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With the new Drive Monitor of Sick, the collaboration between people and machines is safer and effective that never

Solutions of safe control, Sens control of Sick

Editorial Interempresas04/11/2013

The continuous tendency to machines more powerful requires the constant development of forms to protect them. A safe monitoring of the movement helps to reduce the risks to the minimum, attaining a greater efficiency in applications so much mobile like estacionarias. Like part of his range 'Motion Control', Sick offers products of hygiene that monitor the hygiene of the movements of the machine. The most recent member of this family of products is the new module Drive Monitor, that stands out by his big flexibility in the monitoring and that allows to the operator work in the machine with less risk and without having to desconectarla.

Is as if the Drive Monitor FX3 MOC had created on purpose for his use in vehicles of transport without driver (AGV, by his acronyms in English). The functions of hygiene of Drive Monitor allow to control with ease the speed of an AGV, even using encoders without certification of hygiene. Besides, it is possible to change between the fields of warning and of protection of the scanners laser of hygiene integrated in the concept of hygiene of the vehicle and even monitor the braked electrical of the AGV.

Interaction man-machine: safe monitoring of accionamientos with Drive Monitor

When it uses in a machine estacionaria, like a presses or a machine tool for wood or metal, or a portico robot, Drive Monitor monitors of safe form the speed, the arrest, the steering of the movement and the function of unemployment. It is not necessary to interrupt completely the cycle of the machine during the configuration and the maintenance; with a speed reduced is possible to access manually to the machine with a minimum risk of injuries. By this reason, Drive Monitor increases the productivity of the machine. They detect the failures and the accionamientos of the machine detain .

When using Drive Monitor FX3 MOC is possible to integrate fully a safe monitoring of the accionamientos in the controller of hygiene Sick Flexi Soft without separating the functions of hygiene to level of control or of accionamiento. When tracing a clear distinction between technologies of automation and of hygiene, this method contributes more freedom and possibilities of personalización to the manufacturers and integradores of machinery. Like result, so much the components of the accionamiento like his providers can be selected individually, what allows to optimise the costs of purchase, exploitation and maintenance, for example. On the contrary that the solutions of integrated hygiene, this option offers a big independence regarding the manufacturers of controls and accionamientos, as well as an excellent capacity of adaptation to the distinct requirements of the final users. This is valid for mobile applications and estacionarias, in which Drive Monitor FX3 MOC is able to exert numerous functions of hygiene.

New module Drive Monitor of Sick
New module Drive Monitor of Sick.

Regarding the monitoring of accionamientos electrical and hydraulics, Drive Monitor fulfils the levels of hygiene PL and according to the norm IN ISO 13849, SIL3 in accordance with IEC 61508 and SIL3CL according to IN 62061. By this reason, even those accionamientos that do not have of certification can employ in applications of hygiene.

The applications multieje benefit of the function of migration of Drive Monitor: it is possible to expand the FX3 MOC adding him until six modules. The runways Flexi Soft guarantee that Drive Monitor can integrate of safe form in all the main surroundings of bus of field and of network of profitable way and technically effective.

With the new Drive Monitor of Sick, the collaboration between people and machines is safer and effective that never since it monitors the movement with hygiene without need to turn off the machinery, allows to select individually the components of accionamiento and his providers, an alone CPU of the Flexi Soft admits until six Drive Monitor, can continue using the encoders and systems of realimentación existent, is possible to combine the encoders to will of flexible form and in addition to the safe monitoring of accionamientos, Sick offers a complete wallet of technologies of hygiene, together with all the sensors that these require, like encoders and devices of measurement of distances.

Safe monitoring of accionamientos of a same source

Motion Control of Sick offers innumerable opportunities for the integrated and economic monitoring of accionamientos with the technology of hygiene more effective. Besides, thanks to that Sick has also of sensors for distinct ends to the hygiene (encoders or systems of realimentación motorfeedback, for quoting some), is possible to obtain an application of complete hygiene, including monitoring of accionamientos, of distinct manufacturers.

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