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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Los 7 pecados a la hora de escoger un software de gestión
These are the seven more common failures and graver, to the hour to choose a computer program

The 7 sins to the hour to choose a software of management

Editorial Interempresas25/03/2014

From the Spanish comparator of software have studied the main errors that realizar the companies to the hour to choose the software of management or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). After analysing the information contributed by the thousands of companies that have visited our web, have resumido in these seven points the most common failures and graver, to the hour to choose a computer program

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In this sense, the CEO and founder of, Lluís Soler Gomis, explains that “the seven sinned to the hour of choose a software are valid so much for an autonomous or a SME as for a multinational, without mattering the sector or the activity. If the companies analyse them before beginning to look for a solution of software of management and, by supposed, before purchasing it, will save long and money. Find the provider of computer solutions adapted is one of the decisions more important and difficult, because it can cause the success of the management of the in the future immediate company”.

In concrete, the seven sins to the hour to choose a software are the following:

  • Not analysing the modules that will need and his escalabilidad

It is necessary to be precavidos and study the needs of the company so much to short, as to half and long term. Therefore, it is necessary to do questions and observe the needs, taking like base those that at present covers the solution that use at present: What need?; Production, sales, shopping, control of warehouses, logistical, accounting, payrolls, management of Human Resources, marketing and sales, etc.?

  • Not involving the different areas of the company

According to the answers that contribute the different areas of the company will need a wider solution or more specific. It is necessary to converse with the departments that will need the software. Also, ask to other areas if they require to improve or change his computer solutions. Without forgetting us of the most important: the steering has to to be involved and promote the implantation of the software.

  • Not analysing the hardware and the mobility

In it the mobility refers to the installation of mobile applications in terminals Pocket PC or industrial, with which is possible to effect all type of works (commercial, logistical, etc.). From any place. To this respecto, have prepared a battery of questions, whose answer will help us in the election: Who will commission of the maintenance so much of the hardware as of the software?; Would have to base us in a solution in the cloud or cloud or follow using the current devices?; We will need a solution of mobility?; Our mobile devices are prepared?; They are Smartphones?;We will need 4G?; The connection to internet of our office is sufficiently swift?; The current computers will bear the new computer solution?

  • Not analysing the diversity of manufacturers of software: standard solutions, of niche, free software and freeware

Exists such variety software that the companies are used to lose. It is necessary to begin valuing the standard solutions that already exist in the market. Possibly it will not do fault that invent the wheel and with his implantation was more than sufficient. They differentiate of the ones of niche, in that these last are very specific for the sector, whereas the standard cost for any company. For example, a solution ERP specific for the sector vitivinícola.

Also is necessary to value the applications of free software. In these solutions the software and the licences do not have cost, but has to take into account that it is necessary to invest in a good implantation and adapt them to each customer.

On the other hand, also exist the solutions freeware (not to confuse them with free software) in which the software belongs to a manufacturer. One of his main advantages is that they do not have cost of licences.

Recommend to analyse in detail each proposal and no escatimar in costs: many times if you buy cheaply, you pay dearly.

  • Not analysing solutions cloud or SaaS

The solutions cloud or in the cloud (of the English, cloud it) are those computer solutions that do not lodge in the servers of the companies, but they are lodged in a remote place. These solutions every time are having more acceptance, since really you forget you of the purchase of the servers and his corresponding maintenance.

Likewise, for those companies that have a big estacionalidad of users, the modality SaaS (of the English: Software ace to Service) is recommended, since it pays only by use. Thus, always it is necessary to request a proposal of payment of licences of the software of management in modality SaaS.

  • Not valuing the service postventa and the costs of maintenance

One of the key pieces so that it realizar properly the tuned is to evaluate the support offered by the provider of software. It is necessary to analyse how will help us with the learning and, in case of incidence, the time of answer to the that engage. Besides, these characteristics change, no according to the manufacturer of the software, but they depend of the partner that will install the software. In this sense, have to value the costs of annual maintenance, since the maintenance of the licences supposes an important load in the plan of business of numerous companies.

  • Not requesting diverse proposals of providers of software and testearlos before

Is necessary to analyse deeply what need and which provider is the most adapted for my company according to my size, sector and requests. To give answer to this need arose the comparator of software It treats of a free and neutral web, that realizar a comparison and shows you the result of the 3 better software for your company, between more 100 distinct solutions.

Finally, also is advisable testear the software before implanting it and realizar give. Like this we will be able to know better really his potential, his usability and handle."

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