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The packaging systems

Horticom News02/07/2003

2 de julio de 2003

This packaging system of Giró, has a high impact on the pos shelves thanks to the wide printed band surrounding the two sides of the package. The print of both faces can be made with spot in order to position the same message in the wished space. The net is welder to the printed band vertically contributing to a great vertical position of the package

This packaging system of Giró, has a high impact on the pos shelves thanks to the wide printed band surrounding the two sides of the package. The print of both faces can be made with spot in order to position the same message in the wished space.

The net is welder to the printed band vertically contributing to a great vertical position of the package. In addition to the possibility of incorporating dies for the subjetion, the Ultrabag package offers the one alternative handle of high resistance (up to 5 kg) and pleasant tact that makes the transport of the bag more comfortable. An "easy-open" system is included.

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