low power and average, the interface USB 3.0 results increasingly attractor trucks when treating of a technician of simple and economic connection. “The first update of the longed for standard USB3 Vision will be finished just for the VISION 2012 and for then also will have to be available the first products”, affirms Dietmar Unser, commercial director of Matrix Vision. The company collaborates, in quality of leader, in the development of the standard USB3 Vision and will present in the VISION 2012 his own family of cameras ultracompactas USB 3.0 CMOS. The manufacturer of cameras Basler also shows convinced of USB 3.0: “The interface USB 3.0 will substitute to half big term part of the cameras FireWire and USB 2.0 current and will establish beside GigE like majority interface”, explains René von Fintel, manager of product in Basler. This company presents in the Vision 2012 a wide range of cameras of surface ace with interface USB 3.0, compatible with the standard USB3 Vision. XIMEA Attends to the Vision 2012 with cameras USB 3.0 in format ultrapequeño and presents for the first time the new camera aided by PC GPU Currera-G with connections for other cuatros cameras by satellite USB 3.0. All that that wish to obtain general information on the advantages and the utility of the different standards of interfaces, has to attend to the special exhibition “international Standards of processing of images” of the VISION 2012.

In the Vision 2012, Xapt presents eye-sect X16...
In the Vision 2012, Xapt presents eye-sect X16, a technology of sensor entirely new that has been developed according to the ideal of an eye of insect, is able to see in 3D and has a resolution of high scene.

The systems of processing of images smaller to world-wide level

The Vision 2012 no only will show that the systems of processing of images have an every time greater resolution and more power, but also that his size is increasingly small: “With a height of so alone 15 millimetres, the miniMML is the system of inspection of lens telecéntrica smaller to available world-wide level for the artificial mink”, affirms Hiroaki Tomono, manager of products of artificial mink in Schott. It is a five percent smaller that the devices emisores of conventional images with a comparable power. The carcasa ultracompacta houses the lens telecéntrica, the lighting by LED independent, the camera CMOS and the source of feeding. “In this way it suppresseses the selection of the components, as well as the regulation of the adjust”, explains Tomono. According to Kappa optronics, the Tauri 2 is between the cameras HD-SDI smaller and robust of the market and will be presented like version of series in the Vision 2012. It results extremely robust, fact that has remained showed in the proof of resistance realised during the 24 hours of Him Mans, where was installed in the cabin of the pilot. According to his own affirmations, Toshiba presents with the series IK-HD1 one of the cameras of colour Full-HD 3CCD smaller of the world with cabezal placed separately. This camera results adapted for the employment in the medicine, the inspection of impressesion, the control of foods, as well as in the pharmaceutical industry.

Viimagic Presents in the Vision 2012 his new generation of sensors of images CMOS with full resolution HDTV and obturador global...
Viimagic Presents in the Vision 2012 his new generation of sensors of images CMOS with full resolution HDTV and obturador global, as well as an excitation simplified of the sensor.

Demand of 3D, especially in the medical technology

The medical technology is a market in growth. The display units that offer components and solutions of processing of images related with this subject are identified with the logo MDT ‘Medical Discovery Tour' to facilitate a fast orientation to the visitors that show his interest. The trip of medical discoveries figure between the evento crashes of the Vision 2012. In his stand, the AIT (Austrian Institute of Technology) presents in direct his perfected dental scanner 3D, the smallest to world-wide level. By means of the technology AIT-Stereo-Vision reproduces a model of the denture without that produce any contact. The mould manufacturing of teeth with masilla plastic has remained obsolete. The processing of three-dimensional images has big potentials, especially in what to the sector of medical technology refers . Solectrix Has developed the system proCam that processes videos in 3D to real time. At the beginning of year, a team of Portuguese surgeons tested successfully the system for the first time and employed it to realise a documentation in 3D and monitor to real time the room of operations. To such end have integrated cheese cheese the cabezales of camera in a microscope.

Find solutions or partners in the Integration Area The Integration Area goes directed directly to the final user and offers to the display units a special platform that aúna companies of integration of systems and ofertantes of solutions. In this sense, for example, Subject offers for the aseguramiento whole of the quality some modern concepts for the optimum inspection of the images of impressesion, from the previous impressesion until the evaluation of the results of proof. “In addition to the precise inspection of the product in yes, treats to avoid the failures already in the previous phase and to evaluate reasonably the results of the proof”, comments Achim Hartmann, the commercial director of Subject. Neogramm Presents in the Integration Area a solution of processing of images with a camera of lines for the computation automated of products in movement with a chaotic accommodation. “It suppresseses the separation of the articles. With some speeds of until a metre by second, the system detects of reliable form each one of the objects, even in case of solapamientos”, affirms the general director Philipp Hüthwohl. “By means of the Integration Area, the Vision 2012 gives an answer to the increasing needs of the market that sues complete solutions”, affirms Florian Niethammer, director of the project of the Vision, Messe Stuttgart.

But there is a lot of other attractions, premières and tendencies that can discover in this fair leader to world-wide level, in addition to a wide program mark to exchange knowledges and learning. The Vision 2012 no only goes headed to the groups main addressees as they are the sector of processing of images in yes, the industry of electrotechnics and electronic, the industry of the car together with the providers, the construction of machinery, and the medical technology. The systems of processing of images are interesting for practically any field of the life.

Mikrotron Has instrumented his camera of high speed of 4 megapíxeles again development with the powerful interface of data in real time CoaXPresses...
Mikrotron Has instrumented his camera of high speed of 4 megapíxeles again development with the powerful interface of data in real time CoaXPresses, able to realise until 2,4 GByte/s with a length of wire of until 40 metres.

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