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The International Fair of the Garden and the Free Time closes his doors with a light increase of the number of visitors

Spoga+gafa 2013: stable result, with positive tendency

Editorial Interempresas18/09/2013

With a good result has clausurado on 10 September 2013 the Spoga+gafa 2013. In total have participated in the fair of the garden of Colony 36.800 professional visitors of 116 countries. "The Spoga+gafa has gone back to confirm, also this year, his paper like the international fair of the garden, has declared Katharina C. Hamma, director of Koelnmesse. We have been able to greet in our establishment of Colony to more visitors of more countries; taking into account that the beginning of the season was rather moderated for the sector of the garden and the free time, are quite satisfied". In total, 1.817 companies have presented his products, subjects and tendencies more current; the quota of foreign companies in the parameter of the display units has reached this year the 82 percent.

Spoga+gafa 2013

Spoga+gafa 2013.

In the Spoga+gafa of this year has been able to see all what does more beautiful, better and more confortable the life in the garden. The pieces of furniture of garden, with some 700 display units, have supposed the sector of the offer with greater participation. Regarding the material, the range went from bamboo until apt leather for the free air, going through concrete. Following the tendencies of sustainability and vintage, has gone back also the teak. In the field of the pieces of furniture of garden have resulted also impressesive the improvements of image and the development in the tactile appearance of the upholsteries.

In front of the background of the increasing demand of possibilities of exhibition in the area of pieces of furniture of garden and to take advantage of even more synergies between the affine segments, the 'pieces of furniture of garden high end' moved this year to the pavilion 10.2, of greater size. The sector of exhibition 'garden unique' convinced so much to the display units as to the visitors, in his new emplazamiento, by his configuration of big design and of high quality.

The accompanying contest, for young designers, that in 2013 celebrated for the first time like contest of prototypes, also woke up a big interest. It received a total of 62 projects of 24 countries on the subject 'Outdoor Living'; but at the end only it could have a 'unique youngstar 2013'. The international skilled jury chose the creative folding boat 'Ar ag' of Thibault Penven (Switzerland) for the put number 1. Besides, in the frame of the 'unique hour' did delivery of the prize of the public. Of the possibility to vote on-line road did use a lot of interesting people: in the web page received 533 votes for the 15 projects nominated on the subject 'Outdoor Living'; the greater number of votes received it the grill ultraligero and portable 'Stakes' of Roee Magdassi (Israel). A positive evolution and a growth of the number of display units has registered also in the sector of offers it Decoration.

Gardens that could visit in the Spoga+gafa 2013, formed by more than 20 companies of the sector of the gardening

Gardens that could visit in the Spoga+gafa 2013, formed by more than 20 companies of the sector of the gardening.

The pavilions 9 and 10.1 convinced with his wide offer of exhibition, with numerous novelties and a variety, in the most literal sense,  of big colour. Then , to the equal that in between the pieces of furniture of garden, also in decoration jumped in sight the subject 'Colour Clash', that will be able to see during the next season in terraces, balconies and gardens. Neither they can be missing almohadones, vases, tablewares and textile products of a lot of ornaments, as the complementos that up to now were classical for interiors carry increasingly to the outside, providing elegance and modernity to the green space.

The segment 'garden living' completed also this year with pertinent novelties of Grill & BBQ as well as products around camping, free time, sport and games. The park of grill or the installations like the simulator of surf, in the boulevard of the fair, complemented perfectly the offer that presented in the pavilions.

This year, could see plants and flowers in all his splendour in the park of plants. Configured by more than 20 companies of gardening of 'Plantregio Rhein-Maas and.V.' And 'The Green Connection', the surface adjusted perfectly to the segment of the offer 'garden creation'.

Directly at the side, numerous display units presented his novelties, that serve for the creation of a garden or that they are important when installing a surface of garden, such like equipment of garden & huts, tools & accessories, as well as it waters & light. In the subject light, for example, for 2014 there is a tendency to solar lamps, that present an image of high design. In tools there will be during the next season even more comfort. For example, the scissors for fences and the azadas present adaptable heights individually of the asidero and ergonomic designs of the asideros. In the area garden care the attention has centred in novelties that require for the care of the green in the own house. They have been able to see, between other things, earths, machines and accessories. An absolute novelty have been substrata compressesed, with what, in the future, load with heavy earth will form part of the past.

