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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a María Ángeles Villegas, científica titular del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
“The new sensor of pH will help to transmit our historical heritage in the best possible conditions”

Interview to María Angels Villegas, scientific headline of the Upper Council of Scientific Investigations (CSIC)

Javier García14/03/2011

14 March 2011

Still there is the one who doubts of the profits of the chemicals in our society. For many, this is a stray battle, for the moment, by a sector that has not known or has not been able to transmit the message, approach to the citizen of on foot to show cuán important is this industry in our daily life. Developments like the one of the doctor María Angels Villegas, scientific headline of the Upper Council of Scientific Investigations (CSIC), perhaps can help in this work. The chemicals and his team of the Institute of History of the CSIC have patented the first sensor in the able world to measure the acidity of the air. For the moment, his main application is the conservation of our historical heritage.
The team of Dr...
The team of Dr. Villegas has studied the stained glass windows of the Cathedral of León, Vitoria and Sevilla of the Carthusian monastery of Miraflores and the monastery of San Juan of the Kings of Toledo, among other buildings. Photo: Stubble.

What kind of materials can be threatened by a polluted environment?

Many of the materials with historical and patrimonial interest are very sensitive to the polluted environments. I would say that the majority of them: paper and its derivatives (parchment, papyrus...); textiles, metals and alloys, glass or porcelain. And also the organic, of course, as the leather or the pigments in the pictorial layers.

And what kind of attacks can threaten a work of art?

The relative humidity of the air combined with a series of pollutant gaseous acidic features found in this usually, especially in urban and industrial areas. The combination of the water with these oxides gives rise to strong acids such as sulfuric acid.

The acid rain?

Yes, it is formed when you combine the humidity with CO2. Then form small droplets of sulfuric acid, deposited on the surface of materials, they give rise to chemical reactions of degradation and destruction of the material. This occurs even with apparently strong like stone and glass materials.

Sometimes the enemy is at home...

Yes, many of the funds and works of art preserved in museums produce acidic emissions. For example, timber, especially the nobles and tropical, emit acid formic and acetic, which can damage the work itself or others of her around.

His team has developed the first device in the world able to measure the pH in the air. Why is their control it so important to?

A low or acid pH is a large concentration of H + ions, which are those that catalyze many reactions of degradation. The pH of the air in a rural or clean zone of clean air, with little traffic or burning and smoke often hang between 6.5 and 7, i.e., a neutral value.

Remote measurement prototype patented by the team of the CSIC, together with the Polytechnic University of Madrid
Remote measurement prototype patented by the team of the CSIC, together with the Polytechnic University of Madrid.

The first sensor of environingingmental acidity

Up to now anybody had been able to create a device that could measure the acidity of the air. The pH, from a chemical point of view, is a concept in dissolution. It associates to a liquid, to molecules of water or of some dissolvent.“I expanded this concept, and considered the air like a dissolution very, very diluted of water (relative humidity). So I proposed me develop an able device to attract the pH that contain the microgotas of present water in the air”, explains Villegas. The problem rooted in designing something that was sensitive to something so subtle.

The patent that finishes to present the CSIC, jointly with the Polytechnical University of Madrid, includes a prototype of telemedida, in addition to the sensor, that splits of another investigation that Villegas already patented in 2006, after 8 years of work. The scientist has confirmed the interest of a company in developing the patent with the purpose to apply it in the conservation of the heritage built.

How works

The sensor of environingingmental acidity consists of a very thin film of 100 to 300 nanómetros of thickness deposited on of a carries of common glass. This layer, the sensitive and sensora of the device, changes of colour if it changes the acidity in the environingingment.

This sensor can adapt according to the needs. “It is not the same a device to control the acidity of the interior of a vitrina of manuscripts in a museum, that the one who could require the exit of the nozzle of a chimney in an industry”, explains the doctor. These devices can install in the different rooms of a museum, in palaces, libraries and, even, in external spaces. Sometimes it is difficult for the human eye appreciate a change in the colour of the sensor. Thus, the CSIC has developed a prototype, a small team of telemedida that detects cuantitativamente these variations of colour. “It is able to transform the change of colour of the sensor by small or imperceptible that result in sight in an electrical signal, that can transmit inalámbricamente to a PC”. Like this, the sensor could alert of the possible alterations of acidity through acoustic signals or warning through a SMS.

