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Reflection in the world business

Horticom News26/06/2004

26 de junio de 2004

Miguel Angel Giacinti Giacinti1is the author of the work Pensamiento estratégjico en el negocio mundial de manzanas, publisehd by Agroalimentaria July/December 2003. The objective of this research document is to promote reflection in the world apple business. “Competitive costs” and “marketing” are the most important variables.

The objective of this research document is to promote reflection in the world apple business concerning the need for producers and managers to make decisions based on the agricultural economics and commercial reality of each productive region in order to obtain its own economic optimization. This is a challenge for the new millennium given that a segmenting of world markets is seen and this demands strategic definitions according to the characteristics of present commercialization markets, or those which would like to enter, based on competitive or added costs (new varieties, patents, integrated production, and organic production, among others). In the first part of this document, the world vision and contributing factors to fresh apple business success are described. In this sense, “competitive costs” and “marketing” are the most important variables, while new varieties lost relevance moving from first to sixth place (2000/2002). The second part considers the analysis of the similarities between the countries evaluated, discovering the inexistence of important homogeneous groups of world strategic thought. The third section
analyzes success factors in New Zealand and Chile from the producer’s and technician’s point of view, evaluating in the end the little similarity between them. Lastly, “non-natural” factors, such as the evolution of the real parity of exchange in light of the U.S. dollar, has had a high economic impact on the sector over the last years.
Key Words: Market, tendency, segmentation, strategies, cluster-agenda.

The full text (in Spanish language) is on

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