
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Jesús María Prieto, director general de BigMat España
"All indicators show that a regeneration of the sector towards a productive model and non-speculative will be necessary"

Interview with Jesús María Prieto, general manager of BigMat Spain

Nerea Gorriti15/06/2009
The director-general of BigMat Spain takes stock to Interempresas on BigMat Day results and analyzes the current needs and demands of the construction sector, which mainly through the reform of the system of financing of public administrations. And it is that as pointing the director-general, the indicators show that a regeneration of the sector will be needed to achieve higher rates of productivity and competitiveness. It also analyzes the conclusions of the workshops held during the two days of competition.
Jesus Maria Prieto, general manager of BigMat Spain
Jesus Maria Prieto, general manager of BigMat Spain.

It is the first time that organized a similar event in Spain?

Yes, it is a formula that has worked successfully in France and Belgium, with which we hope to achieve a resumption of sales and a narrower approach between establishments BigMat and major suppliers who have come to the fair.

What purposes is it born?

BigMat Day is an event promoted by the central purchasing in order to promote a forum for meeting and business among its partners, its suppliers, partners and end customers, in which in addition to strengthen commercial ties between all the parties you can buy at very advantageous conditionsas well as the latest news.

Can you give us a profile of visitors?

During the BigMat Day there a day exclusively for members and their collaborators, and another which also attend all kinds of clients end members, primarily professional sector of the construction and rehabilitation of housing.

"The balance has been very positive, so that we are already considering us a series of formulas that enrich and further complement this same format"

Can you take stock of the contest?

This first edition has been very positive for all parties, more than 3,000 people and 90% of the BigMat partners have gone. The balance has been very positive, so that we are already considering us a series of formulas that enrich and further complement this same format, to thus achieve greater success in successive editions.

What offers a fair of this kind, a 'horizontal exposure', against the traditional fairs?

They are completely different competitions. In our case is a fair completely individual, which only can be accessed by invitation whether you are exhibitor as client and is designed to enhance the trust and closeness with the suppliers. This is the value essential that contributes to other types of meetings. It is of a fair where all the visitors are of the same 'family' and shared objectives and very similar expectations, enabling relations to do business.

Alvaro Escribano, director of marketing for BigMat Spain and Jesús María Prieto during the pageant
Alvaro Escribano, director of marketing for BigMat Spain and Jesús María Prieto during the pageant.

For the sector, in January 2009 in Spain housing market has shown signs of improvement, has received or is still early to talk of recovery?

As BigMat we prefer to be wary of the possibility that this kind of trends is intermittent, and try to continue working without leaving us influence by this series of forecasts, often thrown on the market concerned.

One of the ways of recovery of the sector is the rehabilitation is the main objective?

More than a goal, rehabilitation is a business which currently is developing is to a large extent.

"All indicators show that it will be necessary a regeneration of the sector made a production model and not speculative." "As soon as possible take letters on the subject, better"

Do ask what measures for the Administration and banking to build?

The construction sector is of capital importance in the current economy of any developed country. In Spain in particular the construction sector has been, and will remain, one of the large engines of the national economy, with a high weight in GDP and in the labour market, as much as transform our current economic model. All indicators show that it will be necessary a regeneration of the sector made a production model and not speculative. As soon as possible take letters on the subject, better. Not It seems logical to keep the engine of the construction and non-stationary try to their conversion. Therefore, as given aid for other sectors, it is necessary to promote the rehabilitation to through soft credits for users, a 'Plan Renove' of the housing that means the renewal of the construction sector and of materials, and involves the incentive to the consumer.

"Structural reforms should also seek provide higher productivity and competitiveness at the sector, starting with the streamlining and improvement of the legal security in land management"

During the Conference spoke of the need for structural reforms in the sector, what would be?

It is necessary that financial institutions and public administrations can help to return to be solvent at the companies in the sector, so that they can maintain in these years of transition. In addition, structural reforms should seek to provide greater productivity and competitiveness at the sector, starting with the streamlining and improvement of the legal security in land management. It is also necessary to reform the system of financing of public administrations, which has been a 'distorting element' prices; strengthen legal certainty in the rental, which today is penalised by lack of guarantees for the owners; bet on a greater professionalization of the companies of the sector and its employees; and lowering the tax burden, especially in social security contributions, this tax burden could be compensated with a rise in VAT on housing.

Also spoke of the weight of SMEs in Catalonia represent approximately 98% of the industrial fabric, how is the construction company profile? and that of its partners?

Most of these companies are first or second generation family business. Therefore, with a capacity to hold very limited before a crisis situation in comparison with the multinationals. It is clear that the system must protect these large companies to avoid you are to send to stop thousands of workers at a stroke. But we must not forget that the current lack of protection of the important business sector comprising SMEs leads to a constant trickle of unemployed which, although less striking, is the source of 80% of current unemployment figures anonymously.

It has also highlighted the innovation and internationalization as key to deal with the current economic climate, is innovates enough in Spain in this sector?

To be productive in the construction sector it has to professionalize and to invest more in training and technological investment. On the other hand in times of crisis, it is necessary to sharpen the wits more and innovate to compete.

Is internationalization also an objective?

In the case of BigMat, it is an international company, with partners in Portugal, France, Belgium and Italy.

The consellera pointed out that major changes should give in materials, here what's new can be seen among its partners? towards where tends this sector?

Today manufacturers are launching a number of innovations in materials, designs and construction techniques. We as dealers strive to maximize have them present in our warehouses and offer them to the market.

"In BigMat, in anticipation of what it was going to happen, we were already time working on measures to mitigate the stagnation and laxity of the real estate bubble"

Have there been changes in the Association following the change of direction of market?

In BigMat, in anticipation of what it was going to happen, we were already time working on measures to mitigate the stagnation and laxity of the housing bubble. The current situation, what has done is reaffirm us in the long term strategy which we had already planned, and that we disowning harder in some approaches.

What do you think that it is a priority for its suppliers today? And in this sense, what offers BigMat Associates?

Rather than sell, we believe that our suppliers is a priority to perform operations without risk ending in unpaid bills. From our logistic platform we ensure payment to all referenced suppliers, as well as service to our partners, who also benefit from better conditions.

It seems that the rental market has been revived with the purchase in some cases, speak to us about the 'bigrent' service....

Tool hire service has been created as a service to our customers as a business in itself. With this service we provide them with the obtaining of a tool at a timely moment. In addition to the accounting, tax advantages and resources provided by their own service to our client.

In conclusion, and after the closure of the contest where they have been able to contrast different situations of its members, what message transmitted to the sector?

With regard to the crisis, it is clear that has date of revocation, the problem is that it is not clearly marked and both the authorities and employers have to work to mark it. Anyway this is not a speed race, it is rather a race of Fund, which is put up and continue running.

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