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After 14 years of research

Suntory develops world's first blue rose


31 de agosto de 2004

Major Japanese brewer Suntory has unveiled the world's first GM (genetically modified) blue rose. The company hopes it can hit markets within four years. After 14 years of research, Suntory created the blue rose by implanting the gene that leads to the synthesis of blue pigment in pansies, reported Thursday's CRI online.

Major Japanese brewer Suntory has unveiled the world's first GM (genetically modified) blue rose. The company hopes it can hit markets within four years.

After 14 years of research, Suntory created the blue rose by implanting the gene that leads to the synthesis of blue pigment in pansies, reported Thursday's CRI online. And the color of the new rose comes entirely from the pigment Delphinidin, which does not exist in natural roses.

Suntory, also a major whiskey distiller, has spent nearly 28 million US dollars to create blue roses, blue carnations and other genetically modified blue flowers. At least two and a half years are needed for testing and inspections before the genetically modified plant is deemed safe to breed.

For further information: Syngenta Seeds

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