The sensor has a thin film that changes color if you change the acidity in the environment
The sensor has a thin film that changes color if you change the acidity in the environment.

And in the big city?

In Madrid, for example, the pH varies greatly depending on the area. In the Centre of the city we can have values of 5 or 5.5. However, in a small town in the sierra de Madrid, a few 30 kilometers from the Puerta del Sol, this data can reach 6.8.

And that acidity enters buildings...

If a Museum, for example, do not have air filtration systems or a special control of vents, that air of the street entered. What we breathe the same people.

Warsaw Wilanów Palace. Photo: Michal Zacharzewski
Warsaw Wilanów Palace. Photo: Michal Zacharzewski.

The humidity of the Wilanów Palace

The Wilanów Palace in Warsaw is a Baroque, considered 'The Polish Versailles' construction and one of the historical buildings most important and emblematic of the country. The team of Dr. Villegas has been a year monitoring the interior of the Palace of the Polish capital, bathed by the River Vistula River. The scientist of the CSIC argues that the dampness there are very high. In Madrid we have an average relative humidity of 40 or 50% or, even, the 30 or 35 in the summer." In Warsaw, the minimum is 60% "." Dried air that enters the Museum or control ventilation with air in the street with a series of filters. The acidity is formed by the combination of moisture and air pollutants acidic species. If we lowered the first, minimizing the risk. "If we purificamos the air, in other words, if we eliminate these species, also".

What happens when the sensor warns of high acidity?

Once determined the pH of the environment it is up to the charge of the conservation of works, whether sculptures, books, paintings, lamps, ornamental parts, lamps, stained glass or entire buildings, take steps to mitigate their effects. One of the first actions is to control the humidity of the room or building, provided will not suffer the conservation of the exposed materials.

And to control the moisture does not already exist the hydrometers?

A hydrometer measures the moisture in the atmosphere, but does not offer information on pollutants acidic species that could, with the humidity, produce assaults in materials.

Photo: Rayanne Alves
Photo: Rayanne Alves.

What other applications might this sensor have?

The sensor, which also can be used to measure the pH in a liquid as a conventional electrode or, even, wetlands or soft foods, can be useful in the industry in general, in sectors such as the chemical, food, agriculture, on farms, in water purification... But the main mission of this sensor is the serve as a tool to help in the important task of transmit our heritage to future generations in the best possible conditions.
Maria Angeles Villegas, Manuel García Heras (left) and Javier Peña Poza
Maria Angeles Villegas, Manuel García Heras (left) and Javier Peña Poza.

Chemistry and conservation of the historical heritage

Dr. Maria Angeles Villegas, a degree in inorganic chemistry, is scientific titular of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) since 1990. She was 17 years aimed at the Institute of ceramics and glass, and 7 years in the National Centre for metallurgical research. From the month of July 2007, he develops his research work in the Institute of history, specifically in the Centre of social and human sciences in a multidisciplinary team that integrates chemists, engineers and archaeologists, which focuses on the preservation and conservation of our heritage.

Thus, his team has studied the stained glass windows of the Cathedral of León, Vitoria and Sevilla of the Carthusian monastery of Miraflores and the monastery of San Juan of the Reyes de Toledo, among other buildings, as well as the behavior and been the metal of the railway station of Aranjuez and of Atocha. "The materials are suffering serious problems of degradation and, even, corrosion, in the case of metals." "Therefore it is very important to establish the physicochemical that corrosion mechanisms because if we know them, we will know how to stop its deterioration", explains Dr.

Program Geomateriales

Villegas team participates in the Geomateriales of the Madrid agenda, coordinated by Rafael Fort, dedicated to the study of the conservation of the built heritage.

Equipment of the UPM protagonist of the patent...
Equipment of the UPM protagonist of the patent: from left to right, Álvaro Llorente Alonso, Eduardo barrier Turiso López, Juan Manuel López Navarro and Guillermo Castro coffers.

Comments on article / news piece

#1 - Pio callejas gomez
07/06/2016 10:07:46
Felicitaciones al equipo de Investigadores por haber logrado un medidor de la aci. ambiental Sensor que parece simple/eficiente y con un coste economico, Me gustaria experimentar mediciones en el Meseo de la moneda Potosi-Bolivia y en otro museo del Cuzco-Perú que estan sobre 4 mil metros de Altura.

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