
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at This is “Espain”

This is "espain"

For many Spaniards speak English is less to speak in English, but more slowly and higher. The deficit of the Spaniards in the domain of other languages regards, compared to many European countries, is palpable. But, in fact, two people end up understanding if both want to, the difficulty of finding professionals able to function with ease at least in English is a problem that many companies are often. The guilt, of the education system, because it seems understandable that when one travels by countries such as the Benelux, Germany, or the Nordic countries, the difference between the levels of English is so clear. It is true, other factors come into play, but not further this complicated debate, it is undeniable that even after many efforts to learn English, many Spaniards are not able to express themselves with peace of mind in that language. As does not seem logical that the percentage of clumsy for languages be here higher than on many other sides, we better attribute the cause to the way of teaching, misplaced.

But the number of contacts with people from other countries is growing. Spanish machine tool manufacturers exported in 2003 amounting to € 461 million, i.e. 56 per cent of its production, and they imported amounting to EUR 422 million. All this comes to mean that there are a number of contacts with foreign companies with which the English, is probably the language to use. Many companies depend on in excess of a small number of people who dominate English. In this sense, our Portuguese neighbors have the best lesson and it is quite common to find Portuguese professionals who speak English well. Precisely, in this issue we publish a special report on the Portuguese moldistas, some of which we have seen in a recent trip to that country. But this is "espain", here sounds a bit to trivial and no one probably calculated the deterioration in the image generated by a company without an English-speaking partner or at least familiar with the secrets of the espaninglis.

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