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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Andrés Roch, director comercial de HA
“It HAS they are two letters, but one thousand solutions”

Interview to Andrés Roch, commercial director of HAS

Esther Güell04/02/2013
The Group Seeds Batlle, has created a new division with his new mark HAS specific for the sector of the bricolaje, that wants to “discover to the customers of this type of centres what can cultivate in his terrace or garden” such as it explains us Andrés Roch, commercial director of this division.

It HAS it is a new mark that will be able to find in the sections of gardening of the do-it-yourself centres. Of where it proceeds the idea of this new teachs?

The new division HAS part of the idea of service to do arrive the experience like producers of seeds and manufacturers of phytosanitary ware and substrata to the customer of the do-it-yourself centres. A thing is the gardening like hobby and another is to do discover what can cultivate in the garden or in the terrace, and is here where HAS wants to give ideas and contribute solutions in the sector of the bricolaje. Integral solutions thanks to his very complete variety and to a wide range with the greater standards of quality and with exclusive formulations adapted to the Iberian climatology.

Which are the aims in the short term? And to half-long term? It is a good moment for innovar and launch new products in this market?

The first aim is to implant the mark in the shops of bricolaje and that the objective public, was fan to the bricolaje or customer of these centres, find in the range HAS the necessary to cultivate his orchard and garden, of simple form, fast and efficient, with the guarantee of a big Group. To measure that the mark HAS go consolidating, will go incorporating new complementary lines in phase of development. Our department of R&D, that is one of our mainstays, works continuously for the obtaining and improvement of the varieties, in the which support us to offer a maximum quality in all our ranges.

“In seeds HAS the customer will find a big assortment of leading varieties with the qualities organolépticas improved and the best quality”...
“In seeds HAS the customer will find a big assortment of leading varieties with the qualities organolépticas improved and the best quality”.

Which type of products will be able to find under the mark HAS?

The products that can find with the mark HAS are classified by ranges and are: horticultural —seeds, aromatic and flowers, ecological —lawns like seeds, fertilizantes and protection of the plants,— fertilisers and phytosanitary ware and substrata.

In seeds HAS the customer will find a big assortment of leading varieties with the qualities organolépticas improved and the best quality. The mixes of Lawn HAS offer solutions to all the needs and climatologies. The ecological HAS are the totally natural option for the consumer but demanding, respectful products with the environingingment and with the legislation of ecological control, all a complete range of seeds, fertilizantes and protection of plants. The fertilisers HAS and phytosanitary ware HAS produced with active matters and formulations of last generation. The substrata HAS with raw materials testadas and formulations of maximum quality.

Which are his main differential characteristics in front of other marks that the consumer already knows?

Exist exclusive products HAS in each one of the ranges that give us an element diferenciador. However, we could stand out among others the new varieties of horticultural seeds and of lawn HAS the sobres of shoots HAS, the new Mix Triple Action HAS, the fertilizantes in sobres soluble HAS and a long etc., without forgetting the urban orchard. Each day there is more demand of this type of crop by part of the fan and HAS offer all the necessary for this. We are safe that the final customer will know it value and appreciate.

On the other hand, want to support the point of sale and by this reason has invested in design and creativity with the collaboration of the excellent professionals that accompany us in our development and have achieved to present HAS with an innovative design, appeal and functional, with a striking packaging in different formats of presentation that cover all the needs and that, once exposed in the linear, are an excellent available shop window. All this supported by an extensive variety of display units mobile, of mural and of sobremesa for the exhibition and sale of the ranges that adapt to any space and with a new PLV that contains the necessary information to help to the customer and facilitate him the best solutions in each case.

The range HAS has a variety of display units mobile, of mural and of sobremesa for the exhibition and sale of the ranges that adapt to any space...
The range HAS has a variety of display units mobile, of mural and of sobremesa for the exhibition and sale of the ranges that adapt to any space.

To finalise, where will be able to purchase products HAS the planters interested?

Our commercial team HAS cover all the Spanish territory with the aim to give the best service, contributing solutions and attend all query that present our customer. We want that the customer seats satisfied and see results, to the best price and with guarantee of success.

There is by in front a big challenge and want to do well our work, therefore we trust our equipment and are demanding with us same so that the result was positive, doing participate to our customers of our philosophy of company and of the know do, with the aim that at the end was a success of all.

The fertilisers HAS and phytosanitary ware HAS are produced with active matters and formulations of last generation
The fertilisers HAS and phytosanitary ware HAS are produced with active matters and formulations of last generation.
Group Seeds Batlle is a company of familiar origin with but of 210 years of history and leading of market in distinct ranges of products like horticultural seeds for the market semi-professional, seeds of lawns and an extensive range of seeds for the big crop (lucernes, cereals, sunflowers, corns vezas, etc.). The group explains also from 5 years ago with the line of products Home Garden, that includes seeds for the fan, lawns, fertilisers, phytosanitary ware and substrata.

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