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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Programadores de riego conectados al grifo
The digital screen informs on the following irrigation programmed and the remaining time of the current

Irrigation programmers connected to the tap

Editorial Interempresas30/12/2013

Rain Bird has developed the programmer of digital irrigation 1ZEHTMR, easy to use, that allows to automate so much the irrigation of aspersión like a system of irrigation by dripping or pipes exudantes. In addition to a reliable resistance for external use during all the season, this programmer offers sophisticated functions that facilitate the management of the irrigation.

With a bigger screen and a control of programming allow to establish and review easily the programs of irrigation. When it is in operation his screen shows the state of the program, as well as the following irrigation programmed and the remaining time of the current irrigation. It offers characteristics advanced, like the programming until two irrigations to the day, any day now, of the week, in addition to buttons to ‘irrigate now' and ‘cancel' that allow to cancel the programs if necessary.

Is ideal for his use with drippers Rain Bird or any sprinkler or diffuser. It allows to automate the irrigation in any part of the garden: kitchen gardens, flower-beds, surfaces recently seeded or lawn.


On the other hand, his digital configuration allows to adapt the programs to obtain better results with lower consumption of water. The irrigation programmed until twice a day allows to execute the irrigation even in terrains in slope or floor arcilloso. The programming by day of the week allows to respect the restrictions of water whereas the buttons of instantaneous cancellation for delay by rain (cancel irrigation) and irrigate by means of manual way. Also it can establish a specific delay by rain of until 96 hours without that it affect to the program stored.

His big screen allows to see all the configuration of a glimpse. The length of the time of irrigation oscillates between 1 minute and 6 hours.

Related Companies or Entities

Rain Bird Ibérica, S.A.

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