
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Carme Lacambra, vocal de la Junta Directiva de la AEPJP

“Although there is sufficient information on the new RD of phytosanitary ware, the sector is little informed”

Interview to Carme Lacambra, vowel of the Managerial Board of the AEPJP

Irene Relda24/03/2014

The Spanish Association of Parks and Public Gardens (AEPJP) organised the past 28 March the technical day 'sustainable Utilisation of phytosanitary ware in green zones', that tried evidenciar and define the doubts that present with the application of phytosanitary ware in the different green spaces and the definition of the fields, as well as expand information to facilitate the development of the points of the RD that affect to the phytosanitary ware treatments in green zones. Carme Lacambra, vowel of the Managerial Board of the AEPJP, explains us the details of the new legislation.

Carme Lacambra, vowel of the Managerial Board of the AEPJP
Carme Lacambra, vowel of the Managerial Board of the AEPJP.

The past 28 March organised the technical day 'sustainable Utilisation of phytosanitary ware in green zones'. What offered ?

Try evidenciar and define the doubts that present with the application of phytosanitary ware in the different green spaces and the definition of the fields, as well as expand information to facilitate the development of the points of the RD that affect to the phytosanitary ware treatments in green zones.

In which appearances centres the Royal decree 1311/2012 to reduce the risks on the human health and the environingingment?

Takes into account six appearances:

  1. Application of the GIP, integrated management of plagues, giving priority to the less dangerous solutions for the human health and the environingingment promoting technical no chemical for the control of plagues.
  2. Rationalisation in the use of products that improve the natural balance, boosting the natural mechanisms of the management of plagues.
  3. Reduction of risk in specific zones, with the adoption of the measures directed to reduce these risks and limitation of technicians and means of application,
  4. Boost a low utilisation of chemical products to end to avoid the toxicity for the humans and the risks for the environingingment.
  5. The consideration of all the methods of protection to eradicate the plagues, illnesses and bad grasses, giving priority to those that disturb less the management of plagues. Using technical alternatives that minimise the risk of the utilisation of phytosanitary ware products
  6. The correct management by means of the figure of the adviser, that has to elaborate and manage the documentation that contemplates this appearance.

What would add, would modify or would suppresses of the new regulation?

Would simplify the formalities and would expand some product for parks and gardens that already are authorised in other fields, in addition to requiring easy information to the Magrama to find the lists of the products authorised in all the fields of parks and gardens.

Some another appearance to take into account?

In my opinion, the legislation is not clear for the treatments in private gardens, neither in the appearances of the use of products by part of professionals in these spaces. They use products in small containers authorised for the no professional? They use the products in big containers without that in the label appear that they are authorised in parks and gardens? On the other hand, it would suppresses the term of 10 days of compulsory warning, since it results of difficult fulfillment in situations of urgency.

It thinks that the sector has the necessary information for the fulfillment of the RD?

For the moment, the sector is little informed, although there is sufficient information. At present it can resort to the departments of Vegetal Health of each Autonomous Community or to the professionals more connoisseurs/informed for no obviar some request or formality.


With the day pretended to clear the existent doubts. Which are?

On the one hand, differentiate spaces confined, vulnerable spaces, sensitive spaces, green zones, sportive spaces, etc.; and by another, inform about the forcing of warnings to Administrations, information to population and neighbours, of the new obligations for the professionals and of the complexity in the fulfillment of the distinguished terms.

The sustainable use of the phytosanitary ware puts up the price of the management of the green zones?

Momentáneamente himself, from the moment that requires an adviser and personal enabled to effect the treatments, carry book of register, etc. In summary, greater bureaucracy, but the decrease of products and of number of treatments will suppose, in the long run, a saving of costs.

In his initial approach, the new regulation explained still with a lot of points by pulir. What can say us of her now that it already has gone in in force?

Are in process of modification concrete points that have contemplated from diverse communities collecting his proposals.

Also they will propose concrete actions in the case of green zones of public use. Which?

  • The substantial change that supposes the application of the RD affects directly to the City councils for contemplating the permission or the permission for the treatments requested/scheduled in case that they contemplate it his Ordenanzas.
  • The important repercussions that the application of the RD has in the sustainable works of conservation of green zones forces to the agents to repensar the management of the same, establishing a new model that result of phytosanitary ware sustainable in all his extension: consider the new regulation, organise the available resources, and do partícipe to the citizenship.
  • Reduction of the risk derived of the utilisation of phytosanitary ware products in sensitive areas, vulnerable spaces, gardens confined and natural spaces object of special protection.
  • Information detailed of the place and date of realisation of the treatment, as well as the identification of the phytosanitary ware products that go to use. Warning to users with sufficient antelación.
  • Suitable signaling.
  • With the use of the integrated management gives priority to the less dangerous solutions for the human health and the environingingment.
  • Have to consider all the methods of protection of plants to eradicate plagues illnesses and bad grasses and give priority to which disturb less the ecosystem.

And in the case of the green zones of private use?

  • Will consider of low utilisation of phytosanitary ware products.
  • In the spaces of private use, although there is not advice, have to take also measured not to affect the neighbours and has to give warning to the same.
  • In the case that it was a professional user the manager to realizar the treatments will have to keep an archive of the corresponding documents.

With the entrance in force of the new Royal decree, in what has changed the day in day out of the responsible of the management of green zones?

In the correct management by means of the figure of the adviser, in the bureaucratic complexity and the necessary qualification, in addition to the need of a learning continued to keep up to date of all the novelties in integrated fight, that are not few. On the other hand, it is necessary to take into account now the forcing to identify the equipment of treatment, the professional user or company.

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