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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Berdala, en Ferroforma / Bricoforma 2009
Pavilion 3, stand D49

Berdala, in Ferroforma/Bricoforma 2009

Drafting Interempresas12/03/2009
The topographic instruments and laser Berdala company will go to the next edition of the international fair of hardware, Ferroforma 2009, to publicize the latest catalogue. In particular, the company will show its line Eco-Line of levels and laser projectors; the set of laser's rotation the 503; the new laser lines; three line laser form Squadron among themselves and with visible on any surface; the series torpedo laser the 168, line or point laser with levels of bubble for their alignment; and the line laser 166, straight line laser to place on any surface.

March 12, 2009

The laser's rotation the 503 is a new feature of Berdala in Ferroforma 2009
The laser's rotation the 503 is a new feature of Berdala in Ferroforma 2009.
An expert in laser and topographical instruments, Berdala attend this international event to offer its visitors the latest Eco-Line of levels and projectors line laser at low price. In this way, attendees to the Hall can discover in their exhibition space the new self leveling rotation, with immediate and plomada self-leveling laser permanent laser, and three rotational speeds. Visitors who come to the booth of Berdala in Ferroforma also will see their set with laser's rotation the 503, easy placement, for horizontal and vertical measurements; or the set projector laser cross the 601, with cross laser, self leveling and blocking of the Compensator.
The company leads to the show their new lines laser, among other products
Line laser the 166
Line laser the 166.
Also, Berdala shown in Ferroforma their newlines laser, with three lines laser forming Squadron including and visible on any surface; his series torpedo laser the 168, line or point laser with levels of bubble for their alignment; or the line laser 166, straight line laser to place on any surface.
Another novelty of Berdala in Ferroforma
Another novelty of Berdala in Ferroforma.

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