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The new partners project to improve his activity in the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing beside other partners of the clúster

Eyher And Metrology Sariki integrate in the Cluster Hegan

Editorial Interempresas28/01/2014

Related with the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector from does more than a decade, the Gipuzkoan companies Eyher and Metrology Sariki have integrated in the Association Cluster of aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing and Space Hegan with the aim to improve his activity in this sector. The two societies tackle at present projects of big calado beside other partners.

Eyher And Metrology Sariki have associated in Hegan after posing his candidature like partners collaborators to the Committee of selection and once confirmed in the last executive Committee. The two new partners project like this improve his positioning in the sector, obtain synergies with companies of the cluster and initiate projects of R&D in cooperation, among others objective. To his time, his contribution to the sector will concretise in the knowledge of applications that improve the global competitiveness of this industry.

Matrología Sariki: Project with ITP

Metrology Sariki develops his activity of integral provider of solutions of dimensional measurement with more than 20 years of experience in the Spanish and Portuguese markets. Integrated inside the Group Unceta, Sariki is specialised in the quality consultancy of systems of measurement, supply of equipment, learning of users, support to customers (technical assistance of hardware and of software), metrology and in the design and implantation of projects of engineering of measurement.

In aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing, his equipment and services apply in the inspection of álabes of turbine, the positioned and the metrology of big volumes, the inspection of components of aeroplane or the follow-up of instruments of third, among others.

Inspection of components of ITP in installations of Sariki

Inspection of components of ITP in installations of Sariki.

Linked to the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry from does years, Metrology Sariki will tackle próximamente a project of strategic character of metrology beside ITP in the two next years. The agreement will convert to the company of Elgoibar in global strategic provider of the manufacturer of aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing turbines inside the area of metrology and will allow him develop the growth in this sector.

With a turnover of 6,5 million euros in 2013 –and a growth of 18% regarding the previous year-, Metrology Sariki has a staff of 40 people. At present, 15% roughly of his figure of sales proceeds of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector and the company poses take advantage of the opportunities posed by the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector to short and long term to grow and offer solutions of technicians more integrated in the lines of production of the manufacturers, that allow to improve the competitiveness of the sector.

Eyher: Equipment for Airbus and Embraer

Eyher Centres his activity in the design, development and manufacture of machinery to measure for the movement of loads (turn, voltear, dump, go up and go down), industrial ergonomics and works in height, adapting the solution to the special characteristic of each need and to the technical rule and of hygiene.

In the manufacture of aeroplanes, Eyher collaborates by means of the supply of platforms elevador for works in height that adapt to the profile of the piece; as well as able motorised trucks to transport the parts of the aeroplanes and the useful of manufacture inside the chain of production; volteadores of staff of manufacture to avoid the use of bridges crane; or posicionadores of welding, that allow to realizar critical weldings in difficult positions.

The company finishes to award a project with a company of engineering to manufacture equipment that will implant in the lines of production of Airbus and Embraer. With a staff of 26 people, Eyher invoices 3,5 million euros, with roughly 30% of his turnover originated in aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing, where is present from does almost 20 years.

Platform elevador for works of aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing in height of Eyher...
Platform elevador for works of aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing in height of Eyher.

Association Cluster Hegan

With these new incorporations, the Association Cluster Hegan raisin to have 40 entities: Aernnova, Group ITP and Sener like members founders; the companies and business groups Aciturri, Aeromec, Aerospace Engineering Group, Aerovision, Aibe, Alestis, Alpha Precision Casting, Altran, Aratz, Astorkia, Ayzar, Burdinberri, Burulan, Danobat, DMP, Eyher, Electrohilo, Group TTT, Industries Galindo, LTK Group, Matrici, Mesima, Metraltec, Metrology Sariki, Nivac, Novalti, Nuter, Orbital Aerospace Systems, Siegel, Sisteplant, Tecnasa, Tey, Tamoin and WEC; and the technological organisations CTA, Tecnalia and IK4.

In 2012, the members of the association registered a global turnover of 1.584 million euros, with a growth of 11,6% with regard to the previous year, and an increase of the employment of 4,1% for all the centres of the companies of Hegan, situating in 12.059 the places of work generated of direct form by the sector.

Related Companies or Entities

Hegan - Asociación Cluster de Aeronáutica y Espacio del País Vasco
Metrología Sariki, S.A.

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