O.C. Systems, S.L. (OC Systems) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
O.C. Systems, S.L. (OC Systems)
Parc Industrial Pallejà, 1 - Ronda Santa Eulàlia, 35-37 Nau 10
08780 Pallejà (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑933387353   +34‑933371858  
🖷:  +34‑933387395
w:  www.ocsystems.es
Advice and distribution of systems of moldeo without colada and complementos technical

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

O.C. Systems, S.L. (OC Systems)

OC systems s.l Is a company founded in 1994 that devotes to the commercialisation, distribution and technical advice of systems of moldeo without colada, having a human team with experience in the sector of more than 20 years. From his start always has collaborated and represented to Thermoplay Spa, (before Enrietti Spa) regarding systems to hot channel, always under a narrow collaboration and keeping us in a high qualitative level in the sector and keeping a relation quality price of the final service always interesting.

The society has of the certificate of quality JOINS-IN-ISO 9001:2000, accreditation that goes renewing from 1999 (iniciandose in the same 9002:1994).

Other signatures to which represents and distributes like agents for Spain;
GC Heat Gmbh..Helicoidal resistances GC Coil, tubular GC Flex, 4CLEAN Detergent for cleaning of husillos and hot channel, in addition to other affine own of the enpresa.