Disset Odiseo, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Disset Odiseo, S.L.
Montcada, 12
08130 Santa Perpètua de Mogoda (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑935861560   +34‑935861560  
🖷:  +34‑902172016
w:  www.dissetodiseo.com
Manufacture and sale of products for storage and maintenance

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Disset Odiseo, S.L.

Service INTEGRAL.ercializamos and distribute articles, media support and handling of loads to equip stores, workshops, laboratories or production lines, in order to improve their performance. The continuous search for instruments that improve any process, adds value to the production chain of a company. We aspire to become an effective partner to carry out the search.

COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE. Our idea of service is based on direct and personalised with each client as well as an offer the widest possible within our area of expertise. Our challenge is to take any specification adapted to the operational characteristics of each client. For this we have an experienced technical sales team capable of providing solutions to your requirements with a single goal: efficiency.

ATTENTION TO THE CLIENT. A service that starts with something as simple as listening and understanding our customers. The correct information and details are essential for efficient advice, therefore we have the human and material means to offer more personalized as possible. From the displacement of our technicians to its facilities to carry out the measurement and evaluation on the ground to the provision of samples or prototypes, design drawings, or the contribution of technical documentation. All that represents a utility service is our priority activity and base our business performance scheme.

QUALITY. We rigorously control that our productive and finish venues have facilities and modern resources adapted to the achievement of a final product of the highest quality. To ensure the achievement of this objective we demand and guarantee compliance with the requirements of ISO 9000 standards applicable in each case in our offer.