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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at RS Components es nombrado distribuidor global por Fairchild Semiconductor

RS Components Is appointed global distributor by Fairchild Semiconductor


22 January 2014

RS Components (RS) and Allied Electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers (Allied), commercial marks of Electrocomponents plc, have signed an agreement of world-wide distribution with Fairchild Semiconductor, global provider of technological solutions of semiconductors that provide power to the products that use, being more effective from the energetic point of view. The enlargement of the agreement of distribution, already existent between both companies, allows to RS represent to Fairchild like partner distributor in all the markets of the world.

Agreement between RS Components and Fairchild Semiconductor
Agreement between RS Components and Fairchild Semiconductor.

RS Presents a stock of a range closely of 2.000 products of Farichild, available for delivery in 24 hours all over the world. Between them it finds a wide selection of discrete semiconductors and integrated applications for the management of power, interfaces and applications of lighting LED. This agreement offers to RS the necessary flexibility to expand even more the available range of Fairchild, allowing that the customers have immediate access to the newest products, once launched in the market.

“A chain of stable supply that allows to the engineers access easily to the most recent solutions of Fairchild, forms part of our global strategy ”, commented Colin Craig, senior director of Sales Europe, Applications and Operations of Fairchild Semiconductor. “Thus, Fairchild recognises to RS like reliable and able distributor to provide to the engineers a solution of confidence for his needs of semiconductors. The customers of Fairchild also will benefit of the support offered by RS, including the resources and tools of available free design on-line in”.

Jon Boxall, world-wide director of Semiconductors of RS Components, affirmed: “The engineers that integrate our community of on-line design of engineering inform us constantly that the fault of time is one of the greater obstacles in the process of launching of products to the market. Through the development of alliances narrower with the with the main providers of semiconductors, like Fairchild, will provide to our customers the access to all the components that need of fast form, with immediate access to our free tools and to our extensive library of components, that includes the models 3D".

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