Satisfied participants

The presence of numerous companies of the market, the offer of products of high quality in the pavilions and the miscellaneous accompanying program woke up a lot interest between the visitors… the environingingment in the pavilions feriales was analogously positive. "We have been able to greet to a lot of international buyers of the industry and of the trade, that showed satisfied": this has been able to listen in a lot of stands of the display units. This affirmation has seen confirmed by the survey during the fair. The 75 percent of the visitors polled participates in the decisions of purchase, and the 47 percent, even of definite way.

The Bundesverband der Deutschen Sportartikel-Industrie (German Association of the Industry of Articles of Sport, BSI), sponsor of the spoga, has done likewise a positive balance: "Although the spring did expect long in Europe and the German industry of the garden, of the free time and of aquatic sports began slowly the season, around the middle of June began the summer with a lot of hours of sun, so that the manufacturers, in a lot of cases, have achieved contrapesar well the initial negative result", has commented the president of the council adviser of the spoga, Désirée Derin-Holzapfel: "The Spoga+gafa 2013 has provided positive impulses to the sector, so that we can look with optimism to the year 2014".

Spoga+safa 2013

Spoga+safa 2013.

The Industrieverband Garten (Industrial Association of Articles of Gardening, IVG), patrocinadora of the Gafa, evaluates the Spoga+gafa of the following way: "we Are satisfied with the Spoga+gafa 2013, especially taking into account that the season began late. Our companies affiliated have referred a good influx of visitors to his stands and constructive conversations. It has valued positively especially the high number of east pertinent visitors of Europe. In general, after the Spoga+gafa 2013 look with optimism to the next season", according to resume Hans-Jürgen Riehl, president of the council adviser of the Gafa, the one who adds that "also the première of the party of garden of IVG was a success and has worked like platform for the meeting of the sector, by what will continue in the future".

Peter Or. Wüst, general secretary of BHB - Handelsverband Heimwerken, Bauen und Garten (German Association of big surfaces of bricolaje and of gardening), adds: "The Spoga+gafa 2013 has put of self-evident an increasing orientation of the programs to the tendencies. The programs of the manufacturers in the area of free air, garden and free time are increasingly wide and matizados. Like consequence of this, also the exhibition in the pavilions is richer in nuances and more miscellaneous. Also it has called the attention the improvement of the stands of a lot of Asian providers. The new platform of networking of the Spoga+gafa has worked! But with some melancholy it is necessary to say that the area of technician and devices has been almost entirely absent".

On the other hand, Norbert L. Jedrau, general secretary of the Barbecue Industry Association Grill (Biag), signals: "The park of the grill has explained also this year with a high influx of visitors. Here they have been represented practically all the managers of our companies affiliated. The new configuration of the park of the grill has been valued very positively by the companies affiliated; it has contributed to a greater communication. Between the professional visitors have been able to ascertain a greater internacionalidad. In general, we are satisfied with the Spoga+gafa 2013".

Expositor Of decoration in the Spoga+gafa 2013

Expositor Of decoration in the Spoga+gafa 2013.

John W. Herbert, general manager of the European DIY Retail Association (Edra), signals also in this regard of this fair: "With 110 international buyers top have achieved to elevate the number once again, in comparison with the previous year. It gladdens us especially that, between them, there was numerous new visitors. Of our companies affiliated have received a feedback in general positive. Especially the innovations and the novelties have been very very received. It has called especially the attention, positively, the high internacionalidad and the quality of the professional visitors".

Finally, Peter Botz, general secretary of Verband Deutscher Garten-Center (Association of garden centers Germans, VDG),convluye: "Because of the slow beginning of the season expected that the environingingment was blurred. Thus it has gladdened us a lot that in reality it was all the contrary. The state of spirit was well. We have been able to ascertain a high frequency of visitors, what also is due to a better integration of our pavilion and of the interesting accompanying program in the park of plants. We are satisfied with the Spoga+gafa".

Between the visitors, the wide range of the program has done that the 75 percent evaluated the offer of the display units as 'very good'. In total, the 86 percent of the visitors polled would recommend to his commercial partners that visit the Spoga+gafa. Roughly the 74 percent of the professional visitors has showed satisfied, or even very satisfied, with the achievement of the aims of his visit.

Related Companies or Entities

Spoga Gafa (Kölnmesse)

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